Sexciter Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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Sexciter is a female libido liquid formula that is said to highly stimulate women’s sexual desire. Fast results are claimed with the ability to support overall arousal with natural ingredients.
They advise adding a few drops to one’s liquid of choice. It’s also said that the specially selected ingredients can make women want to have sex immediately. It’s marketed more towards men however, who want to make their female partners more interested in sex. They even say that women will “beg you for sex”.
After analyzing female libido brands of many kinds, our experts found that the all-natural Libitrinex was the best overall. Users said that their libido significantly improved and that it made their sex lives much more enjoyable. To find out what Libitrinex can offer for female libido, review their official website provided here.

There’s an ingredients section separate from the main page of this supplement and it reveals the following additives:
Yohimbe Blend 1000 mg |
Estrogenix Complex 500 mg |
Yohimbe Blend 1000 mg: An evergreen tree found in African which has been used to improve sexual function. This is intended to prevent low sexual desire in women, as well as prevent erectile dysfunction in men.
Web MD has noted that this is a:
“unproven treatment… no standard dose”
They add that when used for long periods or consistently that this:
“can be dangerous”
It is known to potentially lead to numerous side effects including the following:
- Fatigue, increased blood pressure, and stomach pain.
- Nausea, headache, and difficulty relaxing.
- Heart failure, seizure, and kidney failure.
- Depression, heart attack, and death. has also said that this can:
“adversely interact with many pharmaceuticals”
They even say that it is often mislabeled and that the dosing strength may be higher or lower than stated. Because of these many potential negative interactions, there are doubts about whether or not this would be safe to use. People sensitive to stimulants or already taking other drugs should take this with caution.
It’s not yet proven what a proper standard dose would be, so it’s unknown how the creators decided that 1000 mg would be proper.
Estrogenix Complex 500 mg: No information is provided by the company as to what exactly this is. When researching this online there was also no information about it. It’s not possible to determine what is inside of it. This appears to be a patented blend, but you cannot know if this would be truly safe or effective.
There has to be some sort of data about this in order to help determine the overall quality of this blend, especially when they include it at a high amount at 500 mg. It’s impossible to determine if this includes several additives, or only a few.
Judging from the name it may be intended to affect estrogen levels, but one can’t assume this is actually going to be a benefit.
Access to the best female libido supplements is provided here; our experts have discovered which supplements were highly rated by customers,
Only one ingredient is known, as the other issues a name for a compound not yet known.
The added Yohimbe is used to enhance sexual function, and while this may be possible, it also has a high risk for potentially damaging side effects. People have even died from taking high concentrates of Yohimbe. This can lead to many unwanted symptoms and it’s not guaranteed to actually increase sexual desire.
Until more information is published by the creators, there is no way to determine how effective and safe this blend may be. It’s of an unknown quantity due to the complete lack of relevant information.
After much review our review experts have been able to determine which supplements could deliver the best female libido support.
The official website sells a 1 oz. botte for $34.95. This is somewhat pricier than other similar kinds of supplements meant to increase sexual desire.
There is no way to truly know if this is a quality supplement, due to the fact that only 2 ingredients are used, and one of them is an unknown patented additive.
The added Yohimbe as mentioned before can be potentially dangerous even if it is taken in a regulated dose. Since the company does not offer a money back return policy, uses who were to experience side effects would have no way to ensure they get a refund.
Overall there are too many unanswered questions which need to be answered to determine what can be truly expected.

Discover what options exit for female libido enhancement by examining our expert’s compiled list of the year’ top 10 brands.
Crest Labs is their official company name and though they do not offer their contact details, their Better Business Bureau page mentions the following:
Phone Number: (800) 611-2494
Address: PO Box 571030
Tarzana, CA 91357
Email: A contact form is offered on their official website.
On their terms and conditions they mention another company name as being Pro Enterprises Inc. It’s unknown if this is a parent company, or which would be the direct source for contact.
They have one complaint form a customer who said that they paid for expedited shipping but the product didn’t come on time. Other than this one complaint there isn’t any other information about the company and their practices. It appears they do not offer a money back return policy, since they fail to mention it anywhere on their website. They do add on their terms and conditions that in the case of any required legal action, those consumers are bound to go into arbitration instead of engaging in a class action lawsuit.
There’s a very questionable claim made as the company says:
“Can be… put in any liquid without detection”
They slightly correct themselves however by also adding:
“but you should get her permission”
It’s marketed also more towards men who are looking to get women to become as they put it:
“hot sex starved nympho”
This is made to be seen as some sort of hidden supplement that can be concealed without notice from one’s partner. They even provide a single quote from a customer who says that his girlfriend has no idea why she is suddenly more willing to engage in sex. It’s unknown why they choose to use this kind of questionable marketing claims.
Find out which libido enhancing supplements for women exist which can help deliver notable improvements.
The majority of online reviews were negative, here’s what a few customers had to say:
“Worked for my wife, maybe it affects women differently”
“Thought it would work but it had no effect at all. Not good at all”
“Really bad smell and it tastes even worse. Couldn’t stomach even half a serving of it”
“This does not work don’t trust the lies”
Though there were few reviews, the majority of customers did not like it, and in fact many were greatly disappointed. Some added how they felt lied to, and that the advertising made it seem far greater than it actually was, considering it had no effect.
There was just one positive review online which was from a man claiming his wife had been stimulated. Overall however the consensus was very poor and many regretted ever purchasing it. Only one person mentioned the flavor, but they added how it was not pleasant at all.
The top 10 supplements which can assist in supporting female libido are outlined within this link.
While there are many great claims made about tis supplement, there is questionable use due to there being just one known additive. This stimulant ingredient can lead to dangerous side effects if one is not careful, and it has not been shown to consistently affect women’s libido. The other ingredient is not known and the company does not provide any reassurance that their formula can be relied on. Most reviews for this were negative, and just 1 positive review exists at the time of this review. It’s also much more costly than other similar formulas. The company also uses questionable marketing which makes it seem as though they advise for people to dose women with this unknowingly.
Out of all the female libido brands seen this year, Libitrinex was seen as the best overall due to its well-rounded and studied formula. This has within it only natural ingredients including tongkat ali, arginine, panax ginseng, maca, and much more. They all have potent effects which can help stimulate sexual desire and make it easier to perform in the bedroom. This can help to alleviate fatigue, improve mood, increase blood flow for improved stimulation, and aid sex drive.
The creators also produce the ingredients in a factory which is GMP certified to ensure consistent quality control. Find out about Libitrinex and examine consumer review by checking out the official website here.
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