Quick Trim Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) August 14, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Quick Trim is a weight loss diet pill available in a 14 and 28 day cleanse system, and a thermogenic stimulant formula. They’re said to help promote healthy metabolism and increase energy.

The detox formula provided claims to help make weight loss easier by flushing out the system during sleep. It’s most famous by being endorsed by the Kardashian sisters. The official commercial claims it will help one create the body they want with only results to show. This full review will go over the customer reviews, possible side effects, and what one can expect in terms of weight loss. The top 10 list provided via this link has the top ranked diet pill supplements.

Quick Trim Ingredients and Side Effects

Here are some select ingredients found in Quick Trim:

Chromium Picolinate Niacin Caffeine Anhydrous Capsimax Tetabromine
Piperine Blueberry Blackberry Acai Fruit Extract Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract
White Willow Bark Extract Green Tea Leaf Extract Raspberry Ketones Banaba Leaf Extract Mucuna Pruriens Seed Extract
Sclareolide 95% Acetyl-L-Carnitine Black Walnut Hull Grapefruit Seed Extract Pau D’arco Bark
Pumpkin Seed Myrrh Gum Powder Hyssop Gentian Root Elecampane Root Prickly Ash Bark
Yellow Dock Root False Unicorn Root Cellulose Coughgrass Rhizome Buchu Leaf
Uva Ursi Leaf Juniper Berry Fruit Hydrangea Root Cornsilk Stylus Senna Leaf
Cascara Sagrada Bark Extract FD&C Yellow # 6 FD&C Blue #2 Date Fruit Fig Fruit

Caffeine Anhydrous: Dehydrated form of caffeine added in a total of 400 mg per daily serving. The recommended limit by heath organizations is 400 mg; this is in order to reduce the risk of serious issues.

This stimulant is used to increase energy and raise metabolism, though it can promote side effects such as:

  • Jitters, tremors and muscle spasms.
  • Headaches, confusion, and dizziness.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.
  • Rapid heart rate, stroke, and heart attack.
  • Cardiovascular damage, insomnia, and restlessness.
  • Irritation, mood swings, and pain in the chest.

It is also not considered a long lasting weight loss ingredient, Examine.com adds:

“Habitual caffeine use lads to tolerance. This means the effect… will be diminished… to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti-sleep effect”

It’s advised to take a month long break for the positive effects tore turn, but it’s not a very potent metabolism increasing ingredient.  It’s a cheap additive found in some diet pills as a way to provide short lasting effects. Stimulant free weight loss options exist via the top 10 list found in this link.

Metabromine: Patented ingredient that is extracted from the cocoa tree, it’s a stimulant known as theobromine and it’s used to suppress appetite and release water weight.

Theobromine can potentially cause side effects and it may be toxic in certain people. Possible negative interactions include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
  • Loss of appetite, ill feelings, and insomnia.
  • Jitters, rapid heart rate, and cardiovascular issues.
  • Tremors, anxiety, and restlessness.

Especially when mixed alongside other stimulants, it can promote an increase of symptoms.

Buchu Leaf: Plant extract used to increase urine flow. Web MD mentions:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE in large amounts”

Possible side effects it can produce include:

  • Liver damage, increase menstrual flow, and irritation to the organs.
  • Increased risk for bleeding and slow blood clotting.

Pau D’arco: Tree bark extract found in the Amazon. It’s claimed to help treat diseases. Web MD adds:

“Pau D’arco is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in typical doses”

It may lead to side effects such has:

  • Intense nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Internal bleeding and dizziness.

There’s also a lack of information on whether or not it is truly effective. Effective weight loss options are featured in the top 10 list of the best diet pills.

Senna Leaf: This leaf irritates the bowels and creates bowel movements. It can lead to side effects such as:

  • Abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • Weakness, irregular heartbeat, and confusion.
  • Mood changes, dizziness, and odd colored urine.

Northern Prickly Ash: Plant used to help circulate blood and relive pain. Due to a lack of information, Web MD mentions:

“There isn’t enough information to know if prickly ash berry is safe to use as medicine or what he potential side effects might be”

Sclareolide: Natural extract which is often used a as fragrance and a weight loss ingredient. It’s not been proven to be effective for weight reduction.

FD&C Yellow #6: A chemical extract often found in processed foods. The Center for Science in the Public Interest has petitioned the FDA to ban this additive, as it has no benefits and is a carcinogen.

FD&C Blue #2:Artificial food dye used to provide a blue color. It has no weight loss or nutritional value.

 Quick Trim Quality of Ingredients

Quick TrimA high amount of stimulants are added, some of which can promote serious side effects. The digestive aids meant for weight loss are also laxatives which have been shown in studies to be harsh on the body.

A major concern exists with the ingredients; it’s possible for many of these additives alone to cause unwanted symptoms.  A full 400 mg of caffeine is provided which can trigger side effects. Most of the ingredients have not been proven both safe and effective in clinical studies. To see a top 10 list of diet pill supplements click the link here.

The Price and Quality of Quick Trim

Their 14 day system which has their cleanse and burn formula sells for $49.99 on Amazon.com, but it’s unknown if the company still makes it, or if it has a money back guarantee.

Boxes of Quick Trim mention a website to learn more, but they have since been pulled from the internet. This makes it impossible to know if there are still fresh batches of Quick Trim made, or if it’s all dated.

The overall quality of ingredients is incredibly poor, as many of these additives have not been proven safe or effective.  The top 10 list featured in this link has the highest ranked diet pills.

Business of Quick Trim

The owners of this brand go by the name of Windmill Vitamins, they can be reached below:

Phone Number: (973)575-6591

Address: 6 Henderson Drive

West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006

The spokespersons for Quick Trim were sued for making:

“unsubstantiated, false, and misleading claims”

This was due to the claimed weight loss benefits. The lawsuit claimed that its mention of calorie burning, appetite suppression, and weight loss claims are not true.

A notice by the Federal Trace Commission adds:

“Quick Trims’ main ingredient, according to plaintiffs’ complaint is caffeine, Quick Trim is not a safe or effective treatment… consumers were sold an unsafe, ineffective treatment”

A warning letter was also sent to the manufacturers due to false health benefits made about the company’s supplements. They also reviewed a manufacturing plant and found:

“significant violations of the CGMP requirements for dietary supplements”

“violations cause your dietary supplement products to be adulterated”

This warning means that the company:

“failed to ensure that… manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and holding operations ensure the quality”

This lack of attention could mean that there are random dosage strengths added, and possible safety risks.  This lack of accountability makes it impossible to determine if Quick Trim is added in safe amounts, and whether or not it’s manufactured with care against contaminations.

Currently Quick Trim is no longer available in stores, and the Kardashian’s are facing a $5 million dollar lawsuit for false weight loss claims. Find the top 10 ranked diet pills when you click on the link provided here.

Customer Opinions of Quick Trim

Here are some direct quotes from online reviews:

“They didn’t do anything for me besides make ne sic. I had a headache constantly and I was always nauseous”

“found that as a side effect I felt extremely ill”

“Waste of money and time in the bathroom”

“Made me puke, made me shaky, made me unable to finish my normal workout. I wouldn’t recommend this product”

The majority of reviews on Amazon.com were extremely negative. A total of 45 people have criticized Quick Trim.

This was due to issues with side effects and a lack of weight loss benefits. People have experienced headaches, nausea, jitters, cold sweats, tremors, headache, diarrhea, ill feelings, dehydration, rapid heart rate, and other problems related to stimulants.

Some people have said it produced one of the worst feelings when taking Quick Trim. People had to work hard to calm themselves down in some cases. There were issues with people being unable to perform common routines.

How Does Quick Trim Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Quick Trim
  • 37 /100
Conclusion – Does Quick Trim Work?

When deciding on Quick Trim it’s important to go over some key facts. No official website exists anymore, it’s unknown if fresh batches are still made, lawsuits have been filed against the company name, and the majority of users mention it produced extreme side effects. There’s also no money back return offered, and it has a high amount of stimulants and potentially harmful ingredients.

The 2025 diet pill of the year was awarded to Sletrokor. This all natural plant based extract has no stimulants, artificial flavorings, fillers, colors, or any unwanted ingredients.  It’s used to help suppress appetite, improve metabolism, increase fat loss, improvemood, and provide many other benefits. Customers have left testimonials on the official website showcasing potent weight loss.

Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are all offered with noquestions asked. More information about Sletrokor is available in this link.

3 Responses to Quick Trim Review

Anderson says:

Cool post.
My friend Regenia don not like it, this company advertising is a scam!
I had a bad reaction to this pill with problems in digestive system and had a problem with a money back.Never take it unless your medical adviser approves it!

Solange says:

My friend had an awful time
with Quick Trim through upset stomach and issues with the customer support.

Anonymous says:

Another scam, this crap doesn’t so anything but make you sick…. STAY AWAY **** SO NOT BUT THIS SHIT ****

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