Regenere Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) January 12, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Regenere is a skin care product that advertises itself as an injection-free alternative to Botox. They claim that they are able to get the same smoothing, age-defying effects as the more invasive chemical while also adding moisturizing and antioxidant elements to provide a more complete skin wellness program. Their website says that Regenere increases collagen production and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, dark circles, and other discolorations.

Our team of beauty and wellness experts has gotten the best results from a product called Kremotex. Their ingredient blend has been the most successful at increasing moisture levels and decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines without compromising the long-term health of the skin. Click here to see before and after pictures of Kremotex users.

Regenere Ingredients and Side Effects
Proprietary Biospheres QuSomes
Vitamins Antioxidants

Proprietary Biospheres: According to Regenere’s website, these are Biofil spheres made of wheat protein that help reduce water loss from skin cells. They further claim that this has a plumping effect on the skin, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Hydrolyzed wheat proteins are a fairly commonplace skin care ingredient that are formed when proteins and peptides are bonded together with hydrochloric acid in order to form simple amino acids. Its main function tends to be as a texture-enhancer, living on the surface of the skin and helping give it a smooth appearance and feel.

The moisturization claims from Regenere’s website mostly seem to be based on its ability to form a barrier over the skin that traps in moisture and allows other chemicals and nutrients a longer time to absorb. All of these benefits are surface-level effects that do not have any impact on the long-term health and wellness of the skin.

Wheat proteins are generally considered safe, however individuals with gluten sensitivities may experience allergic reactions when using these products. There are no other side effects or long-term consequences that have been traced to wheat proteins.

QuSomes: A newly synthesized chemical that is designed to act as a delivery agent for topical products that allows them to better penetrate the skin. Deeper penetration leads to more nutrients being absorbed by more skin cells, theoretically enhancing the power of any given ingredient blend.

QuSomes are tiny, microscopic bubbles that help break down the layers of rater and fat that can stop larger molecules from finding cells that are still untouched. They have no nutritional value or benefit to the skin directly, however it is thought to be indirectly helpful for moisturizers, color correctors, and some medications.

There is no data about QuSomes aside from the limited studies from its manufacturers, so it is difficult to accurately judge just how safe and effective they may be. There are some concerns that it may help the skin absorb chemicals that it is designed to keep out, which may have detrimental long-term effects on skin health, however QuSomes have not existed long enough for there to even be a 5-year study about their safety.

Vitamins and Antioxidants: This is incredibly vague, but those are the only other elements that Regenere even alludes to being included in their ingredient blend. There are literally thousands of different products that contain some amounts of vitamins and or antioxidants and it is impossible to tell from Regenere’s limited website what they may be.

Both vitamins and antioxidants are known to be incredibly helpful in skin care. Vitamins A, C, and E are especially necessary for the formulation of new skin, and vitamins B, D, and K all have dermal health functions as well. Antioxidants are needed to combat the damage that is done to the skin by free radicals, the harmful chemicals that get released when the skin is exposed to sunlight, harsh chemicals, or other environmental factors.

That said, vitamins and antioxidants could be the product of traditionally successful skin care ingredients like shea butter or retinol, they could be from fad sources like green tea, blue algae, or acai berry, or even from potentially harmful sources like mineral oil. Unless a company discloses their sources of these chemicals it is impossible to accurately evaluate the safety and effectiveness of any given product.

Click here to get access to our team of experts’ skin care products ratings.

Regenere Quality of Ingredients

In some ways it is impossible to evaluate a product accurately if you do not know what is in it, however the fact that they do not choose to publish their ingredients alone says volumes about the quality of their product.

Reputable companies that are proud of the products they produce and want to display their ingredients. They’re eager for the opportunity to have consumers compare their blend with the competition because they genuinely believe that they have the best product.

Posted ingredients lists allow for fair and accurate comparison with other products, ensuring that people with allergies or that are taking prescription meds don’t have unwanted interactions with the product, and it ensures customers that it does not contain any filler ingredients like simple alcohols that look good when applied but that have more damaging effects when used long term.

Our team encourages all of our readers to never purchase any beauty, wellness, or nutrition product that does not disclose their ingredients list.

For more information about or team’s research into the safest and most effective skin care products, click here.

The Price and Quality of Regenere

If the fact that Regenere does not choose to publish their ingredients was not a warning sign that they might not be the most reputable company, their strange pricing structure should be.

Regenere does not sell their product through any third party platforms, choosing instead to strictly control distribution themselves. They also do not sell Regenere in individual units, as most companies do, but rather they encourage browsing customers to try their free sample.

The catch with this offer, hidden in a small “Terms and Conditions” link at the bottom of the page, is that in order to receive your free sample you must first sign up for their automatic payment program. This program charges users $89.92 plus shipping and handling for the monthly delivery of a jar of Regenere – well above market price for a product of this nature.

If users try to cancel their enrollment in the program, Regenere has another set of hidden fees that they levy against the consumer. It does not seem that Regenere is trying to create a genuine product but rather they are just trying to trap consumers into paying fees that they did not expect for a product that they do not want.

Follow this link to learn more about which skin care products are the most effective at increasing moisturization, regeneration, and fatty acid levels.

Business of Regenere

As with their ingredients and their billing policies, Regenere is also reluctant to disclose any information about their parent company. Our research team did find that one of the names the company uses is WPS Innovations, however they are also linked to a network of other companies with this same business model that go by names like Skin Technologies and Coal Cosmetics. WPS Innovations can be contacted through these platforms:

Phone Number: (877) 286-0845

Address: 7308 S. Alton Way #2A

Centennial, CO 80112

Email: [email protected]

There have yet to be any legal filings brought against Regenere or WPS Innovations, however there are dozens of formal complaints against them registered with organizations like the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission.

To see which brands of over the counter skin care products our research team rated the highest, click here.

Customer Opinions of Regenere

Not selling your product on independent websites may help you control some of the reports from angry customers, but it doesn’t stop them from turning to sites like Ripoff Report and Consumer Help Desk to vent their frustrations. Some accounts of former Regenere customers are similar to these:

“I signed up for their free sample, but when I tried it it burned and made my face break out like crazy. I threw it away and didn’t even think of it again until I got a bill on my credit card for almost a hundred bucks.”

“This was the worst experience of my life! Regenere tricked me into paying tons of money for a garbage product – stay away!


The majority of the comments were complaining about the manipulative business practices of Regenere, however there were also quite a few negative comments about the product itself, with users mentioning its unpleasant smell and texture, a burning sensation upon application, and there were quite a few reports of side effects.

Follow this link to find out more about which skin care products are the most effective for reducing redness, wrinkles, and the effects of psoriasis and eczema.

How Does Regenere Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Regenere
  • 37/100
Conclusion – Does Regenere Work?

Our panel of reviewers has a philosophy that guides their work. They believe that skin care products should make the skin healthier first, and beauty is a product of those good practices. They also believe that quality companies are transparent about their business practices, choosing to rely on quality products that make customers want to keep buying them rather than marketing gimmicks that trick people into giving them money.

Regenere violates both of these core values. Their products do not make people healthier or younger looking. They are not made of trusted materials or sold at a fair price they are not even guaranteed safe for any given user. Our panel cannot encourage users strenuously enough to avoid Regenere.

Our team suggests that users looking for a daily skin care product try Kremotex. Their ingredients blend is formulated to improve skin from the cellular level out, making it look younger and healthier because it’s actually functioning better. Click here to see why Kremotex is becoming one of the most respected brands in the industry.

7 Responses to Regenere Review

Marilyn says:

I ordered this once and of course they keep sending and charging my credit card. I received my statement and I was charged twice, under two different company names and two different phone numbers. I called the first number to cancel. Then called the second number to see what it was and to cancel. They informed me that I had already cancelled. One product two numbers. Supposedly one was for the face creme and one was for the eye cream.
They were mailed together, why two different changes and why two different company names and phone numbers.

Julia says:

I cannot find a number to cancel my order. Where is it or can you forward it to me? I am so unhappy with this product, it does not work as it says it does and I don’t want a third bottle let aline the second one already sent to me!

Teresa R says:

844-821-5727 is the customer service line. But if your last delivery was more than 30 days ago, they will not allow you to return the unopened product for a refund. This company does not stand behind its product.

Frankbrumby Brumby says:

Whether it works or not is not my issue. I signed up for free trial, to be charged only for shipping (approx. 14.00). Instead, charged $4. And change. 14 days later, my card was chgd. $89.00. I found an active phone number: 844-821-1527, this number active as of 8/11/17. I have stopped all charges against my account.

Jenny says:

Do not buy this product. Was charged 184 dollars . Shady business practices BEWARE.

Leticia Rodriguez says:

I signed up for a free trial, I then called and cancelled but I was charged $84.95 and $89.92 by two different companies. When I called I was told that I was being charged for the products that I had received in the fre trial because I did not cancel within the first 14 days. Do not waste your money for these products that don’t even work. I’ve never done business with a company who’s business practices are so unethical. Rachel Ray should be embarrassed to be associated with this product.

Angela says:

Did the company refund your money

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