Prevage Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
Prevage is a topical skin cream that is designed to provide daily facial care, moisturization, and nourishment. Their advertising claims that Prevage helps fight against environmental damage and the damaging effects of free radicals.
They also say that within a week users will look younger, healthier, and shinier, with more even skin tone and texture.
Our panel of health, wellness, and beauty experts has decided that the most effective option for the majority of consumers is Kremotex.
Kremotex is a powerful moisturizer that also works to improve overall skin health at every level. Click here to see what Kremotex’s process is.
Prevage Ingredients and Side Effects
Oddly, Prevage does not publish their complete ingredients list online. In this day and age of information technology the vast majority of reputable brands make their entire ingredients list – both active and inactive ingredients – available to the public.
Quality products do this because they benefit from ease of comparison to inferior competitors. It raises serious questions about what is – and what isn’t – included in Prevage’s blend.

Information gathered from their website and from several independent reviewers concludes that Prevage contains at least these six ingredients:
Idebenone Ester |
Lipochroman-6 |
Green Tea Extract |
Soy Ferulate C |
Idebenone Ester: This is the main ingredient that Prevage highlights on their website, calling it the most antioxidant rich substance on the planet.
There is no clinical data to back that claim up, and it is largely a question of dosage more than anything. It is also thought to be high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10, which are all basic chemicals that are relevant to the body’s skin care process.
The lack of third party data about idebenone also means that we have very little information about possible side effects, drug interactions, or long-term consequences of regular usage. As of now there is no data that suggests that it may be hazardous, however there is also no data that proves it’s safe.
Lipochroman-6: A newly synthesized chemical that has antioxidant properties and acts as a fatty acid, both of which can have benefits for the skin.
Antioxidants are important because they fight the free radicals that destroy cell walls and lead to sagging dull skin. Fatty acids are useful as a smoothing agent and, though they don’t have any real medicinal or therapeutic value, they can be helpful in skin car blends.
There is very little information about exactly how potent lipochroman-6 is in either of those capacities, or about its long-term safety. As of now there have been no side effects associated with its use that have been reported.
Green Tea Extract: Derivatives of the common plant that’s used to make beverages, food products, and personal care items. Green tea is also high in antioxidants and polyphenols, though most of its benefits have been shown to come when ingested rather than when applied topically.
Green tea has been used in some home remedies for a wide variety of conditions, however the only application that it has been proven effective for is genital warts. There can be some serious consequences related to overconsumption of green tea, however it is thought to be safe when applied to the skin.
Soy Ferulate C: An extract from the soybean that has been synthesized with vitamin C. As mentioned, vitamin C is one of the basic nutrients needed for skin health, however less is known about the impact of soy extracts.
There has been some study that soy isoflavones can have a beneficial impact on skin elasticity, however that research is still in its infancy. There are some concerns that those isoflavones are phytoestrogens that can have the same effect on the body as estrogen supplements, which are controversial to say the least.
Soy is one of the more common food allergies in the world, and those individuals with soy sensitivities will want to avoid Prevage. It may also potentially be linked to conditions such as
- Abnormal uterine tissue growth
Soy is not recommended for children or pregnant or breast feeding women. It should also be avoided by anyone with preexisting kidney, thyroid or asthma issues, as well as those with milk and hay fever sensitivities.
Follow this link to see which skin care products tested the highest in our experts’ ongoing series of clinical trials.
Prevage Quality of Ingredients
It was very difficult for our team of experts to assess the overall quality of Prevage for several reasons. One is that without the full ingredients list it is impossible to know if there is anything in their blend like denatured alcohol or sodium hydroxide that are commonly used to trick consumers into thinking that products are working when in fact they do more damage in the long-term than good.
For that alone our experts would probably not recommend Prevage, however they had some issues with other aspects of their product as well. One was the massively untested nature of most of their ingredients. Long-term studies need to be done to determine the safety and effectiveness of all of these new chemicals, especially given that this is supposed to be an every day product.
Another problem that they had was that there is very little in Prevage that helps with collagen production, cellular function, or other core skin health issues beyond just basic vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin C is crucial for skin care, but it’s also available in nearly every over the counter lotion, moisturizer, and skin cream on the market that’s even moderately effective.
Follow this link to learned which skin care products tested the highest for improving the skin’s tensile strength and resiliency.
The Price and Quality of Prevage
Prevage is available through their home website and a number of other online retailers. The price can vary somewhat, depending on the source, but no matter where you find it Prevage is amongst the most expensive skin care products on the market today. This was the most common price for Prevage online:
- 1, 1.7 oz tube of Elizabeth Arden Prevage daily serum: $162.00
It is surprising that a product this expensive utilizes active ingredients that are as effective as the $10 cream from a corner store, but less reliable. Our readers are encouraged to compare prices and ingredients, as there are certainly better values out there than Prevage.

For more information about the skin care products that were the best at increasing collagen production, cellular action, and overall dermal wellness, click here.
Business of Prevage
Prevage is manufactured by cosmetics giant Elizabeth Arden. They can be reached through these channels:
Phone Number: (855) 289-6405
Address: 309 South St
New Providence, NJ 07974-2110
Email: Elizabeth Arden does not make an email address public, however they do have a customer feedback form on their website for all electronic communications.
It should be noted that Elizabeth Arden has an “F” rating with the BBB, due mainly to the high volume of formal complaints that they’ve received that have gone unaddressed by the company. They have also been the target of multiple lawsuits recently alleging unauthorized use of ingredients, misleading advertising, and trying to cheat pop star Britney Spears out of $10 million dollars of earnings from her fragrance line. They are also the company that is responsible for Justin Bieber brand fragrances.
The top brands of over the counter skin care products can be compared against one another by following this link.
Customer Opinions of Prevage
The Elizabeth Arden brand has its supporters, however many people that have tried Prevage recently have posted comments similar to these:
“Stinky and crusty, and didn’t really work – oh, and don’t get it in your eyes! Ouch!”
“Don’t waste your money. I used Prevage for about a week with no results, then I started breaking out. Now I’m back to my original face cream but I’m $160 poorer.”
Most of the complaints were about the fact that the product did not live up to its price or advertising claims, however there were also quite a few criticisms of the smell and texture of the cream. A number of reports online indicate that there may be unauthorized sellers distributing products under this brand name, and users are cautioned to beware of disreputable dealers.
Click here to see how all of the biggest brands of skin care products fared under the scrutiny of our third party evaluators.
Conclusion – Does Prevage Work?
After reviewing all of the relevant information that our panel of experts had access to, their conclusion was that Prevage will generally be a mildly effective, though vastly overpriced, skin care product.
Its effects will not be as noticeable as other products that use more collagen boosting agents or impact core cellular health, however it seems to be mostly safe. That said, without the full ingredients panel it is impossible to say this for sure.
Our team ultimately does not recommend Prevage because of how easy it is to find a superior product that is more forthcoming about their ingredients that costs less money.
The skin cream that they do recommend for most users is Kremotex. Kremotex is an apple stem cell based daily care product that also fights inflammation and boosts elastin production. Click here to see all of the benefits that Kremotex can have for users’ skin.
Featured Diets
Your article here is so helpful. I’ve had bad reactions to Prevage and also Elizabeth Ardens Ceramide line. The misprepresentation and lack of warnings, including from their highpowered sales people is frightening.
Face is seriously broke out.
So disappointed!!!!
Are there any class action suits against Prevage? I got mild chemical burns from it on my face and eyelids.
Well I absolutely love it and I’m 66 years old .I am always getting compliments on my skin and people say I look years younger I think the night cream is out of this world .My skin looks bright and smooth I love it .
Have there been any reports of this product stimulating facial hair growth? I swear I have much more facial hair, on my entire face, than I had before starting using 2 months ago.