EnergyBolizer Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) June 20, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it? 

EnergyBolizer is a weight loss pill made to increase protein absorption, control blood sugar levels, and improving metabolism. They evsen claim to have several double blind studies that showed this brand could promote around 4.4 pounds of weight loss, as well as 1.5 pounds of lean muscle growth.

They claim that unlike other diet pills, their brand helps lose only fat, instead of muscle and fat. Real science is supposed to be behind the making of this product. The intended benefit is the body using stored fat as a fuel source, instead of precious amino acids the body needs to create muscle. So are all these claims really true? What did the scientific studies really show? You’ll learn the truth behind EnergyBolizer in this through review.

EnergyBolizer Ingredients and Side Effects 

No supplements facts list is provided, so it’s unknown in what strength each ingredient is added. They also mention that you can research more about these ingredients in an encyclopedia, but they don’t offer their own resources.

Also, there are 72 trace minerals, but it’s unknown exactly what they are:

White Willow Bark Green Tea Siberian Ginseng 72 Trade Mineral Complex Garcinia Cambogia
Royal Jelly Ginger Chromium Picollinate Bladderwrack Foti
Guarana Hawthorn Berries Saw Palmetto Kola Nut Beet Root Powder
Yerba Mate B-12 Gingko Biloba

White Willow Bark: An aspirin like extract that is made from the willow tree. It’s used to treat the common flu, and it’s also added as a weight loss ingredient.  It has only been used for weight loss in combination with kola nut and ephedra, though ephedra is now banned.

Side effects may include:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Itching and rash.
  • Digestive system problems.
  • Ulcers and stomach bleeding.

It’s also known to potentially interact negatively with other herbs. This is why it’s often only advised to take this alongside a doctor’s recommendation.

 Siberian Ginseng: Herb used to prevent colds and increase energy.

It’s not advised to be taken if one has health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, mental illness, and autoimmune diseases. 

Bladderwrack: A kind of seaweed that’s used to treat many different conditions. Web MD confirms that:

“there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine whether or not is it effective” 

It provides a lot of iodine that is used by the thyroid. Though this effect can be negative depending on how much iodine is provided. This can potentially lead to issues:

“could cause or worsen some thyroid problems” 

This is according to Web MD, who advises medical supervision when considering this ingredient.

It can also be potentially contaminated depending on where it’s sourced. In certain waters this ingredient can absorb levels of toxic minerals such as lead.

No information is provided by the manufacturers to show what process is done to limit the levels of potentially toxic heavy metals. 

Foti: Herb used in Chinese medicine to help treat many ailments. Though there’s not enough proof to suggest it has any use. Furthermore, Web MD confirms that this ingredient is:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE to take … concerns that it might cause liver damage” 

“has been linked to liver damage in several reports” 

There have been documented cases of once healthy people experiencing liver damage from this ingredient. 

Guarana: The seeds of this plant are used in parts of South America as a energy-boosting ingredient. It’s used for weight loss due to its stimulants including caffeine.

It’s not advised to take large amounts for a continued time due to potential side effects that include:

  • Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.
  • Anxiety and feelings of fear.
  • Insomnia and restlessness.
  • Difficulty concentrating and relaxing.
  • Mood swings and irritability.
  • Agitation.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and increased bathroom time. 

Also, long-term use reduces much of the possible benefits to just sleep loss. 

Kola Nut: Fruit from the kola tree that is found in parts of Arica. It provides caffeine and other stimulants meant to increase energy and boost metabolism.

Much like other caffeine heavy ingredients, it can produce similar side effects.

It can also produce a tolerance, which according to

“dulls several of caffeine’s effects” 

So relying on this ingredient for weight loss is not advised for repeat periods. For a metabolism increase one could also just take a cheaper ingredient such as coffee or tea.

Yerba Mate: Tea native to parts of South America. It contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine.

Much like the added kola nut and guarana, it can lead to many side effects including rapid heart rate, jitters, insomnia, and several other issues.

This ingredient has also been linked to certain kinds of cancer. Web MD confirms this by stating:

“increases the risk of mouth, esophageal, laryngeal, kidney, bladder, and lung cancer” 

It’s also not advised for long term use to its higher than average caffeine.

EnergyBolizer Quality Of Ingredients 

energybolizerMany ingredients are added to this formula which are used to help increase metabolism. Though caffeine heavy ingredients may actually cause an increase of side effects.

Any effects on metabolism are quickly reduced to nothing, since caffeine is not a long-term solution to weight loss. Long-term use has been shown to create a tolerance that requires a break from use.

Also, some ingredients like bladderwrack and foti have not been proven to be safe. They can potentially cause issues like liver damage.

None of these ingredients are added in any known quantities. There’s no supplements facts list, and this is important for verifying the ingredients. Without it, it’s unknown if what you’re taking is added in safe amounts.

One strange thing mentioned underneath the limited descriptions for each ingredient is:

“You may find more information about these herbs and minerals in an encyclopedia”

When purchasing a supplement, it’s important for the company in question to already provide information on what they included. Also, since they supposedly ran clinical studies, they should be able to explain their ingredients much more in depth. No proof is offered by the company to suggest their blend is safe or effective.

The Price and Quality of EnergyBolizer 

They fail to mention how much their supplements cost. Instead, they offer a phone number and order form to make a purchase.

It’s unknown why they would fail to provide simple information. Though much like the lack of a supplements facts list, the company tries to convince customers through claims instead of proof.

Due to the lack of proof fore any of their claims, and because of the unknown quantities of ingredients, this supplement is very poor.  There’s no reason provided to help suggest this would be an effective or safe solution to weight loss.

Business of EnergyBolizer 

Oolax Corp owns this brand and they can be found via the following:

Phone Number: (863) 665-7997 

Address: P.O. Box 2824

Lakeland, Florida 33806 

Email: [email protected]

The company issued a nationwide recall of their weight loss supplements in the past.

According to the FDA:

“they contain undeclared Sibutramine

“known to substantially increase blood pressure and/or pulse rate” 

It’s unknown how this now banned weight loss ingredient was added. It could be an error of manufacturing, or the company might have added it to make their supplement stronger.

No information exists either about their customer service support.

Customer Opinions of EnergyBolizer 

No real customer opinions are available online. There are a few websites that sell this brand which claim it’s effective. However, it’s unknown if these are real people.

Also, the company fails to list their clinical studies. It’s unknown where one can read about the supposed 4.4 pounds of weight loss in just 6 weeks.

Since they offer no evidence at all, there’s no way to determine if this brand would have any weight los benefit.

How Does EnergyBolizer Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • EnergyBolizer
  • 33 /100
Conclusion – Does EnergyBolizer Work?

When reviewing EnergyBolizer you might be interested in it due to their claims of it being clinically studied. Though it sounds impressive, they fail to list these studies anywhere. There’s no way to determine if this would be safe to use. It also contains ingredients that have shown to repeatedly cause issues such as liver damage.

A much better approach would be preferable, a solution that combines only all natural ingredients that are free from stimulants. Relying on stimulants isn’t advised not only due to side effects, but also due to their tolerance, which can reduce all of their weight loss benefits.

The best diet pill of 2025 is Sletrokor, not only is it free of stimulants, but customers agree it’s an effective weight loss pill.

This supplement combines real clinical studied ingredients that have been supported by real science you can read about. It’s also a side effect free brand that has been shown to be beneficial for sustained weight loss results. This is likely why it’s offered with a 30-day money back guarantee with no questions asked.

Sletrokor was ranked as the best weight loss supplement due to its safe all natural formula, positive customer testimonials and reviews, and it’s science backed ingredient list.

One Response to EnergyBolizer Review

Inge says:

Cool post.

I dislike it, their shake is a scam!
My friend Randell had a terrible effect to this poor Garcinia Cambogia with problems in stomach and had a problem with a money back.Under no circumstances take supplement unless doctor authorizes this product!

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