Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) December 27, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream is a skin cream that is formulated to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve hydration levels. They advertise themselves as a luxury product that is velvety in texture with the scent of oak smoked roses and claim that it can help define facial contours, brighten complexion, and reduce the effects of oxidation. Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream’s website states that it is also recommended to help reduce the appearance of dark spots, dry patches, blemishes, and sun damage.

Our team believes that the most effective skin care product on the market is Kremotex. It is the skin cream that tested the best in metrics like tautness, color correction, and age reduction. Click here to see why Kremotex is so highly regarded within the skin care industry.

Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
Viniferine Resveratrol Hydrogenated Apricot Kernel Oil
Olive Oil Extracts Parfum Sodium Hydroxide

 Viniferine: A form of grape vine extracts that is thought to be high in polyphenols and vitamin A, both of which are helpful for skin health.

Products derived from grape trees have been the subjects of very few studies into their effects on the skin and there is no conclusive data about their effects. They are thought to be useful mostly because vitamin A is particularly useful for new skin generation, and polyphenols are useful for fighting free radicals that cause skin damage.

Most grape, grapeseed, and grapevine products are safe for human use, although some side effects that can be associated with their usage may include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Itchy scalp
  • Dizziness

Resveratrol: A concentrated form of vitamin A used in many skin care products. As mentioned, vitamin A is useful for basic biological functions like collagen production and skin formation.

Resveratrol is safe for humans when taken in reasonable doses, and there are no serious side effects traced to its usage.

Hydrogenated Apricot Kernel Oil: Extracts taken from the pit of the apricot fruit that are high in fatty acids, but also contain the known toxin amygdalin.

Fatty acids are used often in skin car products because even though they don’t actually improve the core health of the skin they do make it appear smoother, and they are also helpful for stabilizing creams, lotions, and other skin care products.

Amygdalin is a chemical that, when combined with certain acids such as those found in the stomach, is converted into the poison cyanide. Topical use of apricot kernel products shouldn’t activate the harmful side of amygdalin, however the potential exists depending on what other products and chemicals consumers use on their skin.

Olive Oil Extracts: A known emollient used in many skin care products. Olive oil is also high in fatty acids, and is useful for adding a smooth, creamy texture to facial care products.

Olive-based products tend to be very mild, although some individuals can have allergic reactions to them. Side effects of olive sensitivity may include:

  • Rash
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Irritation

Sodium Hydroxide: This is one of our reviewers’ least favorite chemicals to see on a list of skin care ingredients. The more common name for sodium hydroxide is lye; the extremely caustic base chemical that has not been commonly used in skin care products for almost a century.

Lye used to be used as a skin lightener and pH balancer for skin care products, is classified as a known toxin by the CDC, and they do not suggest it for contact with humans. Lye fell out of favor because it is thought that it can potentially lead to:

  • Chemical burns
  • Tissue necrosis
  • Cell destruction
  • Permanent skin color changes
  • Ulceration
  • Neural toxicity
  • Organ toxicity
  • Blindness
  • Cancer

Parfum: A generic term for some kind of unspecified fragrance product. This is always a frustrating entry to find on an ingredients list because it is impossible to tell anything about what this additive is.

Companies are not required to list their inactive ingredients in the same way as they do their active ingredients, and so often they will be less specific about chemicals that they are not as proud of, for whatever reason.

This could be a floral or a citrus product, it could be natural or synthesized in a lab, it may contain potential allergens and it may be perfectly safe. There is no way of knowing unless Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream chooses to disclose that information themselves, and at this point in time they are choosing to keep that secret.

To see our experts’ complete list of the most effective skin care products in the country, click here.

Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream Quality of Ingredients

Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream uses some ingredients that are fine for the skin, if not particularly helpful, they have some questionable ingredients, and they have one ingredient that our experts strongly caution against.

Viniferine, resveratrol, and the olive oil byproducts contained in Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream are not in the top level of our experts’ ingredients ranking, which is reserved for products that are known to be beneficial for the core health of the skin and have zero potential of harmful side effects. They are in the next bracket of ingredients, those that may be somewhat helpful to the skin and whose consequences, if any, are mild.

Apricot pit products are somewhat more questionable, due to their chemical connection to cyanide and the lack of data about their long-term safety. Parfum is highly suspect, both in terms of the lack of information about what it is, and the question of why would they not want to disclose that information more openly?

However the fact of the matter is that all of these questions no longer matter as soon as you see sodium hydroxide on the ingredients list. Lye does not belong in skin care products under any circumstances and our readers are encouraged to immediately put down any product that they see that still uses it.

Follow this link to learn more about which skin health products tested the best in our experts’ clinical trials.

The Price and Quality of Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream

Despite the somewhat questionable nature of some of the ingredients in Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream, it is still one of the most expensive products on the market today. It retails on their website for a price similar to this:

  • 1, 1.7 oz tube of Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream: $158.00

This puts it in the same price bracket as the most premier brands of skin care products on the market, however it does not seem to contain any rare or expensive ingredient that could justify that price. Products with very similar ingredients lists that don’t contain lye are available for less than a third of that price through other outlets online.

Click here to learn why some products are more effective at reducing wrinkles and fine lines than others.

Business of Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream

Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream is a product of the cosmetics company Caudaile. They list their contact information online as:

Phone Number: (866) 826-1615

Address: Caudaile does not list their address online, however they are based in Paris, France.

Email: Caudaile does not list an email address online either, however they do have a customer comment form for electronic communication.

Caudaile has not been involved in any court actions for a number of years, however in 2003 they were sued by actress Catherine Zeta Jones for their unauthorized use of her name and image in their advertising.

Follow this link to see how all of the top brands of skin care products performed in our team’s laboratory trials.

Customer Opinions of Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream

Some customers are loyal to the Caudaile brand, however others are very upset with their experience with Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream. Reviews from customers were often similar to these:

“Put it on one night before bed and I woke up broken out the next morning. Thought it might be a coincidence, so like a dummy I did it again and got the same result.”

“I had high hopes for this stuff after reading their advertising, however two tubes and three hundred dollars later I’m ready to concede that it doesn’t actually do anything.

“HURT going on and made my face look TERRIBLE. I NEED A REFUND.”

The most frequent form of complaint was related to lack of effectiveness in moisturizing, color correcting, and wrinkle reduction. There were also quite a few complaints about unpleasant side effects and the product’s high cost.

Click here to learn which skin care products were the most effective at reducing inflammation, increasing collagen generation, an improving skin health overall.

How Does Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream
  • 41/100
Conclusion – Does Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream Work?

Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream would have the potential to be a middle quality skin cream that was mildly effective but overpriced, however it ultimately used too many questionable ingredients for our experts to be able to recommend it to our readers.

Grape and olive are fine ingredients, however they don’t make up for the damage that lye can do to skin. For the price that Caudaile Premier Cru The Cream asks for their product you could purchase three times as much for a product that has less chance of causing negative side effects.

Our team of researchers recommends Kremotex as the most reliable skin care product on the market. Their skin cream uses shea butter for moisturization and apple stem cells to help stimulate the skin’s natural repair functions. Click here to see the rest of their proprietary blend.

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