LuxDerma Skin Cream Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
LuxDerma Skin Cream is a skin cream that is formulated to reduce wrinkles and make users appear younger and healthier. Their product is advertised as an injection-free alternative that freezes the muscles that cause wrinkles, helping the skin look smooth and supple. Their advertising says that LuxDerma Skin Cream also increases hydration levels, boosts collagen production, and helps correct skin tone and texture.
Our panel of nutrition and beauty experts has rated Kremotex as the top skin care product on the market. It is the brand that tested the best for moisture levels, cellular functionality, and collagen generation. To see all of the ingredients in Kremotex’s proprietary blend, just follow this link.
LuxDerma Skin Cream Ingredients and Side Effects

Vitamin C: A key chemical in many of the body’s fundamental processes and also one of the most important chemicals in new skin formation. Vitamin C is a very common ingredient found in most successful skin care blends.
The vital amine is the main reactive agent in the collagen formulation process, and being able to encourage that synthesis is a key part of many skin care blends’ effectiveness. There are no known negative side effects to vitamin C consumption, and Vitamin C is safe for almost all humans, assuming that it is taken in reasonable quantities.
Argireline: A neurotransmitter inhibitor that is thought to block the signals that create facial expressions. This ability has lead marketing agents to dub argireline an alternative to Botox without the injections.
Both Botox and argireline work to smooth wrinkles by deadening the movements of the muscles underneath the skin. These muscles are responsible for creating the lines and creases in the face that become wrinkles, so getting them to relax and flatten helps undo that creasing. This is not a permanent or core-level effect, it is just a temporary cosmetic trick.
The problem that many skin care professionals have with argireline is that it is a rather large molecule, which makes it difficult to actually penetrate the dermis and get absorbed by the muscles that it claims to affect. Not only does this mean that its benefits are often limited, but also that much of the argireline is absorbed by skin cells, which do not receive any benefit from the chemical.
Not only is it not beneficial to skin cells, but many dermatologists also worry that it may have long-term repercussions that cause the skin to sag even further than it would if the LuxDerma Skin Cream was never applied. Argireline can break down cell membranes causing them to expand and loose the tight organized formation that they have in perfectly toned skin. The skin expands and loses its luster, as well as becoming more susceptible to UV rays and other forms of environmental damage.
Even more concerning are links between argireline and a condition called “brain fog” that some chronic users have reported. Brain fog is described as a lack of short-term memory, difficulty answering questions, disorientation, and general lack of mental function.
The reason for this condition is not yet known, however scientists believe that it may be due to the neurological inhibitors in argireline. Our panel cautions users when it comes to products that affect brain chemistry, which is a delicate balance that is easily upset.
To see which brands of skin care products our panel rated as the safest and most effective for all skin types, click here.
LuxDerma Skin Cream Quality of Ingredients
Vitamin C and argireline would be a very short ingredients list if that was all that was in LuxDerma Skin Cream, however there are also at least several unnamed inactive ingredients, as well as potentially even some unnamed active ones.
LuxDerma Skin Cream does not publish an official ingredients list, rather they just promote their two key additives and never mention what else might be in their blend. This makes it impossible to say if LuxDerma Skin Cream is an allergy risk, if there are certain medications that it may interact with, or even if its carcinogenic.
Of the two ingredients that they do mention, one is one of the most effective additives known to skin health scientists, and the other is a fad ingredient that may have some serious negative health consequences down the road. Our reviewers do not currently recommend products with argireline to our readers over concerns about its safety and effectiveness.
Even if argireline is safe and does not lead to long-term neurological damage, it is a cosmetic ingredient not a health ingredient. Its effects are temporary, surface level, and inhibit the users’ ability to express themselves facially.
Follow this link to learn about the brands of skin care products that are the best at repairing sun-damaged skin.
The Price and Quality of LuxDerma Skin Cream
LuxDerma Skin Cream does not publish a price for their products. Instead their website only offers a free trial program that they encourage users to sign up for.
The fine print that many customers do not see is that signing up to receive the free trial actually enrolls the user in a monthly subscription program that automatically bills $89.16 to users’ credit cards. Many customers do not realize that they have joined the program until they are billed, some of them several times.
If users try to cancel their enrollment they are fined, if they try to return the product they are charged a restocking fee, and if they do not return the product they are charged for it. All orders also have shipping and handling fees attached as well – so the “free offer” will never actually be free.

The $89.16 price is also three to four times above the average price of a product of this nature. Without knowing its exact ingredients it is hard to say for sure what a fair price for it would be, but the amount that they currently charge would put them in the same bracket as super-premium products that use ultra-rare or high-grade materials.
Click here to see all the top brands of skin care products compared head-to-head by our experts.
Business of LuxDerma Skin Cream
LuxDerma Skin Cream is part of a network of skin care products that all utilize the same business model. They claim different parent companies, and the brands are constantly changing so as to avoid the angry customer reviews of their product and reports of fraud that follow them. LuxDerma Skin Cream claims that their parent company is Coal Cosmetics, who list their contact info as:
Phone Number: (800) 958-5410
Address: 5404 Whitsett Ave #128
Valley Village, CA 91607
Email: [email protected]
Brands affiliated with this network are Skin Technologies, Kiara Skin, Satin Youth, Dos Hermanos, and others. There are thousands of formal complaints filed against them with the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, and many angry former customers have threatened legal action against the company. Our researchers could not find any evidence of ongoing legal action against them at this time.
Follow this link to see the skin care brands that rated the highest for skin tightening, pore size reduction, and elasticity.
Customer Opinions of LuxDerma Skin Cream
Aside from all those customers who feel taken advantage of by LuxDerma Skin Cream’s manipulative pricing policy, there are also hundreds of complaints about the product itself.
“This stuff is seriously gross. I’ve never felt a lotion that feels like this, and it totally destroyed my skin.”
“I was looking for something to help tighten my skin and correct some slight over-pigmentation, so I signed up for LuxDerma’s free trial. To my shock not only was I later charged for the junk, but it also made my skin look terrible.”
“Just save yourself time and instead of ordering LuxDerma just set a hundred dollars on fire.”
Many customers seem to believe that it was never even intended to be a functional skin cream, but that it was just a trick to get users to sign up for the program.
To learn which skin care products are the most reliable, most efficient, and overall most effective, click here.
Conclusion – Does LuxDerma Skin Cream Work?
Our reviewers believe that consumers have a right to know how much they are paying and what they are paying for. They deserve to spend a fair price for a quality product, and it should go without saying that they do not deserve to be manipulated or cheated out of their hard earned money.
LuxDerma Skin Cream does not honor this basic level of respect for their clients, seeking instead to take advantage of people by charging them excessive amounts for a product that at best does nothing and at worst may cause long-term neurological damage. Our review team cautions our readers to always examine the fine print on online offers and to never use any product on or in their body if they do not know what it is made of.
Our team currently recommends Kremotex to all consumers looking for a reliable, safe skin care product. It uses shea butter and apple stem cells as their key active additives, along with several other effective supporting ingredients. Click here to see everything that is used in Kremotex’s proprietary blend.
Featured Diets
LuxDerma is a scam and I will file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I broke out, and they will not give me my $34.00 back for the pea size amount they ripped me off for.
This is a scam. . Introductory price is free. . Just pay shipping wrong. Very small print gives more details.
They need to be fully exposed.
I would like to stop the charges in my credit card I only gave the number to charge the shipping of the free trial.Thank you,
What did your credit card company do for you because I am about to call mine with a complaint!
Bad product, doesn’t work and is very expensive. A rip off, the only way they can sell his products is by missleading consumers into a free trail/subscription scam.
I have been scammed like so many others. What should my next step be? I received the trial order and was charged for it. I then canceled the order and have not received any more products but I continue to be charged. This is infuriating. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I signed up for the initial trial of the products (eye cream and facial moisturizer, approx $4.95+shipping/handling) – and had to check the “terms and conditions box” in order for my order to be processed. Little did I realize – embedded within the fine print of terms and conditions was a clause that signed me up for auto-renewal of this product for the retail value (if my “auto-renewal service/account” was not cancelled within 14 days). Just a heads up — LuxDerma charges about $100 for the eye creme, and $100 for the facial creme. A total rip-off.
I have been out of town quite frequently for work, and upon returning and checking my mail – I saw that I had multiple additional boxes of these products in my mailbox – no billing receipt, only a package slip included in each box. Also, I received no email billing receipt at any time that my card was being charged. I called the customer service line and spoke with two associates who said my “account” had been charged about $100 for each product for the past couple months, and I was unable to return any product except for the most recent box – and there was a $12.75 return fee I had to pay to send them back that would be deducted from the $100 retail price of each product (and this is in addition to me paying out of pocket to send the items back).
Moral of the story: read ALL the fine print, and don’t use this product line. Poor company practices – hardly direct in notifying you about an auto-renewal subscription and notifying you of repeat charges to your account (no billing receipts). And by the way – the products are junk.
thank you for your honesty & I will NOT be buying this even tho it was recommended by a friend of mine. thank you again!!!!
I have been scammed by these people as well and I’m on disability. I paid the 4.95 for the free product. Called and spoke with them after they hit my account with 94.00. They are suppose to be sending me a check for 43.00 and then AGAIN hit me this month for another 93.00. How do i stop this. ???? I cant even find a number to call them so i can get a cancellation number for my bank to have this refunded. My next step is legal action. I need some advice. Thank you, Teri
DO NOT TRY or BUY THIS PRODUCT!! It is an absolute SCAM! It is JUNK! AND, they keep billing you for product!!! I posted on my facebook page how I had been RIPPED OFF by this unethical scamming company, so I am pretty sure none of my 100’s of fbf’s will ever have to feel the burn, as I have! Buy something else from an established company!
It is a scam . I wish I had read this beforeI bought it . They shipped me 2 orders ! I immediately canceled everything before I even tried product. I just tried iton my hands and it smells bad. I am putting it all in garbage and calling credit card company tomorrow.
What a scam! I’m going to start reading the fine print from now on (DUH)! Actually, I’m going to stop buying any such products off the internet! I’ve lost so much money from these rip-off companies and they don’t care. All I get is a well-rehearsed customer is “ screwed” line. Oh, and, “they’re sorry”, but, if I want to continue, they’ll give me 60% off my next order. Bullshit!
A TOTAL SCAM A CHARGE NOT AUTHORIZED OF ($94.99 pending on credit card. Will report to credit bureau.
Hello I did the same thing. But when the larger amount of #132.00 Canadian showed up I call my bank. And the next day I went to my branch to get my car blocked and I got a new card. I had rec. a message from the company the its been cancelled. And I will rec. a refund. I have my fingers crossed that it will come soon either in my acct at the bank or money order. When I ordered I did not do my home work on this product that’s the mistake I had made. You could buy the same product on Amazon and its only $29.99 CND