Vita Luminance Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) January 24, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Vita Luminance is a topical cream that is used for daily moisturization and general skin care needs. Its website says that it stimulates collagen and elastin production, which helps to make the face firm and UV resistant.

They further claim that it is formulated to reduce over-pigmentation and decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, helping users look younger and healthier.

Our panel of beauty and wellness experts has Kremotex ranked as their number one skin care product for general skin care needs. They rated their cream the highest for moisture levels, cellular activity, and overall wrinkle reduction. Click here to learn more about Kremotex’s proprietary blend of ingredients.

Vita Luminance Ingredients and Side Effects

Vita Luminance doesn’t have a copy of their ingredient list posted anywhere on their website, and their advertising only mentions one active ingredient:


Retinoids: A highly concentrated form of vitamin A that is found in many skin care products that is also thought to have antioxidant properties.

Vitamin A is a necessary chemical for proper biofunctionality in general and it plays a roll in the formulation of new skin in particular. It helps the body generate new collagen and repair damage to older collagen, as well as improving circulation to the skin.

Improved collagen levels helps to tighten pores and prevent UV damage, as well as the negative effects of other environmental hazards such as smoke, exhaust, dust, and other pollutants. These elements all contribute to the formation and release of free radicals – atomic structures that can damage the skin.

Free radicals destroy cell membranes, which leads to sagging, dull, and discolored skin. Retinoids can also help lessen this effect because they are high in antioxidants, the chemicals that the body uses to fight off free radicals.

Retinoids and vitamin A are not harmful to the vast majority of humans and there are no serious side effects associated with their consumption, assuming that it is within reason.

Click here to see which skin care products our team of experts rate the highest.

Vita Luminance Quality of Ingredients

It is hard to judge the overall effectiveness of Vita Luminance when they only list one ingredient. They aren’t even specific enough to say that Retinoid is the only active ingredient, so in addition to all of the inactive chemicals there may be opt her drugs that have a significant effect on the skin that Vita Luminance isn’t choosing to disclose.

This is a problem for a number of reasons. First, it is impossible to say whether or not Vita Luminance is even safe for any given user. If you have allergies, there is no indication if Vita Luminance will provoke a reaction in you. It may or may not interact with any medications that you are taking, and the ingredients list may or may not contain carcinogens, toxins, or other harmful chemicals.

Second, it is impossible to say if the ingredients that they are using are going to be effective or not. Retinoids are an excellent ingredient, but they are unacceptable as the only active compound. Are there others? If so, are they well regarded? These are questions that it is impossible to say without access to their ingredients.

Third, the gesture of choosing not to publish their ingredients is one that should make consumers nervous. Companies with quality ingredients want to publish them to prove to consumers that their products are superior to the competitions. Companies whose ingredients list is substandard often times do not choose to publish it so that consumers cannot see that they do not measure up to the other products in their field.

Retinoids are well regarded by our tam, however in order for them to be able to recommend a product it has to have more than that in order to be as effective as competing skin creams, and they have to be able to demonstrate that they are not using simple alcohols, lye, or any of the other common harmful additives that still get used in skin care products.

Follow this link for more information about which skin care products tested the best or wrinkle reduction, color correction, and vibrancy.

The Price and Quality of Vita Luminance

Vita Luminance does not use a traditional or straightforward pricing structure for their products. They do not sell their product on a per-unit basis, or even publish a base price for it. Instead, the only option available on their website is to sign up for a “free offer.”

“Free offer” is in quotations because there is not actually anything free about it. All users must also pay shipping and handling for the product, however that is a fairly standard caveat for offers like this and is not the main issue. The biggest problem with this offer is that consumers are actually signing up for an automatic renewal program – a fact that is not prominently mentioned on their website.

Judging by the many angry customer reports that can be found on sites like Ripoff Report and Consumer Complaints Board, people frequently do not even know that they are enrolled in the subscription program until after their credit card is charged – sometimes multiple times.

The subscription rate is exceptionally high as well: $97.21 per month. This is well above market norms for products of this nature, even super-premium products that have proven track records and well-regarded ingredients lists. Even if Vita Luminance was an effective product – and there is no indication that it is – this would still be an unreasonable price.

If customers try to cancel their program, there are hidden fees, if the try to return the products there is a restocking fee, and if they choose to keep the “free” product they are charged for it. All of these details are mentioned in a “Terms” link found hidden on the bottom of only one of their multiple web pages and are not made accessible to consumers unless they are deliberately looking for it.

To see which brands came out on top during our experts’ review process, click here.

Business of Vita Luminance

Vita Luminance is one of several companies that are all operating using the same dishonest business model. They deliberately try to obscure the name of their overall parent company and instead list a number of different shell companies, such as Coal Cosmetics, Skin Technologies, and Satin Youth. Vita Luminance claims to be a product of Revived Youth, who list their contact info as:

Phone Number: (800) 878-9702

Address: 7565 Commercial Way, Unit E

Henderson, NV 89011

Email: [email protected]

The Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission have both been contacted regarding Vita Luminance and their affiliates, however there is no indication that there is any current legal action being taken against them.

Click here for complete access to the results of our experts’ exhaustive review process.

Customer Opinions of Vita Luminance

The most frequent type of account from customers of Vita Luminance are from people who are angry about being tricked by their “free trial” program. There are also quite a few people who expressed outrage over the nature of the product as well, and there were many reports similar to these:

“The worst skin cream EVER. Not only did it not moisturize my face – my skin actually got DRIER – it also gave me a serious infection.”

“I thought I’d try Vita Luminance to see if it could help me with my melasma. It was not only totally useless for that, but it made me break out like crazy.

“Run! Do not give these people your money or your info, and if your skin is important to you then DO NOT PUT THEIR PRODUCTS ON IT.”

Many of the complainants felt like the manufacturers knew that their product was ineffective and chose to sell it anyway because all they are trying to do is secretly charge people for the subscription plan, and then charge them again when they try to get out of it.

Follow this link to find out more about which brands of over the counter skin creams are the best at treating conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and contact dermatitis.

How Does Vita Luminance Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Vita Luminance
  • 32/100
Conclusion – Does Vita Luminance Work?

Our reviewers believe that it is important to help people find good quality skin care products. People’s skin is important for their health and their appearance and we take seriously our duty to help people find products that will make their lives better.

What is so offensive to our team about Vita Luminance is that they are taking advantage of this fact and manipulating consumers who are only looking for answers to their skin care needs. They have never attempted to make a quality product and their only goal is to defraud consumers into accidentally paying them for their sham product.

Do not sign up with them. Their offer is not free, and there are plenty of reputable products that you could buy with the money that they will charge you.

Our panel believes that Kremotex is the most effective skin care product available without a prescription. It has apple stem cells and shea butter in it, two of the most naturally effective ingredients known to science, and they supplement those with other vitamins and nutrients. Click here to learn more about Kremotex’s rise to prominence in the skin care industry.

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