Primal Force Native Rest Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) September 21, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Primal Force Native Rest is a sleep aid that is designed to regulate your body from the endless amount of interferences that are presented in everyday life. The product states that it is non-addictive, natural, and will restore the natural sleep inducers in your body that can decline over time when you age.

Unlike many other sleep aids, it comes as a spray. In order to use it, you’re supposed to spray it under your tongue, hold for about 20 seconds, and then swallow. You repeat this process two more times before going to sleep. It is only supposed to take a few seconds to start working before your brain begins to switch off.

There are a lot of sleep aids available now, but Fenotrex is the best one. A group of review rexperts judged sleep aids based on their ingredients, price, and consumer reaction, and found that Fenotrex comes out on top. If Fenotrex sounds like something that could help you if you suffer from sleep issues, then just click here to learn more.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Private Force Native Rest Ingredients and Side Effects


Zinc Melatonin Jujube Fruit
Selenium Jamaican Dogwood

Zinc: A metal that is essential for regulating human health, and boosting the immune system in order to better treat the common cold and ear infections. Additionally, it can be used to fight or prevent issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, ADHD, erectile dysfunction, muscle cramps, and more. It doesn’t directly address sleep issues but it does help regulate the processes anf functions of the body so that good sleep can occur.

Melatonin: A hormone that occurs naturally within the body and can also be made in a laboratory. Its main function is to help regulate the body’s internal clock and establish sleep and wake cycles, particularly for those who have alternative or changing sleep schedules. It can also be used to help those who suffer from insomnia as a result of ADHD, rapid eye movement, intellectual disabilities, and high blood pressure.

Selenium: A mineral that is ingested through water and food, and is used for medicine. It is used mostly to treat the heart and maintain healthy blood vessels, and can help to prevent stroke and cancer in the prostate, stomach, and lungs. Like Zinc, it is used mostly to make the processes of the body run correctly.

Don’t struggle with restless nights any longer, click here to view the top 10 sleep aids on the market now.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Primal Force Native Rest Quality of Ingredients

The product utilizes some quality ingredients in the form of melatonin, which has been shown to be an effective way of dealing restlessness and insomnia. Additionally, while zinc and selenium don’t directly address sleep issues, they do help to regulate the functions of many aspects of the body, which can be beneficial is ensuring healthy and restful sleep.

The use of ingredients like Jamaican dogwood and jujube fruit is a bit questionable, thought. Jamaican dogwood has been known to be an effective sleep aid, but it also a worry that it may be too effective and slow down the central nervous system too much during sleep, and can also potentially cause tremors and sweating. Jujube fruit can have use as a sedative, but webmd states:

“There is not enough information available to know if it is safe to take for medical conditions.”

The Price and Quality of Primal Force Native Rest

Primal Force Native Rest only appears to be available through the manufacturer’s website, and is not sold anywhere else online from what we could find. It is sold in 1 oz. bottles, and there are price breaks when more bottles are ordered at once. One bottle alone costs $23.95 plus shipping and handling and each bottle is a month’s supply. You can also order two bottles at once for $21.56, and three bottles at $19.16 plus shipping and handling.

The manufacturer does offer users a 100% money back guarantee within 90 days of ordering the product, which should give consumers peace of mind regarding their purchase knowing that if it is ineffective it will not just be a sunk cost.

The quality of your sleep will affect the rest of your day so make sure you find the right sleep aid, click here to view out expert’s list of the top 10 sleep aids available now.

Business of Primal Force Native Rest

The manufacturer of Primal Force Native Rest goes by the name Wellness Research and Consulting Inc, and they produce several different health and wellness products under the brand name “Primal Force”. Here is some of their contact information:

Address: 11905 Southern Blvd, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

Phone Number: 1 (866) 895-8555

Email: [email protected]

The manufacturer currently holds a “C” rating with the Better Business Bureau, with up to 10 customer complaints that are posted to their BBB page, many of which deal with issues with the products themselves, claiming that they had been misled in some way when purchasing.

The best sleep aids are not always the most popular, find the hidden gems by looking through our expert’s list of the top 10 sleep aids now.

Customer Opinions of Primal Force Native Rest

As mentioned, that product is not available through any third-party online vendors and is exclusively sold through the Primal Force website. This means that objective reviews of the product can be difficult to locate online.

There are many complaints against the product and manufacturer through the Better Business Bureau page, but most of them have to do with billing issues and misleading advertising. We were not able to locate any reviews that center around the effectiveness of the product itself, good or bad, which is typically not a very good sign.

Don’t use trial and error to find the right sleep aid for you, look at our expert’s list of the top 10 currently available on the market.

Conclusion – Does Primal Force Native Rest Work?

Native Rest is a unique approach to sleep aids, in that typically they come in the form of tablets or capsules and not sprays. That’s not to say that a spray cannot be effective, but unfortunately, to this point, we don’t have any evidence of the product doing what it claims. As mentioned, it is only sold through the manufacturer’s site so there are no objective consumer reviews to be found elsewhere, and strangely it doesn’t seem that there are any consumer testimonials on the Primal Force site itself.

As far as the formula, there are some quality ingredients that are used. Most notably melatonin, which is a staple in quality sleep aids and can provide some benefit to the user. There is also zinc and selenium, neither of which has a direct connection to sleep health, but do help to maintain overall health within the body and regulate functions, which is valuable. The questions about the formula come with the inclusion of Jamaican Dogwood which is not often utilized in sleep aids, even though it can help induce sleep, because of the potential side effects that it can create, such as tremors.

Overall, there may be some promise behind Primal Force Native Rest, but we would need to see some solid consumer reaction before we could recommend it, and there remain some unanswered questions about its ingredients list.

The best sleep aid that is available now on the market is Fenotrex, because of the strong positive customer reactions and an ingredients list that is beneficial and safe. It has consistently allowed consumers to solve their sleep issues by getting them to sleep fast and keeping them that way throughout the night.

The product blends together ingredients that have been tested individually and found to be effective and safe, and they are produced at a GMP approved facility. If you want to educate yourself more about Fenotrex to see if it could help you then just click here.

3 Responses to Primal Force Native Rest Review

Jalebi says:

Primal Force Native Rest works great and it works fast! My husband and I are both using it.

Carl Brewer says:

I have Tried Your Primal force Native Rest and have had no results and would like to return it for a refund, I also returned a cleanse product back to the warehouse in Conn I called them about it a week ago and they told me that they were behind in their work because of the virus. It has now been 3 weeks and I have heard nothing I would like to return this product Primal Force back to you also but don’t want to return it if I’m not going to get a refund.

Regina T. says:

This is the best sleep aid I have ever tried. Three sprays under my tongue at bedtime and I go to sleep within 15 minutes and sleep all night.

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