Somnatrol Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) October 13, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Somnatrol is natural sleep and fatigue aid that is designed to reduce the user’s level of stress and peacefully induce sleep. The product also claims that the increase in energy that it provides due to more restful sleep, can also be beneficial to those who are trying to lose weight or workout.

The product is sold in bottles containing 60 capsules of which two are supposed to be taken about an hour before you plan to go to bed. Therefore, each bottle should be roughly a month’s supply.

Currently, the top ranked sleep aid on the market is recognized as Fenotrex, which beat out hundreds of competitors. A group of review experts were asked to evaluate all the sleep aids on the market and they found that customer satisfaction was highest with Fenotrex, and its blend of ingredients were unique and powerful. If Fenotrex sounds like a potential solution to some of your sleep issues then just click here.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Somnatrol Ingredients and Side Effects

The product website provides a full list of ingredients that the formula utilizes, along with a look at the supplement facts. Additionally, all the specific dosage information is provided for each of the ingredients that are used, so that potential consumers can be fully informed as to what they are putting into their bodies and the possible side effects that may occur as a result. It also allows the product to be more thoroughly vetted ahead of time by review experts.

Here are all the active ingredients that are included in the product:

Vitamin B6 Chamomile Flower Passion Flower L-Theanine L-Tyrosine
Valerian Root Extract GABA 5-HTP Lavender Melatonin

5-HTP: Extracted from an African plant named Griffonia simplicifolia, it is used primarily for treating sleep disorders like insomnia, as well as anxiety, depression, obesity, ADHD, seizures, and migraines. The ingredient works by increasing the production of serotonin in the brain and nervous system, which can have a profound effect upon sleep, mood, and sexual behavior. Unfortunately, there are some potential side effects that are associated with taking the ingredient, including:

  • Heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, and sexual problems

Melatonin: A hormone that occurs naturally within the body and can also be made in a laboratory. Its main function is to help regulate the body’s internal clock and establish sleep and wake cycles, particularly for those who have alternative or changing sleep schedules. It can also be used to help those who suffer from insomnia as a result of ADHD, rapid eye movement, intellectual disabilities, and high blood pressure.

Vitamin B6: Vitamin that is found in foods like beans, vegetables, meat, eggs, and cereals, as well as produced in a laboratory. Its main function is to prevent and treat anemia, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Additionally, it is also used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD nerve pain, muscle cramps, asthma, migraine headaches, and infertility.

If sleep issues are keeping you up at night, then we recommend checking out this top 10 list of sleep aids as determined by our group of experts.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Somnatrol Quality of Ingredients

There are some quality ingredients that are included within Somnatrol, such as GABA, Melatonin, and Valerian root, all of which can potentially benefit someone who is struggling with sleep issues. Unfortunately, there are also some additives that we advise against using, such as 5-HTP, not because it is not effective, but because of the potential negative side effects that can come along with using it.

Furthermore, while melatonin is a quality ingredient to include into a sleeping aid, it also has to be used in the correct dosage. The dosage used here is somewhat excessive, and could lead to a disruption of the body’s internal clock and potentially make the user experience some hangover type symptoms.

Educate yourself about the top 10 sleep aids that are currently available on the market, by taking a look at a list compiled by our group of review experts here.

The Price and Quality of Somnatrol

The product is not sold through the manufacturer’s website directly, but they do list a number of other retailers through which it can be purchased. We checked several of the other vendors and found that it is out of stock or not being carried at most of them. The only place online that we were able to find it for sale was through, and was being sold for $19.99 plus shipping and handling for a one month’s supply.

The price is relatively competitive when compared to most other brands of sleep aid, but the fact that it is not easy to locate for sale anywhere suggests that the product may no longer be being produced. Additionally, there is no money back guarantee that is offered, meaning that if you purchase it and are unsatisfied, it will essentially just be a sunk cost.

Business of Somnatrol

Somnatrol is manufactured and sold through Kleissinger Labs, a producer a variety of different health supplements.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: Kleissinger Labs, Consumer Relations Dept., 711 S. Carson St., Suite 4, Carson City Nevada 89701

Phone Number: No phone number is provided.

Email: No email address is provided, but they do provide a page through which questions can be submitted electronically.

The manufacturer does not have a page with the Better Business Bureau, and they do not appear to be currently involved in any sort of lawsuit or litigation.

Simply follow this link to find out what sleep aids made the cut for our expert’s top list.

Customer Opinions of Somnatrol

In addition to being available through the product website, they were once available through other third-party vendors such as Amazon. As a result, objective consumer reviews were not difficult to find online. The reviews we found were mixed to poor, as many users didn’t find any significant benefits from using the product, and others stated that it helped them to relax but not get to sleep.

Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:

“I was looking for a more natural sleep aid, so I gave Somnatrol a try but there was no drowsiness and the smell made me nauseous.”

“The product helps to relax you, but as far as getting you to sleep it didn’t do much at all.”

“The caplets are hard to swallow and though they helped me to get to sleep at first, after that they became noticeably less effective.”

Don’t waste your time trying to find a sleep aid that actually works, click here for the top 10 sleep aids as determined by our group of review experts.

Conclusion – Does Somnatrol Work?

Somnatrol features an interesting and potentially effective blend of ingredients on paper, but in researching the product we found several concerns. First was that it is unclear if the product is still being produced. It is not sold directly through the manufacturer’s site, and all the links they offer to purchase it elsewhere do not seem to carry it either. Eventually we were able to track down a site through which it was being sold, but it wasn’t easy.

Perhaps more importantly, we have questions regarding the formula that it features. There are some quality ingredients, but also some ingredients that can produce negative side effects, as well as some strange dosages. As a result, the consumer reaction has been mixed at best, and poor at worst. Overall, we would recommend finding a sleeping aid that is easier to purchase and has a better overall reputation for performance.

Currently, the top sleep aid on the market is being recognized as Fenotrex, based in large part on the incredibly positive consumer reaction it has garnered and a formula that has been tested and consistently shown to be effective. When utilized correctly, it will allow you to get to sleep faster, sleep more peacefully, and wake up with more energy.

The ingredients that are used in the product have all been tested by third parties and shown to be both effective in treatment and safe to user. Furthermore, the product is produced in a GMP-certified facility. So if you or someone you know is constantly struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep then just click here for more information.

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