Prolessa Duo Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) June 20, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it? 

Prolessa Duo is a weight loss powder used to help reduce body fat as well as “significantly reduce caloric intake”. It’s meant to be mixed with the companies other meal replacement shake, though it can also be added to other shakes.

The canister is available in either a 7 or 30-day formula, and it has two ingredients that are clinically tested. The intended overall benefit is to help keep one feeling full for a lot longer than normal. Are all the claimed benefits real? What kind of taste does Prolessa Duo have, and does it really help with weight loss? You’ll find out everything you need to know in this review.

Prolessa Duo Ingredients and Side Effects 
Soy Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Natural Flavors Silicon Dioxide

Soy Protein Isolate: Extract from soybeans that has all the essential amino acids. This form of protein is a cheap to add ingredient that is often GMO unless otherwise stated.

It can also lead to side effects that include:

  • Bloating.
  • Nausea.
  • Allergic reactions including rashes.
  • Constipation.

Soy has also had controversy over its potential long-term health issues. The University of Maryland Medical Center adds:

“Isoflavones may lower the amount of iodine in the body”… can lead to under functioning of the thyroid” 

“soy consumption may stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells” 

Most of these negative effects are due to soy having potential hormone changing qualities. Soy may actually alter the hormone estrogen.  The same medical group says:

“can either strengthen or reduce the effects of estrogen in the body” 

So it’s important to watch out for soy intake. It can potentially harm men or women. In certain peple, this can have a potential cancer causing effect.

As far as long-term usage of soy, Web MD mentions:

“soy dietary supplements… is POSSIBLY UNSAFE…. There is concern that taking high doses might cause abnormal tissue growth in the uterus” 

Another review by the National Center for Toxicological Research adds:

“the possibility that widely consumed soy products may cause harm, in the human population… via either or both estrogenic and goitrogenic activities is of concern” 

Goitrogens are known to cause damage to the thyroid. This damage can not only cause weight gain, but it’s linked to side effects in the entire body.

Therefore, with all these potential threats, soy is not the best option to supplement with. There are far too many possible issues that may arise.

Whey Protein Concentrate: Extract from the cheese making process, this contains around 29% to 89% protein by weight. It’s cheaper than isolate protein and is slightly higher in fat and cholesterol.

Whey protein is an effective ingredient that has benefits due to its ease of digestibility and well-rounded amino acid profile.

Though it’s important to pair it next to a quality isolate protein to provide both slow and quick acting amino acids.

Silicon Dioxide: A mineral containing silica that is used to prevent caking. It’s also used to help flavors transport better, so they’re more noticeable. Though when added to foods it has typically no nutritional value. It’s what’s known as an inactive ingredient.

Prolessa Duo Quality Of Ingredients 

prolessa-duoThough this blend does have a good quality form of protein in whey, it’s unknown how much is of the lesser quality soy protein.

Soy has been linked to many issues due to its potential for increase or decreasing estrogen, creating thyroid issues, and its ability to cause toxic side effects.

The other ingredients include natural flavors and silicon dioxide. These don’t add any nutritional value to this powder.

Overall, the quality is lacking since this does not qualify as a full meal replacement. The company advises you to mix Prolessa Duo with their other shake powder in order for this to have a combined effect. This raises the overall price unnecessarily.

There’s also a complete lack of many important nutrients. No amino acid listing is available to determine how useful the protein really is either.

The Price and Quality of Prolessa Duo 

One serving of Prolessa Duo has the following:

  • 5 grams of protein.
  • O grams of fiber.
  • O grams of carbohydrates.
  • Only 1% of potassium, with no other forms of nutrients.
  • No other vitamins or minerals. 

This means this is not a complete formula for weight loss. With no fiber and very little protein, it won’t have much of a hunger satisfying effect.  It’s unknown why the company would sell this, when they could have added the same ingredients in higher amounts to their shakes.

This brand is lacking much in terms of overall nutrition. All it offers is a few calories, sodium, 5 grams of protein, and some potassium. There’s also no official price listed on their website. This brand does sell on for different prices, their 30 day serving sells at its cheapest for $90. 

This is incredibly overpriced for what you’re getting. It’s not enough to be a standalone meal replacement, and it requires you to purchase another shake to add to it.  Prolessa Duo is more of an add on that has common ingredients already found in most shakes.

There’s not much reasoning on why one should purchase this nutritionally lacking powder. As you’ll see from the “Customer Opinions of Prolessa Duo” section, customers agreed there isn’t much to this.

Business of Prolessa Duo 

Herbalife International of America owns this brand, and they can be reached via:

Phone Number: (310) 410-9600 

Address: 800 W Olympic Blvd #406

Los Angeles, CA 90015

They’re a large multilevel marketing business. This means that they allow for regular people to operate their own business through the selling of their brands.

The company has received some criticism for the way they treat their customers:

“feel mislead into buying and using product that I didn’t want in the first place” 

“never refunded my money” 

“have not been able to reach Herbalife” 

“having problems getting credit for product returned” 

Since the people who handle returns are the same that you buy this product from, whether or not they offer a timely return depends on them.

Many felt disgruntled with the company because they have to keep calling and spending energy to try and secure a refund. This is due to the transfer of power to people who don’t have much of a screening process. Anyone with the money to spend can become a seller of their brands.

So whether or not you get a reliable person to purchase from is unknown. The lack of accountability makes purchase a gamble.

Customer Opinions of Prolessa Duo 

When researching any reviews from a multilevel marketing company, it’s important to look out for fake reviews. People earn a commission off sales, so there’s often exaggerated or fake reviews listed.

Here are some customer reviews from certified purchases made via

“I didn’t lose any weigh and didn’t feel like it curbed my appetite” 

“a little less hunger but no weight change” 

“It made me more hungry” 

“Too expensive for it to do nothing” 

Several people were disappointed to experience no changes in weight. Some said it slightly improved appetite, though others had no change at all.

There were also people who complained about the taste. For many it was completely undrinkable. This could be due to the added natural flavors.

Those who left reviews were often completely underwhelmed, with the majority listing many issues with this brand. For many their purchase was already expired or nearing expiration. Though it’s important to not have preservatives in your foods, this brand is often sold to people with the expiration date in question.

How Does Prolessa Duo Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Prolessa Duo
  • 35 /100
Conclusion – Does Prolessa Duo Work?

Before you make up your mind and decide whether or not to purchase this, make sure to keep in mind the following. This brand is extremely pricy for what you’re getting, there’s GMO soy that can cause hormone malfunctions and a underperforming thyroid, and many customers agreed, it’s not a good weight loss tool.

When seeking out a real helpful solution for a weight loss shake, what is important to look for are all natural ingredients, great customer reviews, and enough nutrition to help prevent any potential deficiencies. A proper meal replacement shake should also taste good and be easy to mix.

Out of all the options available for meal replacements, only 18Shake surpassed all the criteria for what’s needed for a proper shake. It made the very best list of all the shakes available.

It has a high amount of vitamins and minerals, good fiber for proper hunger satisfaction, quality protein that’s free from soy, and it contains only all natural ingredients. Best of all, unlike other brands, it’s actually made with a GMP certification to ensure 3rd party check ins. It’s also a well rounded shake that has all the properties of a superior meal replacement.

That’s why the makers of 18Shake offer a great money back return policy that comes with no questions asked. This makes it the best option in 2025 for a meal replacement.

6 Responses to Prolessa Duo Review

Jacquelyn says:

Interesting blog.

My friend dislike Prolessa Duo their TV ad is fake!
My friend Regenia had an awful effect to this cheesy pill with upset stomach and had a problem getting a refund.

Mandi says:

Well there are no ads on TV for Prolessa Duo or Herbalife. Also, Prolessa Duo is a powder, not a pill.

jj says:

I have a question.. Did anyone noticed any weight gain in their boobs?

D says:

I became very sick and very uncomfortably bloated a few hours after first trying prolessa in a shake from an Herbalife cafe. I thought I had some sort of food poisoning. It was soooo painful. The next day at the same time to Next day the exact same thing happened!!

Anonymous says:


MMT says:

This is what I’m looking for. I’m sick to my stomach & feel like I have food poisoning.

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