NEW Sedaplex Review 2025 [Warning]: Does it Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 27, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Sedaplex is a dietary supplement that is designed to provide restful sleep support by using nervine herbs to promote gentle relaxation. It also works to promote alpha-brain wave activity which can counteract the stimulating effects of caffeine.

The product is sold in bottles containing 60 vegetable capsules, and advises users to take 1 to 2 capsules a half hour prior to going to bed, and also states that it can be taken during the daytime to deal with stress. This means that how long each bottle lasts is up to the discretion of the user.

As of this writing, the top-rated sleep aid on the market has been found to be Fenotrex. This was determined after reading through countless positive consumer reviews and evaluating a formula that review experts believe to be both safe and highly effective. If poor sleep is a constant issue within your life, then consider taking a look at Fenotrex and what it can do for you.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Sedaplex Ingredients and Side Effects

The webpage for the product provides a substantial amount of information regarding what makes up their product formula. They allow the visitor to view a full list of ingredients, supplement facts label, and specific dosage information. Unfortunately, they do not provide any substantial information regarding the intended function of each ingredient, which can be important particularly in a formula such as this that features several ingredients – providing a description of the ingredient’s function would better inform the user as to what they are putting into their body and what it is intended to treat.

Here are all the active ingredients with Sedaplex:

Niacin Calcium Valerian Root Jujube Skullcap
Vitamin B6 Magnesium Hops Passionflower L-Theanine

Passionflower: A flower whose above ground parts are used to make medicine. It can treat several different symptoms and has many uses, but is mostly used to treat sleep problems. The chemicals within the plant are calming and can induce sleep while also relaxing muscles and preventing them from spasming. Additionally, it can be used to treat seizures, ADHD, irregular heartbeat, and is also used for flavoring in beverages.

Vitamin B6: Vitamin that is found in foods like beans, vegetables, meat, eggs, and cereals, as well as produced in a laboratory. Its main function is to prevent and treat anemia, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Additionally, it is also used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD nerve pain, muscle cramps, asthma, migraine headaches, and infertility.

Hops: Derived from the hops plant, of which the dried flowering part is utilized to make medicine. It is primarily used to treat anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, ADHD, excitability, and tension. Additionally, it can be used to improve the user’s appetite, treat indigestion, and increase urine flow. It is familiar to most for its role in brewing beer, and can be used as a flavor component in other foods and beverages. It is believed that it works to treat anxiety related disorder because of the chemicals it has that mimic estrogen effects.

Follow this link to read an expertly compiled top 10 list of sleeping aids that are available for purchase now.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Sedaplex Quality of Ingredients

While there are multiple quality sleep-related ingredients that are included with the Sedaplex, there are also a handful of ingredients that are not directly related to sleep, such as magnesium, niacin, calcium, and vitamin B6. All those ingredients are a part of a healthy diet and maintain a function in keeping the body healthy and working properly, but they are not necessary for a sleep aid, and could potentially be taking up room for other ingredients that can more directly address sleeplessness.

The more sleep related ingredients are generally of high quality and can address multiple different aspects of sleeplessness, such as mental issues like anxiety and physical issues like muscle spasms and tension, but they are not used in particularly strong dosages, so it is unclear how effective they will be.

Learn what goes into the top 10 sleep aids that are currently available by following this link to view their findings.

The Price and Quality of Sedaplex

Through the manufacturer’s website, the product is sold for $26.00 plus shipping and handling for one bottle containing 60 vegetable capsules. The value of this price is difficult to determine, because as mentioned earlier, the instructions as to how often and how much of the product should be taken daily is left in part up to the user. They could take anywhere from 1 capsule a day to 4, meaning one bottle could last 2 months, or 15 days.

There does not appear to be any sort of money back guarantee associated with the product, so if it is found to be ineffective it could just be a sunk cost. Given the relatively low dosages being used for the ingredients and the fact that it states that it can be taken during the day, we’re guessing that in order to get noticeable sleep related results from the product, the user would need to take multiple capsules per day or night, which means they would end up paying more over the long run as they go through the bottle quicker.

Business of Sedaplex

Sedaplex is manufactured and sold by a producer of science based nutritional supplements by the name of Integrative Therapeutics.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: Integrative Therapeutics, 825 Challenger Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311

Phone Number: 1-800-931-1709

Email: No specific email address is provided, but there is a page through which questions can be submitted electronically.

The product does not maintain a page with the Better Business Bureau. It does not appear that they are involved in any ongoing lawsuits or litigation currently.

Find out which sleep are the most effective and offer the best value by viewing this list of the top 10 sleep aids on the market.

Customer Opinions of Sedaplex

In addition to being sold through the manufacturer’s site, the product is also sold through some other online vendors such as Amazon. The consumer reactions we were able to locate were limited, and mixed for the most part, but most consumers seemed to agree on one thing: the product smells bad to the point of being nauseating. As to the effectiveness, it seemed hit and miss.

Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:

“It stinks and tastes gross going down, but it works to get me to sleep.”

“Couldn’t get past the terrible smell, and even when I managed to choke it down I didn’t get to sleep.”

“Wasn’t effective for me and just the smell of the capsules made me feel nauseous.”

Don’t spend another night tossing and turning when a solution is available among the top 10 sleep aids that can be viewed by clicking here.

Conclusion – Does Sedaplex Work?

Overall, this product seems as though it could be a quality addition to a consumer’s diet if they are lacking in some essential mineral and nutrients, but as far as fixing their sleep issues there is still a lot to be proven. Including ingredients such as calcium, magnesium, and niacin are not bad things, but they are not necessary for a sleep aid, and only work to drive up the price when those supplements should be mostly ingested through a healthy diet.

Furthermore, the sleep related ingredients that they do use all have the ability to battle sleeplessness, but the small dosages in which they are used concerns us, and makes us wonder how much of an effect they will truly have. This concern is exacerbated by the unclear usage directions provided by the product, and stating that the product can be used during the day as well as at night. Additionally, the lack of melatonin leaves the consumer’s biological clock and sleep cycles unaddressed.

Finally, while the consumer reviews were mixed regarding the product’s effectiveness, they all seemed to agree that the smell and taste of the product was difficult to deal with. We would recommend finding a sleep aid with clearer usage directions and without such a pungent smell so it is easier to take.

Every day at least hundreds of people walk into a convenience or grocery store looking to buy an over the counter sleep aid. But no matter where you go, there are always at least dozens of choices inundating you, and they all claim to offer the best results. For a consumer who just wants relief and some restful sleep, it can be frustrating.

Our review experts have determined that the top-rated sleep aid currently on the market is Fenotrex, because of its ability to allow the user to sleep soundly throughout the night and improve their long-term sleep patterns. It has also garnered the most consistently positive reviews of any sleep aid on the market now. To ensure quality, the product is made in a GMP-certified facility. Let our experts tell you more about Fenotrex by clicking here.

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