NEW Probido Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 16, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Probido is an oral libido supplement for women that claims to be able to increase sexual desire. In addition to promoting a stronger libido, the product claims to be able to strengthen orgasms and make them easier to achieve.

Probido contains a mixture of herbal ingredients that are all claimed to have beneficial effects upon women’s sexual anatomy, including increased blood flow, increased sensitivity. These things are supposed to lead not only to a quicker arousal time, but to make women aroused for longer lengths of time. The extracts are supposed to be all-natural, which is implied to make them safer and to make the product have fewer negative side effects on the body.

Difficulties with arousal and achieving orgasm are not uncommon, and best product that address these problems is Libitrinex. Its powerful blend of herbs are intended to treat the root causes of having a weak sex drive, whether due to menopause, PMS, or any other reason, and customers have reported dramatic changes in their sex lives after using it. Click this link to read our in-depth review of Libitrinex.


Probido has a combination of seven herbs in each capsule. The complete list, as we know it:

Avena Sativa Extract Epimedium Damiana Maca Shatavari
Seranoa Repens Extract Tribulis Terrestris “Bindi” Root Extract

Avena Sativa: Also known as “oatstraw,” this seed and its extract are sold as a method of stimulating erectile tissue. It is also said to fight inflammation and cardiovascular problems and boost hormones that stimulate bone cell growth.

Epimedium: Also called “horny goat weed,” this plant is commonly found in Asia where it has been marketed as an aphrodisiac. Certain properties in it act as antioxidants, and it is supposed to have fatigue-relieving properties as well.

Damiana: A plant found in the wilds of Central America, it is used in folk medicine as a sex drive enhancer. It is also prescribed for headaches, diarrhea, and depression.

Maca: A Peruvian plant used to adjust female hormone imbalances, it’s also used to treat fatigue and anemia.

This list of feminine sex supplements are our top choices. Click here to read.

Shatavari: An Indian remedy prescribed as an aphrodisiac, as well as for infertility, and as a way to improve overall reproductive health. According to WebMD, however, we do not know enough about the plant to know if it is safe for long-term use.

Serenoa Repens Extract: Also known as saw palmetto, the fruit of this plant is used to make medicinal treatments that can increase sex drive. It has also been marketed as a diuretic for preventing water retention, and is supposed to treat enlarged prostates in men.

Tribulus Terrestris: A plant with origins in the Mediterranean, it is supposed to be able to treat hormone imbalances, to help athletes with improving performance, as well as to treat issues with the heart and circulatory system. Some limited clinical studies show an effect on athletic performance and in reducing angina.

Click this link for the best products in treating women’s sexual dysfunction.


Probido has a common-enough roundup of herbal aphrodisiacs, but there are a few issues which we see right off the bat with this product.

The main thing is that some products, such as shatavari, have no had no clinical trials to prove whether they do what they are supposed to do or not. For certain natural herbs, especially ones used in Ayurveda (like shatavari), the only claims about their effectiveness come from traditional herbalists and not from scientific testing. People should be careful with their health, and so there’s no point in taking a risk on an ingredient that has very little evidence to back it up.

It should also be mentioned that we cannot tell from the product’s sales page what the other ingredients in this product are – only that the herbs listed about are the main seven. This means there are other products in this that are not listed. This may pose a problem for some women who have allergies to certain products, and so the fact that they are not listed further adds questions as to the product’s quality.

For the all-time top natural women’s sexual performance supplements, click here.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.


Probido is available for purchase from the company’s main website, and is currently listed for $19.99. The company also offers a deal saying that you can save 10% by buying 3 bottles at a time, or 25% by buying 12 at a time.

This deal may seem like a bargain, but the thing to keep in mind is that by buying, say, 12 bottles at a time, the person is still paying $180 (plus tax) in order to get this “deal,” and that’s without knowing if the product works for them or not.

The price is on the lower side of the scale, admittedly, but the price is so low that there is some suspicion as to how the product can be “quality” at such a low price. This, in addition to the earlier mention of the fact that not all ingredients are listed, means that even though you are paying a small price, there is no way to tell from the outset whether you are paying for something that works, or even something that is safe.

We just released our list of the Top Ten female libido enhancers – see which are the best!


Probido is made by the Herbal Extract Company of North America.

Phone Number: (218) 935-2219

Address: 1969 310th Ave, Lengby, MN 56651

Email: No email address is provided on the site, only a contact form.

The main website says that there is a standard 30-day return policy, which makes sense considering it takes some time with herbal supplements to determine if they work or not.

For a higher sex drive, more energy, and better mood, these supplements can do the trick.

There is actually some confusion over the nature of this company. On the product’s official web page, it says it is made by the Herbal Extract Company of North America. When you click on the order button, however, it takes you to a website run by “Saw Palmetto Harvesting Company.” The weirdest part is that the companies share the same exact business address.

Searching for this other company leads you to another different website, a rather amateurish and old-fashioned one, with their own online store and their own customer support address.

This strange turn of events makes it unclear whether these two companies just share the same address, whether one company sells the other, or whether one company is a newer version of the older one.

With the company (or companies) having not shown the professionalism to thoroughly clarify the state of their business, their identities, and the relationship between the two, it is clear that there is some major lack of oversight and attention to detail rife within this organization. When people are buying things that can affect their health, the least they can expect is that the company they are buying from has their things all in order, and this business – or businesses – clearly does not.

Women no longer need to suffer from low sex drive – these supplements can help.


Probido reviews are found mainly on the Probido product site, and there are only five total:

“After using this product for three weeks, our love life went back to how it used to be!”

“I was critical at first, but you’ve made a believer out of me.”

“This saved my marriage.”

“I don’t have to fake my orgazims [sic] anymore!!”

“Even men with smaller-than-average length size are made into better lovers with this pill.”

These few reviews are not posted by the people themselves, but were written on the page by the company itself. The fact that there are no reviews of the product to be found anywhere else, especially not on third-party sites, leads one to believe that these were selected to make the product look good.

Fair enough, as this is standard practice with most businesses (after all, no one wants to make their product look bad), but the fact that there are only five, and that there are no other reviews to be found anywhere else, suggests that these are not a representative sample of how well the product works, and therefore should be looked at with caution.

Click here for a list of the top women’s libido enhancement supplements.


Probido’s claims do not have a lot to back them up. Not only are some ingredients in the pill suspect as to their efficacy and their side effects, but the company that makes it has a serious identity crisis that can confuse many customers and leads one to suspect that they are not as professional as they ought to be. Not only that, but the serious lack of customer reviews to be found makes it hard to tell whether the product works for a majority of women or not. All in all, we cannot say for sure whether this product is worth taking a chance on.

The best alternative which can seriously fix the problems that block women from achieving total sexual satisfaction is an herbal supplement called Libitrinex. With 100% natural ingredients, it is manufactured in a facility that exceed industry standards. The resulting pill is one that can work with the body to revitalize and boost the sex drive, to regulate the hormones, and increase overall emotional and physical well-being. Best of all, it has loads of customer reviews testifying to its effectiveness.

Out of the many women’s health products we’ve reviewed, Libitrinex continues to outperform the competition in terms of quality, its manufacturing standards, and its  customer satisfaction. For our coverage of Libitrinex, and to see how it stacks up against competitors, check out this link.

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