Dermaserre Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 1, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Dermaserre is a skin cream that is designed to increase collagen production and hydration levels in the skin, making it appear healthier and more vibrant. They claim that their product can achieve an over 30% reduction in wrinkle depth and that it also has color correcting and skin tone evening properties as well. They recommend their product to anyone that has suffered excessive sun damage, that works in polluted areas, or that is just trying to combat the normal effects of aging.

Our panel of health and beauty experts believes that Kremotex is the most effective skin care product available without a prescription. It has shown an ability to encourage collagen production and stimulate natural cellular activity. Click here to see documentation of the effects that Kremotex can have on users’ skin.

Dermaserre Ingredients and Side Effects

Dermaserre does not publish their ingredients list publically. Instead, they only choose to highlight three ingredients in their blend:

Matrixyl 3000 QuSomes Collagen

Matrixyl 3000: A peptide chain that is designed to stimulate collagen production in the skin. Matrixyl 3000 mimics the presence of matrikines, which are what the body uses to signal collagen production to begin.

Usually matrikines are released when collagen is damaged and needs to be repaired. Matrixyl engages that repair function without actually damaging any of the existent collagen, so that the end result is higher levels of collagen production.

Collagen is what the body uses to make bones, connective tissue, veins, and it’s also the main building block of the skin. The skin is at its best when collagen production is high and the cells are health and stacked evenly in nice tight formations. Environmental factors like smoke and UV rays can destroy and damage those cells, which necessitates the constant production of fresh, healthy tissue.

While this theory is sound, there is very little evidence that this is how matrixyl 3000 works in practice. The only study into its effectiveness was performed by the manufacturer and there is no third party verification of their claims.

There are also no studies about the long term effects of matrixyl 3000 because it has not been around long enough for there to be even a 5-year study into the chemical. There have been no reported side effects and there are no concrete reasons to think that matrixyl could have serious health consequences over time, however our panel of health and wellness prefer to recommend products that can clearly demonstrate both their safety and their effectiveness.

QuSomes: Another newly synthesized product with little clinical pedigree. QuSomes are not nutritional products themselves but rather they are an absorption agent used to deliver the nutrition of other products to the skin more efficiently.

They are microscopic bubbles that avoid initial absorption and carry chemicals deeper into the skin where they are absorbed more evenly. At least this is what the manufacturer claims, as again there is no outside data to verify the effectiveness of this product.

In addition to a lack of third-party data verifying their effectiveness, there is also a lack of data that verifies the safety of QuSomes. There are concerns about over-absorbency, as well as what the effects of the long-term accumulation of QuSomes in the skin may be, however there is no information about how serious those concerns should be at this time.

Collagen: The main building block of the skin, however it is surprisingly not known as an effective skin care ingredient itself. Collagen is a complicated molecule that is too large to be easily absorbed by the skin, and when it is its nutrients are redistributed through the entire body, not just to the dermis.

The advertising of Dermaserre claims that their product helps push collagen into the skin, but this fundamentally ignores how collagen, absorption, and the body work. Expecting to rub a complex compound like collagen onto your skin and have it become part of your skin is as logical as rubbing hair onto your head and expecting it to become part of your own hair.

Collagen can be useful for evening skin tone when applied topically as it acts as kind of a spackle, filling in the cracks and damaged parts of the skin and leaving it looking smooth and healthy. This is a purely cosmetic benefit that is removed as soon as the user washes their face.

Collagen is considered mildly beneficial for the body and is generally not dangerous in the short- or the long-term, especially when applied topically.

Click here to learn which brands of skin care products have the best reputation within the industry.

Dermaserre Quality of Ingredients

Of the ingredients that Dermaserre does choose to list, none of them are among our review teams’ list of most recommended ingredients. QuSome and matrixyl 3000 are too untested to be reliable and collagen is ineffective for the purposes of skin care.

All of that information is secondary, however, to the fact that it is impossible to judge how effective a product Dermaserre may be when they deliberately hide the ingredients in their product. Reputable brands are eager to publish their full additives list – both active and inactive ingredients – so as to demonstrate to consumers that they have a quality product.

When a brand consciously chooses not to disclose their ingredient blend it forces our reviewers to wonder what else might be in their blend that they don’t want customers to know about. Simple alcohols, lye, ammonia, and other hazardous chemicals are sadly all to common in skin care products and unless Dermaserre publishes their full ingredients it is impossible to say that they are not in their blend.

To see the skin care products that our experts rated the best at restoring collagen, elastin, and hydration levels, just follow this link.

The Price and Quality of Dermaserre

Dermaserre is not available in stores and there are no third party distributors that sell it. It is available only through their own website, however even there it is not sold on a per-unit basis. The only way to obtain a bottle of Dermaserre is to sign up for their “Free Trial Offer.”

Users should note that in practice this offer is almost never free. Signing up for the free trial actually enrolls customers in a monthly renewal program that automatically bills customers for a new supply of Dermaserre – usually without any form of notification other than whatever appears on users’ credit card statements.

The price that they charge for this subscription program is $89.69 – far above normal market value for a product of this nature. There are also additional fees that come into play if users try to cancel the program, return the free trial, or keep the free trial.

Click here for the most up to date information about the most effective brands of skin care products on the market today.

Business of Dermaserre

It is difficult to say what the name of Dermaserre’s parent company is. They are part of a network of other brands of skin care products that use the same business model and promotional materials, however claim to operate under a variety of company names such as Dos Hermanos, Skin Technologies, and Kiara Skin. The company that is listed under contact information for Dermaserre is called Coal Cosmetics, and this is the info that they offer:

Phone Number: (800) 958-5410

Address: 5404 Whitsett Ave #128

Valley Village, CA 91607

Email: [email protected]

It should be noted that there are hundreds of formal complaints filed against Dermaserre and their partners with both the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau, mostly in connection with their free trial offer.

Follow this link to find out which skin care product is the most effective at reducing redness, flakey skin, and pore size.

Customer Opinions of Dermaserre

Other than the hundreds of people who have complained of feeling cheated by the marketing approach of Dermaserre, there were also quite a few that felt like the product was particularly sub-standard. Many of the reviews were similar to these:

“I’ve never used a more disgusting cosmetics product in my life. This junk turned waxy and pilled up on my face, and I started breaking out hours later.”

“I can’t believe that this stuff has been tested on humans, because if it had they’d know it was utter garbage.”

“If you care about the health of your skin and the appearance of your face the best thing that you can do is never touch Dermaserre.”

There were complaints about almost every facet of Dermaserre, from its smell and texture, to the way that it felt going on and the dried residue it left behind, the overall ineffectiveness of the product, and the high frequency of negative side effects.

To see which moisturizers, exfoliants, and serums were rated the best skin care products on the market by our experts, click here.

How Does Dermaserre Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Dermaserre
  • 34/100
Conclusion – Does Dermaserre Work?

A quality skin care company charges a fair and open price for a product that makes their users skin look better holistically by first making the skin function better at a core level. Instead of doing this, Dermaserre feels that they have to trick customers in order to get them to buy their product, they do not disclose what is in it, and it is in no way indicated to actually make the skin healthier.

By every possible metric Dermaserre falls short of being a quality company. Our panel of reviewers urge our readers to be careful what companies they give their information to online, and to read the fine print of any offer that claims to be free.

Our team recommends Kremotex to users that are trying to find a healthy, effective daily skin care product. Their ingredients blend uses apple stem cells and shea butter, along with other cutting edge additives, to create a skin cream that helps the skin become stronger and more beautiful naturally. Click here to learn more about the effects of Kremotex’s key ingredients.

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