NEW Serenite Jr. Review 2025 [Warning]: Does it Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 16, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Serenite Jr. is a, herbal supplement that is designed to promote healthy sleep within young children and babies. The product helps to settle nighttime restlessness and states that it is easy to administer and is gentle and non-addictive.

The product is a liquid that is sold in a bottle containing 2 ounces or 60 mL, and the dosage that is used depends on the age of the child. It is intended to be diluted into juice or water, and for babies under 11 months, just on drop is supposed to be used. For children 1 to 8 years old, it is one drop per year old they are about 15 minutes before bed. Children 9 t0 14 are advised to take 0.25 mL about 15 minutes prior to bedtime.

Currently, the top sleep aid on the market is Fenotrex. It has been recognized as such due to the extremely positive reviews it has received from consumers who have used it, and because of the potent, clinically backed formula that it features. If you or someone you know consistently struggles with sleeplessness, then we recommend following this link to learn more about what Fenotrex can potentially do for you.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Serenite Jr. Ingredients and Side Effects

The website for the product provides a full list of ingredients, as well as a description of their intended purpose within the formula. Serenite Jr. seems to only use two active ingredients, which make sense because it is intended for children and too many ingredients may not be able to be processed by a child’s body. Unfortunately, they do not provide the specific dosage information for the ingredients that are used, which would help to inform users as to exactly what they are putting into their (or their child’s) body.

Here are the active ingredients that are used in Serenite Jr.:

Chamomile Flower Passion Flower Herb

Chamomile Flower: An herb that is derived from a flower and used to make medicine. It can be used to treat a variety of disorders, including intestinal gas, ADHD, diarrhea, restlessness, and trouble sleeping. It contains chemicals that can promote relaxation, as well as reduce swelling or inflammation in some users. By reducing anxiety, it helps many users relax their brain prior to going to sleep.

Passion Flower Herb: A flower whose above ground parts are used to make medicine. It can treat several different symptoms and has many uses, but is mostly used to treat sleep problems. The chemicals within the plant are calming and can induce sleep while also relaxing muscles and preventing them from spasming. Additionally, it can be used to treat seizures, ADHD, irregular heartbeat, and is also used for flavoring in beverages.

To inform yourself regarding the top sleep aids on the market currently, just follow this link and view an expert’s list of the top 10 sleep aids on the market.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Serenite Jr. Quality of Ingredients

As Serenite Jr. is developed for children ages 14 and under, the ingredients that are safe to use ae likely more limited than in a typical sleep aid that is aimed towards adults. Both of the featured ingredients in the formula are effective and gentle, and should benefit those children who use it, but it also has the potential to explore more safe, gentle ingredients that can help children get to sleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

Ingredients such as valerian root and lemon balm are both natural ingredients that research suggests is safe for use by children in appropriate dosages. Speaking of dosages, the product does not reveal the specific dosages that are used in their formula, which is especially concerning when a product is being administered to children.

Click here for a detailed top 10 list of the best sleep aids on the market according to a group of review experts.

The Price and Quality of Serenite Jr.

Through the manufacturer’s website, the product costs $39.95 per bottle plus shipping and handling. It is difficult to nail down exactly how long each bottle will last as the dosages that are administered differ depending upon the age of the child, but $39.95 is still an exorbitant price to pay for a sleep aid, particularly one that only features two active ingredients.

The manufacturer also offers an auto-delivery service in which a new bottle of the product will be delivered automatically every 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks with no shipping fees. We generally recommend against this, as you shouldn’t commit to a product that you are unsure if it works or not, and it can often be difficult to cancel an auto-delivery service. On the plus side, the manufacturer does offer a money back guarantee for one year.

Business of Serenite Jr.

Serenite Jr. is manufactured and sold by a natural supplement company by the name of Native Remedies, which is a subsidiary of Silver Star Brands, Inc.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: Silver Star Brands, Inc. 250 City Center, Oshkosh, WI 54906

Phone Number: 1-877-289-1235

Email: No specific email address is provided, but they do offer a page through which questions can be submitted electronically.

Silver Star Brands maintains a page with the Better Business Bureau, and while they are accredited, their page also features several dozen consumer complaints, regarding billing, delivery, and issues with the product that was ordered.

Follow this link to view a top 10 list of the best sleep aids on the market according to a group of review experts.

Customer Opinions of Serenite Jr.

In addition to being sold through the manufacturer’s site, the product is also available for purchase through other online vendors such as Amazon. This makes it easier to locate objective reviews from consumers who have tried the product. Unfortunately, many of the reviews that we found were mixed to negative.

Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:

“Useless. There isn’t even a placebo effect with this product.”

“We bought this product for our sons who are ages 2-5 and have trouble sleeping. We tried mixing it with juice but saw no difference in either child.”

“The taste is awful, so I had to fight my son to take it every night, and it didn’t seem to do much of anything.”

Don’t waste any more time or money searching for a solution to your sleep problems, when the solution can be found among the top 10 sleep aids here.

Conclusion – Does Serenite Jr. Work?

Serenite Jr. is different from most of the sleep aids that we evaluate, in that it is specifically targeted towards children. That said we still have some questions regarding its effectiveness, given that it only features two active ingredients and the results it has produced can be described as inconsistent at best.

The price of $39.95 per bottle is quite high given that there is only a limited amount of ingredients, and many sleep aids featuring more, stronger ingredients can be purchased for considerably less. The consumer reviews we were able to locate suggest that the taste is especially off-putting to children and even if they do take it, the results are mixed. Options are limited when it comes to sleep-aids designed for children, but we recommend looking elsewhere.

Fenotrex has been recognized as the top sleep aid on the market currently by a group of review experts, due in large part to the very positive reactions it has inspired from those who have used it, along with the formula that has compares favorably to the hundreds of other sleep aids available on the market. When used as directed, the product can help you to get to sleep faster, sleep more peacefully, and have more energy to use during the day.

All the active ingredients have been tested by third-party individuals for their safety and effectiveness, and the product is produced in a GMP-certified facility. For those who are in need of help getting to sleep and staying asleep, more information about Fenotrex can be found here.

One Response to NEW Serenite Jr. Review

maggie says:

how long should i use this for 8 year old

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