Slim Optimum Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) August 14, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

Slim Optimum is a weight loss diet pill made to reduce appetite, enhance digestion, support overall health, and increase energy. It features ingredients like grapefruit, caffeine, green tea, and an extract from Garcinia Cambogia.

The official website states “Many celebrities having been using the same ingredients”. They offer the promise that it will help one begin looking like a celebrity. There are also 3 before and after photos offered on the official website which reveal significant weight loss. In this review you’ll hear customer reviews, important information about the company, and whether or not weight loss is possible. A comprehensive list of the top 10 ranked diet pills is featured when you click here.

Slim Optimum Ingredients and Side Effects
Apple Cider Vinegar HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) Caffeine Grapefruit
Green Tea (EGCG) Kelp

Caffeine: Common central nervous stimulant used to help raise energy, metabolism, and focus. It’s never said exactly how much caffeine is added to Slim Optimum. They claim it’s around 2/4 or 3/4 the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee.

This is not an accurate measurement of caffeine strength however, as caffeine in coffee can vary significantly.

Without being told the exact milligram strength, it’s unknown exactly how to properly dose. This is potentially dangerous, as it does not allow people the opportunity to measure out the dosage and know if it’s added in a safe amount. Caffeine is not considered a long lasting weight loss ingredient as adds:

“Habitual caffeine use leads to tolerance. This means the effects of caffeine will be diminished, often to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti-sleep effect”

It may also lead to side effects that include:

  • Insomnia, rapid heart rate, and jitters.
  • Restlessness, cold sweats, and tremors.
  • Anxiety, paranoia, and ill feelings.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Ringing in the ears, migraines, and headaches.
  • Difficulty relaxing, twitching, and irregular heart rate.

When taking unknown dosages of caffeine as is the case with Slim Optimum, it’s important to check for any uncomfortable side effects.

Especially when mixed with other stimulants or when taken late it in the day, it can promote many unwanted symptoms. Stimulant free diet pills are available from the top 10 diet pills list.

Green Tea (EGCG): Leaves from the camellia sinens is plant which is brewed as a tea. It contains antioxidants and stimulant compounds.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

“There have been some case reports of liver problems in people taking concentrated green tea extracts”

They also question its weight loss use:

“There are not enough reliable data to determine whether green tea can aid in weight loss”

It’s commonly believed the only reason for it having a weight loss benefit is through caffeine, which has mentioned in the “Caffeine” section, it not long lasting and potentially unsafe.

It can potentially cause side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea, irritability, and insomnia.
  • Anxiety, nervousness, and heartburn.
  • Dizziness, convulsions and tremors.
  • Confusion, reduced iron, and headaches.
  • Rapid heart rate, jitters, and vomiting.

Green tea extracts have shown the potential for causing organ damage in some people.

Kelp: A kind of seaweed used to help form as a laxative, and as a nutrient source. Web MD states:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth. It contains iodine in amounts that are high enough to harm the thyroid”

It can also contain arsenic in high amounts, which can be potentially poisonous. Without knowing the full iodine amount, it’s unknown if Slim Optimum adds kelp in a safe amount.

HCA (Hydroxycitric acid): Chemical extract that is found in certain tropical fruits. It’s used to help increase fat loss, and to promote overall weight loss benefits.

Without knowing the full amount added in Slim Optimum, it’s impossible to determine if it’s added in an effective amount.

 Slim Optimum Quality of Ingredients

Slim OptimumThere’s all natural ingredients added, but it’s unknown what the exact strength is of each one. The only ingredients added which are quality are HCA, grapefruit and apple cider vinegar. The other additives are cheap and may produce side effects.

Without being able to see the supplements facts list, it’s unknown what else is added to Slim Optimum.

Very little information is provided about the quality of ingredients. It’s impossible to determine the full amount of caffeine, which is important to verify in order to know if it’s safe.  Many unanswered questions remain about the quality of Slim Optimum. Our experts have compiled a comprehensive list of the top 10 diet pills in this link.

The Price and Quality of Slim Optimum

A bottle of Slim Optimum is offered via a trial which then extends to $89.95, if not cancelled within 14 days.

The company fails to mention how much one needs to take, or how long each bottle lasts. There’s’ also no supplement facts label, so it’s impossible to determine the full dosage strength of each ingredient. This makes it impossible to determine the overall quality.

Knowing the strength of these additives is important, as there’s added caffeine and green tea which are stimulants which can cause many potential side effects.

Still, the only listed ingredients are cheap to source, and the only one proven to be effective for weight loss is HCA and apple cider vinegar. Kelp, green tea, and caffeine are potentially damaging to health, and they’re also cheap to source elsewhere.  Without knowing the full HCA amount, it’s impossible to determine if it’s added in a potent enough doses.

A list of the top 10 ranking diet pill supplement is available in the list provided here.

 Business of Slim Optimum

The company also goes by the name of Slim Optimum. Their contact information is listed as:

Phone Number: (877)261-3439

Address: 2637 E Atlantic Blvd #13976

Pompano Beach, Florida 33061

Email: [email protected]

The company has an F rating on their Better Business Bureau page due to 25 customer complaints. Mostly people have had issues with the service and quality of Slim Optimum. Here are some quotes from these customers:

“I never received the product. I emailed requesting a refund and I have received no response”

“I received a “free” trial… A month later they deducted $89.95 out of my bank account”

“They were not willing to work with me to provide me a full refund”

“The customer service department is rude and unhelpful”

Many people complained about a lack of proper customer support, and of being automatically charged each month for unrequested bottles of Slim Optimum.

The official terms and conditions for Slim Optimum do state:

“do nothing and your credit card will be charged $89.95 approximately 14 days after you placed the order for your trial shipment”

“If you choose to keep the product (beyond the trial period), you then will be charged the full amount of $89.95”

This is what’s known as an auto enrollment program, and it locks people into monthly contracts. The company makes it seem as if you can try their products for 14 days without charge, but hidden in their terms and conditions is a statement that after 14 days, customers will be charged $89.95 per month on each bottle.

Many customers were frustrated to figure this out by suddenly seeing a charge on their credit card without being notified first.

There were also many who tried to cancel who found that the company was unhelpful, and they would put people on hold and deny any requests for a refund.

Returns are also only offered on unopened products within 30 days, and with a 10% restocking fee. Customer approved solutions for weight loss is found in the top 10 diet pills list found here.

Customer Opinions of Slim Optimum

Here are some reviews from online customers:

“The product did not work like advertised”

“product did not work for me”

“It does not work at all”

“This is a scam”

Finding reviews online is difficult, as the majority of customer opinions are about the lack of customer service, and complaints about the company unfairly charging people’s credit cards each month.

There wasn’t one single review from a satisfied customer. All the opinions about Slim Optimum are extremely negative. The top 10 diet pill supplements are featured via the link provided here.

How Does Slim Optimum Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Slim Optimum
  • 46 /100
Conclusion – Does Slim Optimum Work?

Before making a final decision on Slim Optimum, it’s important to look over the customer reviews, company practices, and quality of ingredients. There are unknown amounts of each ingredient such as potential harmful additives like caffeine, green tea, and kelp. Many customers were concerned to find their free trials turned into an $89.95 monthly charge without their consent. Many have had trouble with the company, and customers often mention they are difficult to deal with, and that they don’t allow for returns.

The 2025 diet pill of the year is Sletrokor. This all natural diet pill is made without stimulants or artificial ingredients. Its ingredients are made to help suppress appetite, improve mood, boost metabolism, increase fat burning, and provide several other benefits. Testimonials are offered on the official website from users declaring how they’ve lost weight.

Sletrokor is also backed by a full 30 day money back return policy. Returns are offered with no questions asked. To learn more about Sletrokor, click on the link provided here.

5 Responses to Slim Optimum Review

Kelvin says:

In addition to following the directions of this supplement, I increased my exercises and changed my diet. So, I’m sure if it was okay to say it was the supplement.But I did lose over 10 lbs within the period.

Henderson says:

A pill that gives you more energy to do more workouts without easily running out is worth giving a try.

Heath says:

I think I lost a couple of pounds; maybe it was coincidental, maybe it was a placebo.

Pauletta X. says:

I had an awful time through feeling bathroom issues and problems with the shipment.

Mary Harvey says:

Would like to cancel before they charge my acct 89.95 they make it very difficult to find them since they leave no number on website or shipping and handling dept invoice

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