NEW Zazen Sleep Formula Review 2025 [Warning]: Does it Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 27, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Zazen Sleep Formula is a natural and healthy liquid sleep aid that is designed to allow your body to relax fast, and rest deeply. Furthermore, it states that it allows you to wake up feeling refreshed and without any feelings of grogginess.

The product is sold in 2-ounce bottles that are intended to be drank entirely about 45 minutes prior to going to bed.

Currently, the top-rated sleep aid on the market is recognized as Fenotrex. According to review experts, it outperforms the competition, because of its extremely positive consumer reactions and reviews, as well as a formula that is well-rounded and potent. To try and get the best sleep that you can and the benefits that comes along with it, click here to learn more about what Fenotrex can do for you.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Zazen Sleep Formula Ingredients and Side Effects

There is no official website for the product, so finding a full list of ingredients proved somewhat difficult. Eventually we were able to track down a full list of ingredients for the product, but they did not offer specific dosage information or any sort of explanation as to how the product was supposed to function within the body. This lack of transparency can cause issues with potential consumers, as it is important for them to know exactly what they are putting into their bodies.

Here are all the active ingredients included within Zazen Sleep Formula:

Gingko Biloba Jujube Extract Reishi Mushroom Extract
Valerian Root Extract L-theanine Ashwagandha
GABA Passion Flower Extract Hops Extract

GABA: A chemical that is made in the brain and can also be taken as a supplement. It is generally used to relieve anxiety, improve mood, and treat ADHD. Additionally, it can also help to burn fat, lower blood pressure, and develop lean muscles. It can block neurotransmitters within the brain that allows the nerves within the body to relax.

Hops Extract: Derived from the hops plant, of which the dried flowering part is utilized to make medicine. It is primarily used to treat anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, ADHD, excitability, and tension. Additionally, it can be used to improve the user’s appetite, treat indigestion, and increase urine flow. It is familiar to most for its role in brewing beer, and can be used as a flavor component in other foods and beverages. It is believed that it works to treat anxiety related disorder because of the chemicals it has that mimic estrogen effects.

Valerian Root: An herb that is mostly used for treating sleep disorder, particularly for those who suffer from insomnia. The supplement functions as a sedative for the brain as well as the nervous system, which reduces anxiety and stress, making it an effective treatment for those who cannot get to sleep because they can’t shut their brain off. Additionally, it can be used to treat issues such as depression, fear, excitability, and hypochondria.

Don’t allow poor sleep to control your life when you could be using one of the top 10 sleep aids on the market now, by clicking here.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Zazen Sleep Formula Quality of Ingredients

There are some distinct positive and negatives when it comes to the formula of Zazen Sleep. On the plus side, it features some quality ingredients such as GABA, Valerian Root Extract, and Passion Flower Extract. That said, because it doesn’t provide the consumer with a look at the supplement facts label, it is unclear if these ingredients are being used in effective dosages.

Furthermore, the formula uses Ashwagandha, a plant which claims to be able to work as stress reliever, but does not currently have substantial clinical research to back it up, and can also lead to negative side effects, such as upset stomach and diarrhea. Also included is Ginkgo Biloba, an odd-choice given that it is mostly used for mind and memory disorders and not sleep health, it can also cause some mild side effects in users such as headache and constipation.

Find a sleep aid with ingredients that have been clinically researched and found to be effective among this top 10 list here.

The Price and Quality of Zazen Sleep Formula

The only place that we could find Zazen Sleep Formula list online was through the popular online vendor Amazon, and even they state that the product is currently unavailable. It is unclear if this product is still being produced, but when it was it seems it was mostly sold in gas stations and convenience stores. They could be purchased in groups of three bottles or up to two dozen bottles, and the most current pricing we could find was $9.99 for three bottles and $39.99 for two dozen bottles.

Obviously, this is a product that is only designed to be used as needed, and to purchase a monthly supply would make it one of the more expensive sleep aids on the market now. As we mentioned, it does have some quality sleep ingredients, but we are unsure of the dosages, so it is difficult to say whether the price is justified or not. One thing is for certain, and that this product is not designed for long-term benefits to sleep issues and is only supposed to be used if the consumer has experienced a disruption in their sleep cycle, such as jet lag. That said, it also includes some side effects the potential for some negative side effects, such we’re not sure it is worth the effort to track it down and use it only for a night or two.

Business of Zazen Sleep Formula

Zazen Sleep Formula is apparently the product of the Zazen brand, but we were unable to locate any associated website with that name, nor any other product produced by that brand.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: No physical address was provided.

Phone Number: No phone number was provided.

Email: No email address was provided.

Naturally, the brand does not maintain a page with the Better Business Bureau. They also do not appear to be involved in any currently lawsuits or litigation.

If you want a sleep aid that is backed by a company that you can trust, simply click here for the top 10 sleep aids on the market now.

Customer Opinions of Zazen Sleep Formula

Even though an official website could not be located for Zazen Sleep Formula, we were still able to locate some objective consumer reviews through its Amazon page, which is the only vendor we could find that is selling it. The reviews we found were mostly negative as consumers complained about the lack of effectiveness and not being able to get to sleep at all, let alone quickly.

Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:

“This is product is a scam. It didn’t work for me and when I posted my review to their facebook page it was deleted immediately. They are a dishonest company.”

“I sometimes have a hard time falling asleep, so I bought a bottle of this at a nearby as station. Not only did I not get to sleep but it kept me up to 4am when I had work the next day.”

“Not sure this works. Made me a little drowsy, but didn’t give me a good night’s sleep.”

Don’t play a guessing game when it comes to sleep aids, when the answers are right through this link in the form of a top 10 list.

Conclusion – Does Zazen Sleep Formula Work?

The most obvious concern about Zazen Sleep Formula is that it is unclear is it is still being produced. The only evidence that we have of it being sold is through old Amazon pages, that no longer carry it. Looking deeper into the formula, price, and consumer reaction to the product would seem to give us some answers as to why it is now so difficult to find.

As it is sold it 2-ounce liquid shot bottles, it’s clear that it’s not intended for everyday use, and if one were to use it daily, they would find that it is much more expensive than many other sleeping aid options. Furthermore, while it contains some quality ingredients, it also contains some ingredients that are not directly connected to sleep health and have the possibility of creating negative side effects. Finally, the limited amount of consumer reviews we located were not favorable to say the least.

We would recommend finding a more easily attainable, cheaper sleeping aid that provides more transparency with its formula.

Fenotrex is recognized as the top sleep-aid on the market right now, and it is due in large part to the overwhelming and positive reaction that it has received by consumers who have used it, as well as strong recommendations from review experts who have evaluated the product’s formula. When it is used as directed, it can benefit the user by getting them to sleep quickly, allowing them to sleep peacefully though the night, and awake with the energy needed to take on their day.

Each of the active ingredients that are included within Fenotrex have been tested individually, by third-parties, who have found the ingredients to be effective and generally safe to use. Additionally, the product is produced in a GMP-certified facility. Don’t put off quality sleep any longer, when you could start enjoying the benefits of more productivity immediately.

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