hCG 1234 Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) July 6, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

hCG 1234 is a liquid weight loss formula claiming to offer fast weight loss that are long lasting. To properly use this brand, a 500, 800, or 1200 calorie limit a day is needed.

It claims to be the number #1 diet brand in America. It’s meant to help people who are dieting still continue to lose weight, instead of stalling weight loss. Another intended benefit is also appetite reduction. So are all these claims actually true? What kinds of effects are possible from this supplement? In this review you’ll get all the information needed to decide whether or not this brand is right for you.

hCG 1234 Ingredients and Side Effects 
L-Ornithine L-Carnitine L-Arginine L-Glutamine
Maca Root Extract Niacin Pygeum Africanum Beta-Alanine
Rhodiola Astralagus USP Purified Water USP Grain Alcohol

L-Ornithine: Amino acid not used to create proteins. It helps regulate ammonia, and to reduce fatigue.  Web MD has studied this ingredient and concluded:

“not known how ornithine might work for medical uses” 

“isn’t enough information about the safety of ornithine” 

More studies are needed to show whether or not this is effective or safe in supplement form. 

L-Carnitine:  This amino acid helps to protect mitochondria while increasing energy. It’s also used as a fat burner, though it’s revealed by Examine.com that:

“Supplementation of L-carnitine does not burn fat unless the individual is deficient” 

Possible side effects seen in supplement form can include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Seizure.
  • Heartburn as well as fish odors and breath. 

L-Arginine:  Amino acid already found in many foods. It’s often added to increase nitric oxide, which helps with athlethic performance. Though Examine.com adds:

“this effect appears to be unreliable in otherwise heathy adults” 

It is poorly absorbed by the body when supplemented, and it often has no effect.

Possible side effects are many and they can include:

  • Stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • Gout.
  • Blood abnormalities.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Allergies, airway inflammation, and worse asthma sympotoms. 

L-Glutamine: Amino acid often already produced by the body in enough amounts. Vegans, vegetarians, and those with nutritional deficiencies will often supplement with this.

Thogh it’s claimed to help with additional muscle building, this has been refuted by Examine.com:

“has not been proven to enhance muscle bulding in healthy individuals” 

Therefore, use of this is not need in most healthy people. 

Maca Root Extract: Vegetable that comes from the broccoli family.  It’s found mostly in Peru, where it is used as an aphrodisiac.

Web MD describes the limitations:

“there isn’t enough information to know how maca might work” 

Pygeum Africanum: Extract taken from a certain tree bark.  It’s intended to improve prostate health.  Though Examine.com mentions:

“Further research is needed to determine if pygeum does exert this protective effect” 

“studies suffered from poor design and do not provide strong evidence” 

It’s also known to potentially cause nausea and upset stomach. 

Astralagus: Herb used in Chinese medicine as a way to improve the immune system.  The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

“evidence for using astralagus for any health condition is limited” 

“High-quality clinical trials are generally lacking” 

There’s also a lack of information about the potential side effects. It is known however, that since there’s over 2,000 species of this ingredient, some varieties have been shown to be toxic. 

Rhodiola: Plant used to help prevent cell damage, and for improving memory and learning. Though Web MD confirms:

“none of these effects have been studied in humans

Safety is also a concern:

“safety of long-term use is not known” 

“potential side effects of rhodiola are not known” 

The lack of safety information makes it difficult to know what one might deal with. 

hCG 1234 Quality Of Ingredients 

hCG 1234While the amino acids added aren’t needed in any additional amounts, most of the other added ingredients have not been proven to be safe or effective.

There’s no evidence that taking this formula while on a severe caloric restriction would make dieting easier, or more effective. It’s claimed this brand will help with appetite reduction, but none of these ingredients have been clinically studied to show this effect.

Due to the lack of studies, this blend of ingredients is poor .

The Price and Quality of hCG 1234 

A 2 ounce bottle sells for $55.98, when purchased via  the manufacturer. This is enough to complete the company’s advised 3 week program.

The ingredients added to this such as niacin and all the amino acids can be easily replaced with foods.

Rhodiola, pygeum, and astralagus need more studies to prove their effects are safe and effective. Beta- alanine is the only proven ingredient which would be beneficial to supplement with extra amounts.

Since this is meant to provide a steady amount of amino acids and support for weight loss via dieting, some might still want to use it. However, the maintenance of a low calorie diet is not advised according to the FDA. As you’ll see in the next section “Business of hCG 1234”, limiting calories in this way can be potentially dangerous.

There’s no proof that this supplement would be beneficial during a caloric deprivation. Since the majority of ingredients can be replaced with wholesome foods, the price of this isn’t fair. 

Business of hCG 1234 

The company is owned by Creative Biosciences, they can be reached via the following: 

Phone Number: (877) 774-1224 

They do claim to offer a money back guarantee, however, one has to submit a lot of information.  You have to give them detailed food logs, activity logs, and proof that you called the company a minimum of 3 times for diet support.

Still, refunds are only allowed on behalf of the company’s discretion. So they can decide whether or not they want to allow a return.

One customer mentioned:

“This product is not refundable… I opened just one bottle. I could not return the remaining two” 

The FDA has also sent warning letters to companies who sell HCG products. This is a growth hormone used by the placenta during pregnancy.  Many manufacturers will sell this illegal ingredient and claim a 500 calorie diet would be benefical for weight loss.

Though hCG 1234 is made without this growth hormone, they do propose a 500 calorie diet would be effective. The FDA adds:

“Living on 500 caloriss a day is not only unhealthy- it’s hazardous” 

“incrased risk for side effecrs that include gallstonr formation, an imbalance of electrolytes… and an irregular heartbeat” 

They advise to only use these types of caloric restrictions if one is under the recommendation and supervision of a healthcare professional. Though this will often only be recommended to people who have serious health complications, or that are dealing with severe obesity. There’s no proof that  the average person would benefit safely from such a diet.

Customer Opinions of hCG 1234 

A current total of 216 criticisms have been written agaist this brand on their Amazon.co page. Here’s what a few people have had to say:

“seems to be a waste of time and money” 

“So far nothing no changes just hunger” 

“have been taking these drops for over a month and have not lost a single pound” 

“The drops taste horrible” 

Many customers felt that there were no improvements in weight loss or appetite reduction. There were disgruntled users who described it as a “waste of money”.

Some also complained about the taste, with criticisms over the bitter taste. Since these drops are meant to go on one’s tongue, people felt that supplementing with this is quick, but not flavorful or at all pleasant.

There were also some people who felt that the caloric restriction made them lose weight for a short while, but they would quickly regain all the weight as soon as they ate again.

This weight loss is possibly only from water weight, which is returned with regular eating.  Increasing and decreasing in weight this quickly is not an effective weight loss strategy, according to many customers.

How Does hCG 1234 Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • hCG 1234
  • 30 /100
Conclusion – Does hCG 1234 Work?

Before making a final decision on this brand, it’s important to look at the reviews, what’s required, and  the company policies. No returns are allowed without presenting a lot of information to the company. You also have to make sure to follow their diet plan and severely restrict calories. None of the ingredients added to his formula have been proven to help with appetite reudtion either. Custoemrs have also complained about a lack of weight loss results.

A better solution that doesen’t require extreme calorie cutting is available through 2025’s supplement of the year, Sletrokor.

This all natural ingredient is made with wholesome and studied ingredients for safe and effective weight loss. Customers continue to lose weight off this easy to use formula. You can  read great testimonials from customers who had their appetite suppressed, fat lost, and many pounds gone.

Sletrokor is also supported by a 30-day risk free money back guarantee. So you can try this supplement knowing it’s backed with a no questions asked return policy.

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