Women ExtenZe Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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Women ExtenZe is a female libido enhancing supplement meant to aid sex drive, energy, overall pleasure, and orgasm strength. The front of the box even states that it has been formulated by gynecologists.
Maximized results are said to come from 30 to 60 days of use, with potential effects within a few days or a full week. It is marketed as a side effect free product with high quality natural additives. They recommend taking just one pill a day, alongside one’s daily vitamin regimen.
Out of all the female libido brands present, our expert’s top pick was Libitrinex. It was favorited overall due to its use of many potent aphrodisiacs, and the high regard from consumers. Review what Libitrinex can offer towards the improvement of sex drive by clicking here.

Within the formula is the following:
Pyridoxine HCI |
Folic Acid |
Calcium Carbonate |
Pregnenolone |
Black Pepper Fruit |
Ginger Root |
Long Pepper Fruit |
Tribulus Extract |
Black Cohosh Standardized Extract |
Shatavari Extract |
Chrysin |
Korean Ginseng Extract |
Maca Extract |
Kudzu Extract |
Shilijat |
Horny Goat Weed |
Wild Yam Extract |
Damiana (leaf) |
Muira Puama Extract |
Astragalus Extract |
Licorice Extract |
Ho-Shou-Wu Extract |
Boron Chelate |
Stearic Acid |
Cellulose |
Magnesium Stearate |
Silicon Dioxide |
Pink Color Coating |
Pregnenolone: A chemical which is used to reduce fatigue, strengthen the immune system, and help the body deal with stress. This is made by the body to make steroid hormones.
Web MD adds that its safety when consumed is lacking studies. Some side effects which can potentially result are:
- Acne, facial hair growth, and hair loss.
- Abnormal heart rate, insomnia, and mood changes.
DHEA: Made by the body, this is used for the reduction of unwanted aging signs. Though this is naturally produced, taking it in supplement form can be potentially dangerous as Web MD notes that there have been some potential side effects seen. They add that the following are possible:
- Acne, increased blood pressure, and upset stomach.
- Hair loss, a deeper voice, and pregnancy issues.
- Issues with menstruation, blood sugar complications, and damaging effects to estrogen production.
Discover practical supplements which can assist in the overall maximization of sex drive; check out what brands were top rated as seen as the best of this year.
Black Cohosh Standardized Extract: Commonly used herb for the treatment of menopause symptoms, this is often used to help reduce the onset of hot flashes.
Shatavari Extract: A plant known as Indian asparagus which has been used in Ayurvedic practices to strengthen nerve function, treat infection disease, and reduce inflammation. This has also been used as a diuretic and for immune system boosting.
Chrysin: Known as a flavonoid, this is found within many plants and it has been used for many purposes. This is intended to prevent erectile dysfunction, anxiety, inflammation, and some diseases.
Kudzu Extract: Vine that is used for its blood circulation boosting effects and its estrogen like effects.
Astragalus Extract: Herb that is used for the improvement of the immune system and for the support of healthy blood flow.
Ho-Shou-Wu Extract: An herb that is intended to provide anti-aging effects, and which has been used to stop the spread of cancer. Web MD notes that when ingested there are risks of it being:
“POSSIBLY UNSAFE… concerns that it might cause liver damage”
Pink Color Coating: Likely an artificial food dye that is used simply to help promote a unique color. This can come from many different sources and if produced artificially, it is often suggested by watchdog groups to limit these kinds of additives as much as possible. They have no benefit at all towards the improvement of libido.
Find out what brands made our experts top 10 lists for female libido support; our experts have chosen the year’s best brands.
Several ingredients are added to this, some of which are standard within female libido supplements, and others which are meant more for general wellness or support for those going through menopause.
They also add some ingredients which have to be carefully dosed as they can lead to some unwanted side effects if one is not careful. Since a large array of additives is blended inside of a proprietary formula, it makes it impossible to know the full amount of some potentially damaging additives. It’s important to know the full amount to determine whether or not it is included in a suitable amount.
It’s also emphasized by the company that one must avoid taking too heavy of a dose, as this is said to potentially lead to:
“serious adverse health effects”
They add that the following are possible:
- Acne, irritability, facial hair growth, oily skin, vulva and clitoral enlargement, increase estrogen and testosterone, and excessive sex drive.
So this is why they advise just one capsule a day.
Outlined in this link is a full breakdown of the year’s most highly touted female libido supplements.
On the official website they offer a week long supply for 97 cents. This is incredibly cheap but they only state on another part of the website what a full serving size bottle would cost. Strangely enough though they do claim to offer online sales, on their official website they add how one should call them to schedule an order.
It’s unknown why they don’t allow for their website to be used, it may mean that it is temporarily down. This low price tag is highly questionable however, and it’s unknown why this is so inexpensive.
The website where it is sold seems uncharacteristically cheap like and outdated. This is strange when you consider the other ExtenZe website for male enhancement which appears completely different, and which does not explain whether or not Women ExtenZe is still made.

Help understand what your best options are for female libido support; review the top 10 list here.
The makers are Biotab Nutraceuticals and their contact details are:
Phone Number: (800) 419-4447
Address: 401 E. Huntington Dr.
Monrovia, CA 91016
Email: [email protected]
The company claims that you get a risk free trial for 97 cents, and that if one does not cancel then they will place one on a 30 day auto renewal plan for $43.95 and $6.95 shipping and handling.
There were some issues on their Better Business Bureau page, as 3 users complained about the company policies.
Many 3rd party websites no longer sell this supplement, and the official website appears very bare. It’s impossible to find out for certain if it is still being made fresh, as their website looks very outdated.
Find out what brands were top rated for their improvement of overall female sexuality by clicking here.
Featured underneath are a few of the online reviews offered:
“First week was good but at the second week marker the effects just diminished. I’ll continue trying it though”
“good for my needs I enjoyed it”
“Not what I was looking for very disappointed in what I didn’t get”
“Couldn’t notice a thing really, kind of underwhelmed by it altogether it failed to do much of anything”
Though there were few reviews, many who had something to say about it were unimpressed. The main issue was that it failed to deliver on any of the claimed promises the official website made.
Those that had something positive to say were very limited in their description, so it’s unknown if they experienced a full array of benefits.
We’ve included our expert’s picks for the top 10 female libido supplements in this comprehensive list.
When examining this supplement it was clear that there was a lack of important details. It appears as if it is no longer being made, and due to its potential discontinued nature, there are questions about whether or not it would be still safe to take. Their official website also has a questionable auto-renewal plan and they do not offer any single bottle purchases. Since they sell it for so cheap it raises questions about the overall quality, as all the ingredients added would be significantly higher if they were truly high quality. Users were mostly underwhelmed as there was a lack of sufficient benefits listed by customers. They even list how this can potentially lead to some dangerous side effects if overused.
Our most highly regarded supplement which can benefit female libido was Libitrinex. This contains natural ingredients and no cheap artificial substances which can lead to unwanted defects. Users complemented how effective it was and that it gave them some notable improvements in their overall libido and sexual responsiveness.
Each ingredient has been thoroughly reviewed by 3rd parties and shown to help deliver a wide array of notable benefits. The company also makes each ingredient within a facility which has been approved by the FDA, to help ensure consistent quality assurance. Click this link for the official Libitrinex website for further information on how it works for the improvement of female libido.
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