AlluraDerm Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
AlluraDerm is a skin cream that advertises itself as a moisturizer and anti-aging product.
They claim that their blend is able to increase collagen production and cellular moisture retention levels while also helping smooth and blend the users’ skin tone. They recommend their product to anyone over thirty, that is exposed to direct sunlight as part of their occupation, or that needs extra care and support to keep their skin healthy and functional.
Our panel of beauty and nutrition professionals ranks Kremotex as their top skin care product.
They rated it the highest for cellular health, elastin production, and color correction. Click here to see Kremotex’s entire proprietary blend.
AlluraDerm Ingredients and Side Effects
Matrixyl 3000 |
Resveratrol |
Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen |
Vitamins A and C |
Matrixyl 3000: A form of amino acid peptide chain that has shown some ability to stimulate collagen production. Very little research has been done into the effects of Matrixyl 3000, and it has all been performed by their manufacturer, Sederma.
Collagen production is a key part of skin care, as collagen is the cellular base that forms new skin. Being able to increase new collagen production makes the face look fuller and healthier, and it can even skin tone and help eliminate dark spots.
It is still unclear how effective Matrixyl actually is at increasing collagen production, or how safe it is. There have been few complaints of side effects so far, but there is also no data about the long term effects of Matrixyl, do mainly to how short of a time it has been around for.
Resveratrol: A form of polyphenol derived from the skin of red grapes. Polyphenols are useful for fighting off the damaging effects of antioxidants and they may have some anti-inflammatory effects as well, however there is less evidence to back up those claims.
Polyphenols and antioxidants are both responsible for preventing the damage caused by the free radicals that are created by exposure to sunshine, smoke, smog, and other environmental effects. Left unchecked, free radicals can destroy cell membranes, warping cells and causing them to expand.
This results in the sagging of the skin as the tight, orderly structure of the cells is destroyed. This also makes the skin look duller and increases its vulnerability to further damage from UV rays.
There are very few people that have negative reactions to resveratrol, though some people do have mild allergic flare-ups. It is also possible for resveratrol to interact negatively with blood thinning medication, so users are encouraged to consult their medical professional before taking resveratrol.

Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen: While not considered a harmful additive for most humans, collagen is not as useful a skin care ingredient as some may think. We’ve already discussed the importance of collagen above, however it should be noted that those effects cannot be achieved merely by rubbing collagen onto the skin.
Collagen is a highly complex molecule that is composed of many different proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. This means that it is both to large to be easily absorbed by the skin and too complicated to be of use to it when it is. Collagen has to be broken down before it is useful, and its multiple component parts are distributed throughout the body, not just to the skin.
What happens when collagen is applied topically is usually just that it sits on top of the skin where it can cover and fill in damaged areas and cracks. This sometimes has a temporarily smoothing effect on the skin’s texture, but its effects rarely last past the next shower or facewash.
Collagen is considered safe for most users, though mild allergic reactions are possible. It is not thought to have any long-term consequences.
Vitamins A and C: Two of the fundamental ingredients in the skin formulation process. Both vitamins C and A are required to form new skin, and they also play an active roll in a number of other biological processes.
A and C are highly recommended by our team as skin care additives, in part because of their core-level effectiveness and in part because of how well tolerated they are by most users. The vast majority of humans react positively to vitamins A and C assuming that they are consumed in reasonable dosages.
Follow this link to see the complete list of all of the top brands of skin care products available without a prescription.
AlluraDerm Quality of Ingredients
Of the parts of their blend that are known to the public, AlluraDerm uses some quality ingredients, some ingredients that are just ok, and one ingredient that is highly questionable.
Vitamins A and C are good for most people, necessary for a number of biological functions, and applicable to the skin in particular, making them two of the top ingredients on our experts list.
Resveratrol and Matrixyl are not the worst additives on the market, but they aren’t the best, either. Neither one has a track record of reliability, and only Matrixyl might benefit the skin at the core level.
Collagen is a suspect ingredient in a skin care blend because often its inclusion means that the manufacturers are trying to take advantage of the small amounts of knowledge that some consumers have. Many people know that collagen is important for facial care, so they assume that collagen in a skin care product is beneficial.
None of this really matters, however, because AlluraDerm does not publish their complete ingredients list. Our team does not recommend any product that is unwilling to disclose what is in it. Too many disreputable manufacturers hide harmful chemical in their skin care blends for us to be able to take them at their word that all of their unlisted chemicals are safe and effective.
To see which skin care products have proven to be the most effective at reducing hyperpigmentation and blemishes, click here.
The Price and Quality of AlluraDerm
AlluraDerm uses a somewhat unusual pricing structure. They do not sell their product individually or through any independent retailers. The only option for interested consumers is to sign up for their “Free Trial Offer.”
The catch with the “Free Trial Offer” is that it actually enrolls the user in an automatic renewal program that charges its members $86.94 per month. There are also fees for cancelling and for other stipulated circumstances, ensuring that the vast majority of people signing up for the free trial offer pay as much as possible.

Click here to learn more about how the biggest brands in the skin care industry fared in our experts’ testing.
Business of AlluraDerm
AlluraDerm is part of an organization of skin care products that all share their promotional materials, marketing strategies, and parent companies. The names of these companies are constantly changing, however, and names that have been used in the past include Skin Technologies, Skin Noir, and Dos Hermanos, LLC. AlluraDerm lists their parent company as Naturally Essential and their contact info as:
Phone Number: (844) 222-2205
Address: 600 Corporation Dr.
Pendleton, IN 46064
Email: [email protected]
This is one of the most poorly reviewed companies that our team has ever encountered. They have a 0% positive rating on the Better Business Bureau and hundreds of formal complaints about their business practices have been filed with the Federal Trade Commission.
Follow this link for the complete list of the top skin care brands for daily moisturization needs.
Customer Opinions of AlluraDerm
There are hundreds of people that are angry at AlluraDerm and their partners for taking advantage of them with their “Free Trial Offer.” Those that did comment on the quality of the skin cream were equally upset about that, and comments were often similar to these:
“I can’t believe I put something that smells this bad on my face. I can believe that it made me break out.”
“I have no idea what these things are, but as soon as I started using AlluraDerm I started to grow these weird little hard lumps under my skin, especially on my neck. I quit using it when I found them, but they have not gone away.”
Many reviewers were so disappointed in the quality of AlluraDerm that they believe that they know it is a substandard product and do not care; that they are just trying to hook people with the “Free Trial Offer” and charge them as many times as possible before they notice.
To see the complete list of skin care products that are safe and effective for increasing cellular hydration and functionality, click here.
Conclusion – Does AlluraDerm Work?
Our panel of experts believes that the best companies are proud of their products. They know that they are superior to their competition and encourage users to compare the two, secure that they will win. They charge a fair price and advertise it proudly, knowing that customers are willing to pay good prices for good value products.
AlluraDerm does not do any of this. They do not want to publish what is in their product, for fear that it will not measure up, and they do not want to post the terms of their so-called deal because they know that they are overcharging people for products that they may not have even wanted in the first place.
This is not a fair, reasonable, or honorable way to conduct business. Our team recommends users only purchase products that are willing to disclose their entire contents and that charge fair, agreed upon price.
Our panel recommends Kremotex to all readers that are looking for a daily over the counter skin care product. Kremotex is mild enough for daily use but potent enough that it can radically transform the appearance of old, dry, and damaged skin. Click here to see before and after photos that demonstrate Kremotex’s effectiveness.
Featured Diets
I just got alluraderm in the mail after reading how in reliable the company is I decided not to use this product. I never signed up for any other products but I saw right away I had eye cream also I had to pay fo. I closed down my charge card immediately .Don’t know how to get in touch with them I will try the number on this site.Thank you
I got the free trial. I didnt use it onlt opened it Now i gpt twocharges on my bank account for89.94 & 8985 the web site gave me a free tail on eye gel too.. Now they charged me.i never answer k’d a membership. I saw now info on web site when i pkd the free trial. I called my bank they said call them. I hot a call center said told them i never okd that charge only the free trial they said . i had a membership i told them that wasnt on the web site. They saod i had to cancel in 14 days. I new it wadnt that long. I said i cancel donot send me anymore i will refuse it. The said to lat they’ll give me 50%off & send me another tube.i said no i want to speak to a suprv. He said he was.. (Yeh,right) i said im not paying you ;hung up.i went to my bank. & spoke to them i yad to go over the whole story 5xs with fraud dept. Then again spoke to my person at the branch & they say it happens all the time with the free trials. There all scams. The charges will be off my account in 24 hours.
How did you get them to remove your bank’s charges? Dealing with the same difficulty.
I too, have been set up with this company ordering the free trial.I can’t believe JoAnna Gains is involved in this I thought they were church going people. I guess there are bad apples in a few churches. So disappointed in her and the company. Guess none of us will get our money back. I can not get anyone to answer on the phone or find a place on the web site to cancel. Next thing is cancel credit card which will run into a lot of headaches.
I signed up for the free trial, unbeknownst of the cancellation procedure before 14 days. I was charged twice for the product. I called and cancelled it, getting back $100 of the $190 charged. Then a couple of weeks later, I noticed another charge from If you don’t call them after canceling your subscription to Alluraderm, you will continually be charged that $9.95 fee. Their number is (877)374-5471. I have also noticed that the eye syrum has made the circles under my eyes more prevalent and darker. I suggest that neither product be purchased.
Horrible company who scams women out of an unreasonable amount of money! I received a confirmation of my order with nothing in print anywhere about what I would be charged if I didn’t cancel. When I was charged $160 and tried to cancel I was told I didn’t cancel in time! What a scam!
They pulled the scam on me Free sample cost $177 never told you have 14 days to cancel also when I called very rude and was told she could not hear me and my call was breaking up this is the worst co. EVER!!!
Alluraderm is a off, they charge your acct without permission. Thieves, don’t try this. Scammers, small print….they will tip you off.
I just spent the greater part of the afternoon trying to get out of this scam! The phone numbers on the website(s) are useless, look at your credit card statement, there should be a phone number affiliated with the charge. Call that number to cancel. I was given a verbal return authorization number with specific instructions to write it on the outside of the return package. I also received an email with an RMA number with considerably more digits than the verbal number. I put them all on the package and promptly took it to the post office and got a tracking number. They offered to let me keep the items for an 80% discount but I told the guy that I am sure return postage would be cheaper, which it was. Now I am apparently signed up for some Makeup365 website that involves a monthly $9.95 charge for beauty tips. I will deal with that tomorrow. Whatever you do, do not fall for this scam! I have learned my lesson and hopefully will get out unscathed, but I still might cancel my credit card tomorrow just to sure.
This is a farce, I like so many others was charged almost 200.00 dollars for this stuff…so much for a free trial.
Does not work. Yes the scam happened to me too after signing up for a free sample. I had to pay much much more than the shipping fee they asked for.
I got taken too with that free trial for allura derm. I supposedly was only paying 4.99 for shipping. It turned out to be more because they sent the eye serum also which I saw on the website but couldn’t bypass it. Also they said it was a new line of cosmetics developed by Joanna Gaines of the fixer upper tv show. I was charged $180 after 14 days because I didn’t’ return the products so they charged me full price. I had no knowledge of this. And then after 30 days came the 9.95 charge from the affiliated company for the makeup club I didn’t know I had joined. Ridiculous. I recouped some of my money but I had to fight to get that.
I too was scammed by this company. False advertising! I called and was told I had 14 days to cancel. Was told I could only recoup a portion of what was charged to my credit card. I will pursue the Better Business Bureau and other departments about this scam. Spread the word. This is wrong!!!!
This is a scam. ‘Trail’ is only to get your credit card information and keep charging.
The trial package arrived with an opened bottle. Unfortunately this post does not allow image uploads. This is REALLY BAD
I, too was scammed by the makers of Alluraderm. I did not notice the fine print about the 14 day cancellation policy, and so was charged close to a hundred dollars. I got most of it refunded. What I did not notice also was that they had subscribed me onto, an online advisory, without my knowledge for $9.95/mo. I did catch it on my credit card invoice after a few months and got refunded for half of the charges. I’m sure they will continue doing this without fear of being shut down. To the authorities this is just peanut money.
I paid $5.94 for a jar of the facial cream in September. Today, October 15th, Chase called me to say there was a charge of $87.50 made on my card. I called Alluraderm and was told the $5.94 was only for shipping & handling and the cream itself cost $87.50.
They had also signed me up for a subscription which I did not authorize or know about. Chase has my back so I won’t lose this latest charge, but do NOT do business with these scammers!!!
Just found the $160+ charges. However, I did cancel by email minutes after ordering free samples. That certainly was not effective. Thanks for the info.
My experience was similar. A refund of $100 was credited to my credit card. When I realized that didn’t cover it, I called back. A very persistent though polite young man in informed me over and over that my account was now closed and they wouldn’t refund the rest of my money. I asked for a supervisor and was told there was nothing they could/would do either. So sorry that Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper has gotten herself entwined in this business. She needs to get back to her old job as superior home decorator and get out of this scam!
I got the same charges as several other people complained about. I am pursuing refunding these charges tomorrow starting with phone calls on my cc statement and then to my bank. Am reporting them to better business bureau. This was first time I tried free trial product….won’t fall for anymore of that ‘free trial stuff’.
Just talked to different people on behalf of alluraderm and complained of charges; suppose to b refunding but only $120 of $172.70 charge(said that’s all allowed to refund and that’s not a good reason) and supposed to b refunding $9.95 charge. I m calling my cc company to tell them not to accept anymore of these charges. Fortunately, on purpose, this cc has a $300 limit on it or I might have been charged more.