Glucocil Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) August 14, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Glucocil is a weight loss diet pill made to control blood sugar, reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, and promote overall health. It’s intended to help promote weight loss benefits with its all natural clinically researched ingredients.

The owners mention that after 7 years of research and development they came up with Glucocil. This is marketed as a way to reduce glucose absorption in the intestines, reduce blood sugar production in the liver, and increase glucose in the cells to help improve insulin sensitivity. This review will go over importantconsiderations, possible side effects, whether or not weight loss is possible, and much more.  The list featured in this link has the top 10 rated diet pill supplements.

Glucocil Ingredients and Side Effects
Thiamine Hydrochloride Pyridoxine Hydrochloride Cyanocobalamin Cholecalciferol Chromium Picolinate
Proprietary Mulberry Leaf Extract Cinnamon Bark Powder Gymnema Sylvestre Extract Insulina (Cissus Sicyoides) Leaf Extract Alpha Lipoic Acid
Phellodendron Bark Extract (Berberine HCL) Cissus Quadrangularis (stems) (alcohol Extract) Banaba Leaf Extract (18% Corosolic Acid) Fish Oil (Omega 3 Fatty Acids) Gelatin
Glycerin Purified Water Lecithin Yellow Beeswax Silicon Dioxide
Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin Corn Oil

Proprietary Mulberry Leaf Extract:This herb is used to help slow the breakdown of sugar so as to keep blood sugar regulated. Web MD adds:

“not very many studies have been done” also confirms this by stating:

“currently does not have sufficient evidence to suggest how potent these benefits are in humans”

The lack of information makes it impossible to predict and possible side effects.The best diet pills have been thoroughly reviewed via the top 10 list found here.

Cinnamon Bark Powder:This tree bark is used as a spice and as a way to help lower blood sugar. Web MD has commented on this claimed benefit:

“these effects are thought to be fairly weak”

They have also expressed concern over its use:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in large amounts”

Alpha Lipoic Acid:This vitamin like ingredient is found in many foods. It’s used to help reduce cell damage, and to control blood sugar. Though Web MD has warned:

“People with diabetes should be careful to check their blood sugar”

This ingredient may lower blood sugar to a point where it can cause side effects.

Phellodendron Bark Extract (Berberine HCL):Chinese herb used to help fight inflammation and to support weight loss. Web MD mentions:

“safety of phellodendron use for more than 6 weeks is unknown” also adds:

“There is not too much Western research on this herb”

Cissus Quadrangularis (alcohol extract):Used as medicine to improve joint and bone health. Though it is also claimed to be effective for weight loss, mentions that 2 clinical studies have been reviewed and that:

“both studies are confounded with possible financial biases”

So it’s unknown if this ingredient truly has a weight loss effect. No unbiased studies are available to help support this additives use.

Banaba Leaf Extract (18% Corosolic Acid):A plant extract found in parts of Asia. It’s used to help lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Web MD mentions:

“long-term safety is unknown”

The top 10 diet pills list is featured when you click this link.

 Glucocil Quality of Ingredients

GlucocilOne common issue found in all the ingredients is either there’s a lack of studies, or there might be potential side effects. Many of these ingredients are also only used for treating blood sugar, but there’s not anything in here that has been shown to have strong weight loss effects.

The company claims they have spent 7 years researching and developing Glucocil, but they fail to cite any of their studies. Many of these ingredients have not been thoroughly tested enough to help show whether they will be safe and effective long term. Without knowing these important facts, it’s difficult to determine what it might do.

There aren’t enough studies done to showcase the long term effects for all these additives. This makes the overall quality very poor. The top 10 list of diet pill supplements is featured when you click here.

The Price and Quality of Glucocil

Glucocil sells for $59.99 per 120 capsule bottles on most online stores. At the advised 4softgels a day maximum, each bottle has a 30 day supply which averages to a daily price of $1.99.

Though this brand’s active ingredients are all natural, it’s unlikely that any of these will help with weight loss or blood sugar control. As you’ll see in the “Business of Glucocil” section, the FDA has sent warning letters due to false health claims made about the benefits.

Many of these ingredients fail to deliver any proven potent weight loss benefits. The majority of these additives are used only to help regulate blood sugar. Though as mentioned, these claims have yet to be proven.

A top 10 list has been compiled which shows the best diet pill supplements.

 Business of Glucocil

The makers of Glucocil are Neuliven Health, Inc. They can be reached via the following:

Phone Number: (800) 406-7101

Address: 10171 Pacific Mesa Blvd.

Suite #302 San Diego, California 92121

The company does not allow for returns of Glucocil if it is opened. Returns must be made within 30 days in a completely sealed package of Glucocil.

They also operate by offering an autoship program. They claim to offer 15 day sample, but if within 18 days you fail to cancel, they automatically charge your credit card for a month to month policy sold at $59.99 with $4.99 shipping and handling. They hide this fact in their terms and conditions page, and they make it seem as if one can try this brand for 15 days with no risk. They currently have a total of 6 complaints on their Better Business Bureau page.

The FDA has also sent the company a warning letter stating:

“Glucocil, is offered for conditions that are not amenable to self-diagnosis… this drug is misbranded”

The FDA looked over their website and found multiple claims which were not proven. They highlighted the following quotes which are not backed by science:

“Glucocil has the natural and safe ingredients… proven to help manage blood sugar levels”

“Glucocil will immediatelybegin helping”

Many other quotes were cited by the FDA which was shown to be false. This required the company to immediately change their claims, and to respond quickly to make sure customers were no longer misled.

One recent 2025 notice was given to consumers which listed the company’sproduct Glucocil. According to the FDA, this diet pill was part of other brands which were:

“illegally sold products claiming to treat diabetes”

“FDA is taking action to protect the public from potential harm related to these unapproved products”

They made sure to add how the claims made can potentially lead to serious illness or risk of injury.  The FDA confirmed that there is nothing in Glucocil which has been proven to help lower blood sugar levels and improve diabetic issues.

Customer Opinions of Glucocil

Here are some quotes from users of Glucocil:

“I was taken to the emergency room… with severe abdominal pain… This product caused acute pancreatitis episode”

“Diarrhea and upset stomach the entire tine”

“weight loss, didn’t happen for me”

“Made me sick end up going to the hospital I will not recommend it to anyone”

A total of 230 people not only said it failed to support any weight loss, but that it promoted very unhealthy symptoms. A few people were actually hospitalized with organ issues, and some actually had an increase in blood sugar levels as well as weight gain.

Many said they would highly advise for no one to take it, as it promoted side effects and had no benefits.

Some customers were alarmed to find that they experienced unwanted symptoms with just a few doses of Glucocil. It’s unknown which of these ingredients could have caused side effects. Though since the manufactures have been found to lie about benefits according to the FDA, it’s possible there are issues with the ingredients. Discover the top 10 ranked diet pills by clicking on this link.

How Does Glucocil Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Glucocil
  • 37 /100
Conclusion – Does Glucocil Work?

When considering a brand like Glucocil, it’s important to look at any complaints, customer reviews, and the kinds of ingredients used. Many users have not only failed to see any weight loss or blood sugar control, but a few were hospitalized, and there were complaints of severe side effects. The FDA has also sent notices which show the company has lied about the benefits of Glucocil. The FDA has stated that the company has made unproven claims about both blood sugar control and weight loss benefits.

The 2025 best diet pill of the year was awarded to Sletrokor. It’s made up of only natural plant based extracts made to burn calories, reduce appetite, boost metabolism, aid blood sugar control, and provideseveral other benefits. Many customers have left testimonials on their website showcasing their potent weight loss changes. It’s also made only with clinically studied ingredients which can help with weight loss.

Sletrokor is also backed by a full 30 day no risk money back return. They allow returns with no questions asked within a 30 day period. To learn more about what Sletrokor can offer, click the link here.

10 Responses to Glucocil Review

Rana says:

My friend hate Glucocil, their shake is bogus.
I had an awful response to this bogus supplement with problems in digestive system and had a chellenge delivery!

Betty N says:

Glucocil does not do what they say. Been on it about 3 months. My sugar well over 200 and A1c is 11. Don’t waste your money.

maria says:

took it once and felt sick, did not put 2&2 together, took it after a few months (1 capsule) this morning feeling fine within 1-1/2hr I could not get to a bathroom fast enough to vomit and felt extremely sick and had diarreah, I am home and finally realized the only thing different this am
is I took Glucocil….wow!! NEVER AGAIN, be careful with that product and soooo expensive and they will not take it back……

Gabriele Rebbe says:

I had massive gastrointestinal issues after only three days… so bad that I thought it was the stomach flu. I would not recommend this product.

Anonymous says:

Lady are you kidding? Maybe you didn’t take it right….. I’ve been on it for over 3 months and besides, my blood pressure is better along with my blood sugar has stabilized and I’ve lost almost 40 pounds!!! That’s the most loss in the 20 years and I didn’t starve….if it didn’t work for you, it didn’t work for YOU…I am pleased with the results and to order more. I still check my blood sugar 3 times a day just to make sure it doesn’t go up and i am happy with my being able to eat a piece of pie or that extra roll for lunch without getting stupid about my glucose numbers..
Thanks Glucocil,
You work for me…..

Anonymous says:

It is a great product.Started taking it about 7 years ago and was able to get off insulin and lost 60#….it is all natural and that is a plus

Antonio Azevedo says:

I’ve taken Glucocil for several months now with good results. What I don’t recommend is taking 2 pills twice a day. Cut that by half to one pill twice a day instead.

Diana Hill says:

The 1st 3 days. 1 lunch 1 dinner. Noticed bad stomach ache/headache. I’m never sick so I thought I might be pregnant! Almost went to the hospital this morning. Then researched Glucocil. Same thing w/ others. DO NOT TAKE THIS! FDA needs to look at this. I’m healthy, others may die. Still have bad stomach problems. Very worried about others

Cindy says:

This medicine has really messed up my stomach. I have been so sick, bloated and flatulence for the past 2 days. My bs has increased and been over 200 . I do not recommend this product. I am so sick and disappointed. I bought 2 bottles. Never again.

Sheila J Edwards says:

It’s working pretty good for me the only side effect I have is if I take two with meals I end up with explosive diarrhea so I’m reducing it to one per meal.

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