Dremu Oil Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
Dremu Oil is an anti-aging serum that can be applied to the neck, face, chest and hands. It’s claimed to be better than Botox and made to treat sun damage, scars, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and more.
Its non-clogging formula intends to hydrate deep within the skin, to nourish the cells. Provided are fatty acids and antioxidants that provide hypo-allergenic benefits. Just 2 to 4 drops are needed to help cover the entire face.
Our review experts have analyzed anti-wrinkle formulas of many kinds, and Kremotex was found to be the best overall. Customers have commented on how beneficial it is and before and after photos have also showcased its benefits. Follow this link to learn more about how Kremotex works.
Dremu Oil Ingredients and Side Effects

Just one pure ingredient is added to this formula:
Emu Oil: Made from the fatty tissue of the Emu bird. In it is a high amount of linoleic or omega 6 fatty acid, monounsaturated oleic acid or omega 9 fatty acid, and 1 to 2% omega 3 fatty acids in linoleic acid.
These kinds of fatty acids can help moisturize skin and provide similar effects as mineral oil. Web MD has also commented on this and said:
“It is not known if emu oil is safe”
There isn’t much information about the overall use of this ingredient. No studies or insights are given by the makers of Dremu Oil on how this ingredient is meant to work.
It’s confusing to see the mention of just one additive, as typically there isn’t much benefit to be gained from one single additive. It’s unclear whether or not this oil is long lasting, or if one has to preserve it via refrigeration or other needs.
Information about emu oil is limited elsewhere. While it does have healthy fatty acids, it’s unclear whether this is enough to support healthy skin.
Follow the link provided to see our expert reviewed list of the top 10 ranked anti-wrinkle formulas.
Dremu Oil Quality of Ingredients
It’s difficult to determine if emu oil will do enough to promote all the claimed effects. While it does have healthy fatty acids, this can be said about many other plant sources.
Most of the information about emu oil is only available via companies who look to sell this extract. It’s due to these kinds of advertisements that determining whether or not it will be helpful is impossible.
Web MD has examined the claims mad about emu oil and they have concluded:
“Some believe that the fatty acid in emu oil has health benefits, but there is no scientific proof of this”
There is also no known standard proper dosage amount for this. So determining what would be a wholesome amount has yet to be established.
As far as side effects Web MD also adds:
“Emu oil is not well-researched. Its side effects, if any, are unknown”
This raises the overall risk and makes it impossible for one to determine if this is a quality product. There needs to be much more insights into the use of this oil.
The Food and Drug Administration also mentioned this ingredient when they were describing:
“How to Spot Health Fraud”
They added how this additive among other ingredients was a key unproven product which is claimed to have many benefits. Click the link here to see which anti-wrinkle creams were featured in the top 10 link.
The Price and Quality of Dremu Oil
A 12 week supply or 2.0 fluid ounces sells for $149. This is incredibly expensive when you factor in the fact that there is no medical use established for emu oil. It has just one sole ingredient sold at an extremely high cost.
There’s no evidence that this formula is actually safe to use either. So one might be using an unusable formula that does not produce claimed results, and it may actually lead to skin issues.
Insights by Web MD, the FDA, and other groups have shown that the claims made about this being good for those with skin conditions have not been proven true. This means that the company’s claims are lies, since they mention this would be good for all skin types and in fact can treat many skin conditions.

It’s unknown if emu oil would have any effect at all, as scientific studies are not through enough. The makers of Dremu Oil have also failed to cite their own studies. Click the link to see our experts reviewed list of the top ranked anti-wrinkle creams.
Business of Dremu Oil
It appears the name of the company is Dremu, but it’s unclear as they only bold this at the bottom of their website. Here’s the provided contact information:
Phone Number: (800) 373-4011
No other form of contact information is cited anywhere. They do list a returns department address, but it’s unknown if this is only for making returns, this may just be a center for shipping.
A 30 day return is offered on single products with a restocking fee. Our review experts have compiled a list of the best anti-wrinkle creams.
Customer Opinions of Dremu Oil
Here are some featured user reviews found online:
“don’t get sucked into buying this designer label. There’s nothing extra fancy for this, you’re paying for the marketing”
“skin does not absorb it well it does not do anything good for your skin”
“it was incredibly thick and did not come out properly, It appeared half the bottle was empty”
“did not do any difference. I expected much better for the price”
Certain people who have bought other emu oil blends have noted that this formula did nothing unique. People added how it was greatly overpriced in comparison to other cheaper formulas. Some commented that this is likely a sales technique, and that you’re basically paying for a fancy label.
While some did like the moisturizing effects of emu oil, there were also concerns that this would not work as an anti-aging formula. It’s simply not well absorbed enough and not proven to actually prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging. Provided in this link is our expert comprehensive list featuring the best overall anti-wrinkle formulas.
Conclusion – Does Dremu Oil Work?
In reviewing this brand it’s clear that there are far too many unproven claims made. Trusted organizations like Web MD and the FDA have also exclaimed that there’s a lack of evidence to showcase whether or not this is actually effective. This brand is also priced much higher than other emu oils for no particular reason. It has the exact same kind of consistency and use yet it’s priced much higher.
In reviewing anti-wrinkle creams our review experts concluded the best overall is Kremotex. It can protect the skin against environmental damage as well as reverse the signs of aging.
This formula is also customer approved, as people say it blends well, does not clog skin, is easy to use, and can be added to all skin types. Before and after photos are also supplied to showcase how effective it truly is. Click this link for more on the benefits of Kremotex.
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