Clear Essence Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
Clear Essence is a skin care product that is designed to improve skin coloration issues, moisturization and general skin health. It is specially formulated for people with darker skin tones and hyper-pigmented areas that are trying to lighten and even out the skin. According to its advertising it can be beneficial to people with eczema, psoriasis, and hyperkeratosis, though it should not be considered a medical product.
Our team of health, wellness, and beauty experts has ranked Kremotex as the top skin care product on the market. It has proven in clinical tests that it is the most effective product at moisturizing skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and increasing overall skin wellness. Click here to see the full list of ingredients that Kremotex uses in their blend.
Clear Essence Ingredients and Side Effects

Licorice Extract |
Wheat Germ Oil |
Soybean Oil |
Sesame Oil |
Licorice Extract: An herb that is high in glycyrrhizic acid and is used as a food product, in teas, and in a number of personal care products. Licorice is used in skin care as a skin lightener and is thought to have a number of medicinal purposes as well.
Licorice has some anti-inflammatory qualities and has been shown to reduce the effects of irritation and swelling. Other skin-related conditions that licorice has been used to treat include:
Licorice is generally considered safe for most people to use occasionally, however it has also been connected to a number of different potential side effects, especially when taken on a daily basis. Chronic licorice use has been shown to possibly lead to users developing:
Licorice should not be consumed by anyone who is pregnant, breastfeeding, or hormone sensitive, as licorice can mimic estrogen functions in the body.
Wheat Germ Oil: A derivative of the germ of the wheat kernel that is high in fatty acids and useful nutrients. Wheat germ is said to contain high levels of vitamin E, which is a key part of the skin formulation and repair processes.
There is very little information about the actual medicinal effects of wheat germ, however the few papers about its usage that have been published have speculated that it may be useful in treating conditions such as:
There are no known side effects related to wheat germ, however that may be a product of lack of study more than lack of their existence. Wheat germ is safe for individuals with gluten allergies as the gluten in the wheat is removed in the refining process.
Soybean Oil: A derivative of the common legume that is frequently used in food and cooking products, as well as in some home remedies for medical conditions. It is possible that soybean oils could act as an emollient on the outer layer of the skin.
The only non-nutritional use that soy products have been shown to have conclusively is as a mosquito repellent, and there are no other known topical applications, even on an unverified level. When ingested it may be helpful for osteoarthritis, leading some dieticians to speculate it may have some anti-inflammatory properties.
There are no known side effects or long term interactions related to soybean oil, however again this may be more of a product of ignorance than proof they don’t exist. There are many people with soybean allergies, and individuals with peanut sensitivities may have negative reactions to products that contain soybean oils as well.
Sesame Oil: Extracts from a particularly oil-rich form of seed that are believed to be high in a number of different proteins, vitamins, and anti-oxidants.
Sesame products have a much better track record when it comes to skin care uses than soybean oil does, however it is still largely untested. Some conditions that it has been used to treat in non-medical settings include:
Sesame oil is much less of an allergy risk than soybean oil is, however there are still some individuals that have demonstrated sensitivities to sesame products, and those people should probably avoid using Clear Essence.
Click here to see our experts’ complete list of the top over the counter skin care products available on the market today.
Clear Essence Quality of Ingredients
There are some positive factors about Clear Essence’s ingredients list and there are some negative factors. Many of their ingredients have some anti-oxidant properties that are good for fighting the free radicals that can damage skin and cause it to sag and lose luster.
It has some vitamin E in it, which is one of our recommended skin care ingredients, however it comes in less reliable forms. Clear Essence does not use many traditional skin care ingredients and instead focuses on oils and food additives that have historically been used for other purposes.
Clear Essence is advertised most prominently as a color-corrector for hyper-pigmentation issues, and it is possible that it could be effective for those purposes, however our readers are urged to use caution with any product that promises radical changes in skin color and pigmentation as they can often contribute to blotchiness and other coloration issues.
Follow this link to find out which brands of skin care products tested the highest for wrinkle correction, color repair and collagen generation.
The Price and Quality of Clear Essence
Clear Essence can be purchased through their own website, however other independent retails no longer seem to be stocking their products. The price it is being sold for on their home page is:
- 1, 4 oz. tube of Clear Essence body oil: $7.75
This is a very low price, almost worryingly so. Concerns about Clear Essence’s lack of quality ingredients are only encouraged by a price that is well below market value, especially for safe and effective skin care products.

To learn more about which skin care products have the highest ranked ingredients profiles, click here.
Business of Clear Essence
Clear Essence is the main product produced by Clear Essence Cosmetics USA, Inc. They list their contact information as:
Phone Number: (909) 484-8204
Address: 1100 North Hellman Avenue Suite C
Ontario, CA 91764
Email: [email protected]
There are no indications that Clear Essence is under investigation by any federal bodies or that there are any legal actions against them pending at this time.
Follow this link to see which skin care products were scored the best in dermal resiliency, shine, and age reduction.
Customer Opinions of Clear Essence
Clear Essence has one of the lowest ratings on Amazon that our reviewers have ever seen, which may help explain why they are no longer being sold through independent retailers.
It is much easier to control the types of customer responses that get out that way, however there are still quite a few critical reports about Clear Essence out there. Some of the reviews that are found on third-party websites are similar to these:
“I have never used a worse product on my face! I got it to help correct my pigmentation, but it just screwed it up even worse than before I started.”
“I never got the chance to find out if this stuff could help reduce the dark spots on my skin because it immediately break out every time I put it on.”
“Stay away from this stuff! It stinks, it feels gross and it gave me an allergic reaction – I’d give it zero stars if I could!”
The most frequent complaint regarding Clear Essence was simply that it did nothing, however angrier reports came from users that had experienced negative reactions to the product including acne breakouts, discoloration, and small fibrous bumps of undefined origin.
Click here to access the complete database of all skin care products and how they performed in our experts’ testing process.
Conclusion – Does Clear Essence Work?
There may be some individuals that Clear Essence is successful, especially individuals that already have pigmentation and spotting issues. It is a gamble using it for those purposes, however, as it seems there is also a chance that Clear Essence can have a counter-indicated effect and make pigmentation and skin tone issues even worse.
Clear essence ignores a lot of the more traditionally successful skin care products in favor of less-used, potentially less effective ingredients, possibly so that they can maintain their well-below market prices.
The licorice content makes our panel concerned about the safety of daily usage given the potentially serious side effects that have been connected to daily licorice exposure. Remember, what goes on your skin goes into your body and just because you aren’t ingesting these products there is no guarantee that they can’t still have a negative impact on your overall health and wellness.
Our team of nutrition and cosmetics experts recommends Kremotex to the vast majority of our readers for their basic skin care needs. It uses apple stem cells and shea butter to provide natural, core-level health effects that are also considered safe and side effect free. Click here to learn more about why so many users have been adopting Kremotex as their daily skin care solution.
Featured Diets
Did clear essence change the colour of their packaging bottle lotion (the coral coloured part is now appearing as orange colour). Pls, clarify!
Did clear essence change its scent?
I want to use it …bt does it bleach?
I have been using clear essence for 13 years and I do not have a single complaint! Wonderful product. Everybody’s skin is different and I suggest testing a little on your elbow and leaving it on over night to ensure that you are not allergic!
How can someone know the original one???. I want to buy but I can’t differentiate the original, so am waiting the answer from you.
Erm…I have mostly seen positive reviews about clear essence.
I have been using clear essence for over 13 years and having nothing negative to say.
I love the product!
I live in the u.k so ordering from their website can be very expensive. I order from independent retailers.
The Exclusive Clear Essence don’t say it for people of color
There are many fake clear essence in the do u know the original?
I have been using clear essence medicated fade creme and my face has sprouts all over with an icthing sessions. Should I continue using it or discontinue immediately?
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