Eco Maxx Cream Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 1, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Eco Maxx Cream is an anti-aging skin cream that also provides moisturization and stimulates collagen growth. Their advertising claims that it has shown in tests that it reduces the depth and appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and that it helps smooth out skin texture and tone.

They say that it can help eliminate dark spots and overpigmentation, as well as increasing the skin’s resistance to UV rays and other environmental factors.

The most effective skin care product according to our team’s research is Kremotex.

Their proprietary blend has proven effective in improving users’ skin at the core level, not just cosmetically. Click here to see Kremotex’s full product information panel.

Eco Maxx Cream Ingredients and Side Effects

Eco Maxx Cream does not mention any of their ingredients on their website or in their promotional materials. Through research our team was able to determine some of the additives used in their blend, however the full ingredients list of Eco Maxx Cream is unknown. These are the only chemicals that we know are a part of the Eco Maxx Cream proprietary blend:

Aloe Vera Vitamin C
Shea Butter Collagen Extract

 Aloe Vera: A desert plant found in North America that has been used for skin care purposes by indigenous peoples for centuries. It is possibly effective in treating:

  • Acne
  • Burns
  • Genital herpes
  • Lichen planus
  • Psoriasis

Aloe has both antibacterial and antifungal qualities and may also be useful in wound healing. It is safe for most users when applied topically, however some individuals have allergic reactions to aloe byproducts.

Vitamin C: The main catalyzing agent in the collagen formulation process and a necessary chemical for proper biofunctionality. Vitamin C also helps regulate cholesterol function and iron absorption, and it plays a major role in immune function.

Collagen is the main cellular building block of the skin and being able to encourage collagen generation keeps the skin fresh and young looking. It is what is responsible for the “plumping” effect that cheeks and skin get when they are healthy. Generating new collagen helps reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes, and it helps prevent skin from becoming dry, damaged, and wrinkled.

Vitamin C is safe for most humans. It can be taken to excess, however those cases are very rare. There are no short-term side effects or long term concerns related to its consumption.

Shea Butter: Extracts taken from the pits of the shea tree’s fruit. An effective fatty acid-based emollient that also contains vitamins and nutrients that can speed up the collagen generation process.

Fatty acids are effective skin conditioners for their ability to smooth rough and damaged areas, leaving the skin looking healthy and even. They can also trap moisture under their protective layer, preventing its evaporation into the atmosphere.

Shea butter has been used at different times to treat:

  • Acne
  • Burns
  • Dandruff
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis

It is one of the most mild skin care products and few people have negative reactions to it. There are no short- or long-term issues with regular consumption of shea products. Although the pits are often called “shea nuts” they are not actually members of the nut family and do not contain any similar allergens.

Collagen Extract: Topical bovine- or poultry-derived form of the key skin cell material. Despite the effectiveness of increasing the skin’s natural collagen generation functions, collagen itself is not a particularly useful ingredient.

The main issue with collagen as a topical skin care ingredient is the size and complexity of its molecular structure. It is hard for the skin to absorb the relatively large structures, and as such the majority of the collagen ends up remaining on the outer layer of the dermis.

There it can fill in gaps and cover damaged areas, similar to fatty acids, but it does very little from an actual health perspective. What few collagen molecules that are absorbed by the skin then must be broken down into their constituent parts before it can be put to use.

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other proteins are all separated out and redistributed throughout the body so that they can be put to use by whatever systems require them. There is very little chance that the collagen that is rubbed on the skin will become part of the skin. This would be a little like rubbing the hair of an animal on your head and expecting it to become part of your own hair.

Click here for data about which skin care products are the most effective at reversing the signs of aging.

Eco Maxx Cream Quality of Ingredients

If all that mattered were the few ingredients that we knew about, then it might be possible to think that Eco Maxx Cream was a moderately effective skin care product. However, the fact that they don’t publish their ingredients list, combined with their use of collagen, makes our panel skeptical about their brand.

It is hard to recommend a product when you don’t know what’s in it. It is important to see the full ingredients list so that you know what each additive you’re consuming is, but also so that you know all of the additives that you’re not using as well.

Too many skin care products manufacturers include ingredients like simple alcohols or lye that help the product seem effective when it is first applied, yet over time can have serious consequences. Not surprisingly, the companies that use these products also tend to be the companies that don’t publish their ingredients lists.

Follow this link to see the skin care products that tested the highest for cellular activity and collagen turnover.

The Price and Quality of Eco Maxx Cream

Eco Maxx Cream is not for sale through conventional methods. There are no terrestrial outlets that carry it, and the only online source is their own website, however even there it cannot be purchased on a per-unit basis.

The only option is to sign up to receive their “Free Trial Offer,” which is a very misleading title. Signing up for this offer actually enrolls customers in their subscription program that automatically renews every month and charges users’ credit cards $89.69 for a 1 oz jar, which, according to many former customers accounts, is often not even delivered after the first trial jar.

For information regarding the latest skin care product testing results, click here.

Business of Eco Maxx Cream

Eco Maxx Cream is affiliated with a network of skin care brands that all use this same marketing model. They list many different parent companies on their various websites, however Eco Maxx Cream is currently claiming that their parent brand is Coal Cosmetics. They list their contact information as:

Phone Number: (800) 958-5410

Address: 5404 Whitsett Ave #128

Valley Village, CA 91607

Email: [email protected]

There are many formal complaints filed against Coal Cosmetics and their associates with the BBB and the FTC, however they have ignored all cease and desist requests from the agencies.

Follow this link to find information about which skin care products are the safest and most reliable.

Customer Opinions of Eco Maxx Cream

When former customers comment on the actual cream itself instead of just focusing on the manipulative marketing strategies that the company employs, their comments were often similar to these:

“I woke up the morning after trying Eco Maxx for the first time and I was so red it looked like someone had given me a chemical peel in my sleep.”

“The singular worst personal care product I have ever been unlucky enough to sample. Everyone involved in its invention, manufacturing, advertising, and distribution should be ashamed of themselves.”

Complaints also addressed the smell of the skin cream, how it felt being applied, its lack of moisturization, and a wide variety of reports of side effects.

To see all of our experts’ recommendations for skin care products that match your skin type and specific needs, click here.

How Does Eco Maxx Cream Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Eco Maxx Cream
  • 26/100
Conclusion – Does Eco Maxx Cream Work?

Our team of skin care products experts have very defined parameters for what they are looking for in a skin care product. They want it to improve the way its user looks, but only if it is improving the actual health and wellness of the skin, not if it is an empty cosmetic improvement.

They also want to make sure that users are informed about what they are putting on their face and that they are treated respectfully by the manufacturers of the products that they use. Transparency is important at every step of the process.

Eco Maxx Cream fails in every aspect of these standards. They try to manipulate customers into paying for a mystery product whose contents they are totally unaware of. In a world full of quality skin care products that do not abuse their customers, this is unacceptable behavior that prevents our panel from being able to issue any kind of recommendation that users even sample their product.

Our team suggests that users in need of a reliable daily moisturizer try Kremotex. It has shown to effectively raise cellular hydration levels while also safely increasing collagen production in their users.

This is due to their use of apple stem cells, one of the most potent skin revitalizers on the market today. They also use shea butter, a traditional skin care product, and a blend of concentrated vitamins and minerals.  Click here to hear more information about the effects of Kremotex skin cream.

2 Responses to Eco Maxx Cream Review

Anonymous says:

I would like to stop them from coming…………can’t find an email or number…shady

Sydney says:

Absolutely terrible. Cream was shipped in a plain box with no invoice, no information as to the charges, no customer service number, no address! Cream smelled awful and had no ingredient list. Can’t believe I fell for this scam. Paid for shipping for a trial and then got charged $90 every month for three months…guess I missed the non-existent “fine print” about signing up for auto ship. Charges in my statement were from “Figurebod”. Tried to call them but got nowhere. Luckily my bank was able to have most of the charges reversed!

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