Borealis Face Cream Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) January 12, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Borealis Face Cream is a skin care product that claims to improve the look and feel of users’ skin. Their advertising says that it uses basic nutrients and cutting edge chemicals to provide color correction, wrinkle reduction, and moisturization to dry and damaged skin. They say that their blend fights free radicals and promotes the generation of new collagen, all while stimulating the skin’s natural repair functions.

Our team believes that Kremotex is the most effective skin care product on the market.

It has been shown in laboratory trials to improve overall skin wellness better than any other brand available without a prescription.

Click here to hear more about Kremotex’s list of accomplishments in the field.

Borealis Face Cream Ingredients and Side Effects

Strangely, Borealis Face Cream does not choose to publish their ingredients list. The vast majority of reputable products are proud of their blend and want consumers to know what is in it, and when a company chooses not to make all of the ingredients available there is usually a reason. The ingredients that Borealis Face Cream chooses to highlight on their website are:

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Retinol (Vitamin A)
Matrixyl Synthe 6 Hyaluronic Acid

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C): One of the basic building blocks of the body and a fundamental part of the skin formulation process. Vitamin C is one of the main reactive agents that are necessary to bond protein strings together to form collagen, making it a common additive in many skin health blends.

It is also considered safe when it is consumed in reasonable quantities and there are no serious side effects associated with its usage.

Retinol (Vitamin A): A highly concentrated form of vitamin A, which, like vitamin C, is important for overall bodily wellness but also plays a role in skin generation.

Vitamin A is also considered safe for the majority of people as long as it is not consumed in abusive quantities and does not have any negative health effects connected to it.

Matrixyl Synthe 6: A newly-synthesized blend of different forms of collagen and other peptides that is supposedly a skin generation booster, although there is no data that backs this up other than the initial studies performed by the manufacturer.

According to Sederma, the pharmaceuticals company that engineered matrixyl synthe 6, it has shown the ability to boost collagen production by 3%-5%. This is technically helpful for skin health, although it is unlikely that the results would be perceptible to the human eye.

Given how newly synthesized matrixyl synthe 6 is there is no data about its long-term safety for humans, and the short-term data is highly biased. Sederma has admitted that it shows the potential for low-grade toxicity and irritation, though they are not more specific about what that means.

Hyaluronic Acid: A chemical that occurs naturally in the body’s joint fluid, eye fluid, and skin. HA is known as a lubricant and cushioning agent that may also have some application for increasing collagen levels, although that is a less verified effect.

Given that HA is found in the body regularly, most people do not have reactions against it. It is considered safe for long- and short-term usage.

Click here for more information about our panel of experts’ series of clinical skin care products tests.

Borealis Face Cream Quality of Ingredients

On the surface, there is very little that is wrong with Borealis Face Cream. The four ingredients that they list are basic, mostly non-invasive chemicals that cane be useful for skin health in a variety of ways.

Our experts still harbor some reservations about recommending the matrixyl family of chemicals until more testing is available, especially after the reports of its toxicity were released, however they highly recommend vitamin A and C products and have no serious reservations about hylauronic acid.

The issue that our team has with the ingredients list is not so much what they tell us is in it, but the chemicals that they are not telling us about. It is a very suspicious choice to not publish your entire ingredients list, and it is one that is usually only made by companies that use less repeatable ingredients in addition to their higher quality ones.

Simple alcohols, sodium hydroxide (aka lye), C13-14 isoparaffin, and other cheap, ineffective, and sometimes dangerous chemicals can be included in the mix of Borealis Face Cream and consumers may never know. Even worse, some of those ingredients, like simple alcohols, make it seem like the product is having positive effects on the skin when in fact in the long run they can be drying and damaging.

Our research team encourages our readers not to purchase any product that goes onto or into their bodies without knowing exactly what goes into it. Negative reactions, allergies, drug interactions, and long-term health issues are all potential consequences of using substandard products.

To see which skin care products scored the best in our team’s trials measuring elasticity, luminescence, and age reduction, click here.

The Price and Quality of Borealis Face Cream

Borealis Face Cream is less straightforward about the price of their product than most brands are. They actually do not sell their face cream through any independent retailers but strictly control its supply through their own website. This is because unlike most normal products, Borealis Face Cream is not sold in individual units but rather prospective customers must agree to join their automatic renewal program.

Individuals are enticed with the offer of a free tube of Borealis Face Cream, however the fine print states that receiving the free tube locks customers into their subscription program, which costs over $90 a month. Customers do not realize this when they accept the free product offering and people that try to return the products are charged additional hidden fees for trying to escape from their agreement.

Borealis Face Cream is not worth the exceptionally high price that they charge for it, but it is certainly not worth getting snared in a bureaucratic trap that may cost hundreds of dollars to escape.

Follow this link to learn more about the skin care product-testing process performed by our team of experts.

Business of Borealis Face Cream

The manufacturer of Borealis Face Cream is hard to determine online. They do not link back to a parent company from their home site and there is no information listed about them with the Better Business Bureau.

Our research team dug deeper into Borealis Face Cream and found that they were connected to a network of similarly questionable products from companies with names like Sevan, Cole, L’Amour, and Skin Essentials. All of these companies use the same imagery and promotional tactics, attempting to lure customers in with the promise of free trials and then hitting them with surprise charges after they realize the product is bogus.

They try hard to guard their contact information, probably to avoid having to deal with upset customers that realize they’ve been defrauded. Despite this, our team tracked down this contact information related to the group:

Phone Number: (800)-958-5410

Address: 5404 Whitsett Ave #128

Valley Village, CA 91607

Email: They do not make an email address public, however there is an electronic communications form on their website.

To learn which skin care products have proven to be the most effective at improving cellular health, collagen production, and moisture levels, click here.

Customer Opinions of Borealis Face Cream

Not surprisingly, these tactics have resulted in a number of people that are very upset with the manufacturers of Borealis Face Cream. Some of their responses to the way that they have been treated can be found online, and those reports are similar to these:


“I ordered a free sample of Borealis after reading about how good vitamin A was for the skin. I was disappointed to find out that it made me break out after using it, but then I was furious when I saw I’d been charged over $90 for the privilege.

“Don’t buy Borealis unless you like making jerks and criminals rich off BS products.”

The most common complaint was that customers felt like they were charged hidden fees for a product that does not work. There were numerous reports of people that experienced side effects such as breakouts, rashes, and discoloration of the face, however what angered customers most seemed to be the fact that they were manipulated and taken advantage of.

Follow this link for help finding the product that best addresses your specific skin care needs.

How Does Borealis Face Cream Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Borealis Face Cream
  • 42/100
Conclusion – Does Borealis Face Cream Work?

Our review team cannot stress strongly enough that Borealis Face Cream is not a reputable product and our readers should stay as far away from them and their borderline criminal business model as possible.

There may be legal loopholes that allow what Borealis Face Cream does to be technically lawful, however our team has seen enough of the way that they operate to know that they are not acting in good faith as a company that is trying to make quality skin care products, but rather they are trying to take advantage of consumers who are looking for help.

Do not purchase Borealis Face Cream or any of their associated brands and if you are one of the people that has already been taken advantage of you are encouraged to report them to a larger oversight group like the Better Business Bureau, the FDA, or the Federal Trade Commission.

Our team recommends Kremotex as the safest and most reputable skin care product on the market. Their organization is built around a desire to help people look and feel better and their philosophy is that beauty comes from health and not the other way around. Click here to learn more about Kremotex’s model for ethical business practices.

38 Responses to Borealis Face Cream Review

Robert Lozano says:

I was trying to do something nice for my wife so I ordered a trial of the Borealis Anti-Aging Face Cream & Eye Serum from the web-site that popped up on my iPhone but be aware that if you don’t call and cancel within 30 days the company will send you these products twice a month and charge your credit card.

It was 3 months before I realized that 6 shipments had arrived and my credit card had been processed for more than $500 dollars.

The Policy of Boralis is if you dispute the charges with your Credit Card Company they “WILL NOT” negotiate the cost and terms of the agreement. I recommend going to the store and buying any other product but Borealis.

Bonnie Westford says:

they keep sending product after I have called & cancelled twice. How do you get them to stop? Borealis lied about everything including anything being free. what do I do, block my credit card or what?

Connie Easley says:

Charges for $89 times 3. Trying to stop this. Can’t find a return address or a way to cancel.

Amy says:

The address to return the product is: P.O. Box 25380, Santa Ana, CA 92799. They charged me $94.66 and 93.72 when all I thought I was getting was a $4.95 sample. I want to return 4 untouched boxes of product for a refund, but they will only refund me for one set of the product. I sent an e-mail to the Corporation and waiting for a response. This is such a scam!!!

Derrick says:


Chris says:

Thanks Derrick,
My credit card company did reverse the charges because it was within the 60 day period. I’m sure most people don’t realize that..
My CC company notified me that they thought this was a scam…

Chris says:

I notified CitiBank and they DID NOT reverse my charges in the end. And I let them know before 60 days. I will be leaving Citibank. Good riddance because they are making me pay for this scam. They sided with the scammers, not their long time customer.

Anonymous says:

The same thing happened to me

Donna Leone says:

Had only ordered trial package but received another box a month later. I thought my letter to them was received regarding cancelation of further shipments. Then within the past 3 WEEKS received 3 boxes. This is at least $90 for each box. I called them by phone it took them 2 hours to call back. I told the rep. to stop shipments or I would report them to the BBB, Dept. of Consumer Affairs or consumer advocate from a major TV news program.

Patty Wayte says:

Did that work for you?

Linda Farren says:

I ordered Borealis in January while away in Miami on vacation. I returned to my home in February and there I found the box of Borealis cream that I thought I ordered to try on a trial basis for $4.95. I used the product twice. It made my eyes swell . The next day I received another box. I called them immediately to cancel and they told me I would be charged $200 because I didn’t cancel in time. I explained I was away on vacation. They just said sorry but you agreed to the terms and we don’t want the product back. So rude! So non caring! Trust me you do not want to buy this product!!!! Go to Macy’s or wherever and buy a similar product. You will be better off !!!!This is definitely a scam!

Suzanne says:

I ordered on Feb 14th, 2017, for a free 14 day trial. It arrived on the 17th. On the 28th I was charged for the product because I did not respond within the 14 days! I thought a 14 day trial meant I could try it for 2 weeks and see if it was going to work for me. I don’t care if it was going to make me look like I am 25 years old again. I refuse to do business with anyone who operates in such a dishonest manner. I think one of the Shark Tank ladies is in on this one?? If I research and find that it is true, I will be sure to never buy anything that she is involved with.

Edna says:

Shark tank is not involved an any of them yet different companies and different ladies demonstrate the adds . They are all scams. Share know tank and even dr oz have no part in them. I don’t know how they get away with it. Bouralis is the worst. Good luck

Carole Williams says:

This product does not work. I too ordered my FREE trial and I would only paying shipping. Not how it happens. I was charged $89.65 plus shipping. I called customer service and was told “nothing is free” even though that is what is on the ad. I asked for a refund and was told they do not give refunds so you are out the money from the get go. I was also told I agreed to the terms when I gave them my account number. I guess that was the same time I agreed to the subscription. I am getting a little old but I don’t remember seeing any terms. Does anyone else remember any terms? My take on this company is that they are ethics free, just like their trials. I do plan on filing a claim with the BBB.

Patty Wayte says:

There are no terms listed. I am reading lots of posts about this company. Did you ever receive a confirmation email that you made the purchase? Probably not, because they don’t. I am currently trying to get a confirmation email that states that I have talked with them and asked that they do not send me any future products. I am catching them in lie after lie. I am filing with BBB tomorrow. Luckily, my bank declined the amount they tried to charge me for the product, froze my bank account, and then the $4.95 shipping, plus 2 other offers that I did not even accept, were pending in my account. I did some internet research and called them and was able to get the charges reversed that night because of my persistance and knowing what to say to get them to do it. But now I am not getting that email that was supposedly sent according to them. I don’t even think they ever sent it. I am watching to see if they don’t try to generate another order. My bank is going to issue me a new credit card and I let Borealis know that. Just be persistant and use statements to them where you can trap them in lies that you can report as false advertisement and not keeping their word. Good luck.

Chris Moran says:

I did not see any small print. I have two charges on my account, one for $89.71 and $89.77. I called my credit card company and told them to stop the payment to them. They will monitor them for any additional charges, What a scam. I also called the company and they hung up on me when I started telling them my issues.

AJ says:

I had this happen yesterday. I was not aware of the hidden contract as I thought it was for a free sample with shipping charges. When I went to purchase my child’s medication yesterday after an emergency room visit and found out the hard way I’d been charged two $90 fees I called. The lady was rude, unsympathetic and laughed on the phone while asking for my address. All she could say was read the fine print. I had to yell and swear at her to cancel my order. No returns either. Shouldn’t take this much to cancel an order either.

Linda says:

Called today to cancel my 14 day trail. Was told I would have to pay 9.99 early cancellation fee and return at my expense the unused product. But if I wait til the 24th I can cancel for free. SCAM SCAM SCAM.

Do not buy from this company

Sylvia Ricci says:

My advice to all: I ordered the trial creams and was concerned when I read my bank statement. I was given 3 different charges which did add up to the original purchase of the trial.. However I was unable to find a contact number. I then came to this site and read all the reviews listed and came across one by a Ms. Meyers and she provided a phone number and it WORKED!!!! I will now post that number because I see her review is not listed today. THE NUMBER IS 1-877-618-8102 — i WAS ABLE TO CANCEL MY ORDER HOWEVER IT WAS DONE WITHIN THE 14 DAY TRIAL PERIOD. THE ORIGINAL WEB SITE SHOWS IN SMALL PRINT THAT CANCELLATIONS ARE AVAILABLE WITH IN 14 DAYS. I WAS ALSO ADVISED BY MY BANK TO CANCEL THE CREDIT CARD USED . i HOPE THIS HELPS .

Sylvia Ricci says:

I was thankful for this web site.

Tab says:

This company is full of sh*t!!! Same thing has happened to me and it is not right for anyone to just hit your credit card without proper authorization. I never received an email, was told to look in my junk folder, no not there either because they never sent one!!! Lets see if I get my 50% back after hollering and cussing at them because I too have to cancel my daughters dental apt for braces due to this FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cherril Buster says:

I ordered the $4.95 trial. The only button to get out of the screen was adding more things I did not want to buy. I used a prepaid card so I could limit charges if it turned out to be a scam. They charged my card $4.95 twice plus $2.00 with no explanation. I then saw an expo on Dr. Oz. with the lady from shark tank confronting them for using her name without permission. Dr. Oz said the serums were just moisturizers, nothing special. Two days ago at 1:45 a.m. My iPhone dinged me that someone was trying to take $89.71 off my card. It was a prepaid and they declined. The next night the same thing. I called the number from my packing slip 1-877-608-9650 and reached a man named Mark. Rudest excuse for a human being I’ve ever talked to. This whole thing is a scam and when I told him I knew that he laughed and laughed. He doesn’t think anyone can report the company because they hide their identity. Lori found them and so can all the people they are scamming.

Anonymous says:

I am on the phone on hold as we speak. I called the # that was listed on the credit card charge that I just realized I’ve been paying for. Not sure if I’m lucky I just caught this after 2 charges were posted to my credit card, to a tune of almost $200. From the sounds of it, other people have been scammed for more. Regardless, I’ve been on hold for 15 minutes and keep getting a recording saying they are having “high call volumes”. From the comments above, I won’t get anywhere even if someone does answer. I don’t know what I should do…call my credit care company and change my card # ? I will be reporting them to the BBB though. I can’t believe I fell for this SCAM.

Wilma Jean says:

Yeah, I was scammed too. There is fine print somewhere on the order saying if I didn’t respond in 14 days I would be charged full price for the two items, not saying what full price is. Bank statement said $89.71 and $89.77 from two different companies . I disputed the charges with my bank but because of the two trial offers had gone through, I could not retrieve my money. I called the toll free number on the bottle and was quickly connected to a very nice young lady. She wanted me to continue to receive auto ship and she would discount my products 35%. I said no, then she offered “her” discount of 50%. No, I want to cancel. I asked how she liked working for a company that scammed people. I told her that I wanted my money refunded that I couldn’t afford something that I didn’t like and she said she’d give me 35% of my money back. I asked about 50% which she offered if I continued buying. One moment, please, then she came back on the line and said they would credit 50% and it will take 3 to 5 days. I said thank you very much, God bless you and I pray you find a job where you don’t take advantage of people. I truly meant every word I said. I will be watching my bank statement, though. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Wilma Jean says:

Rec’d 50% refund today

Rosalind Farris says:

Good for you.
My bank initially cancelled my card to send me a new one and a temporary credit until they investigated and they came back w/I 30 days saying it was legit and recharged my card.
I called back spoke with a supervisor Cheyenne and she was rude. Said she couldn’t give me corporate address.
I will be calling consumer affairs, better business bureau and attorney General to file complaints.
And mail a letter to corporate office.
There are a scam, scam.
I took a picture of screen when I accepted trial jar for $4.95 and no where did it say I would be billed if I didn’t cancel within 30 days or 2weeks.
If enough people turn their butts in for scamming people we should be able to cause havoc in their business.
Since the have no business ethics in how they treat a consumer, it will not bother me to take the time to file complaints after complaints.

Chris Angyal says:

Rosalind, I was wondering if you can send me a picture of the ad..I am desperate..My Credit card company was going to pay until they sent them a trial showing you must cancel within 14 days. The ad they sent was of a pill that reduces weight..I don’t recall anything about a 14 day cancellation.
Thank you,

Tamara O'Shea says:

I only ordered the face cream but was sent the eye serum as well – charge $89.77 for BOTH. After two phone calls, finally got 35% back for the face cream and 50% back for the eye serum. This product is nothing special. Total scam.

Jeri Sue Wagner says:

I got scammed also!! They robbed me of 160.00. when I called, they weren’t going to give me any money back, but they finally offered me only $40.00 back. I’m hoping to get the rest back, but I don’t know. I’m on a fixed income and I barely make it each month as it i. What a bunch of crooks!!!. I am so mad right now.

Lori says:

This is a TOTAL SCAM. There is nothing when you sign up for the “FREE TRIAL” except for S/H that you will be charged almost $180.00. And you can’t return the crap. I am going to get on every website I can to let people know what a crock of sh*t this.

Rosalind Farris says:

Way to go.
I can definitely relate

Elizabeth Perino says:

WARNING this company is a rip off and it will end up costing you $94.66 per month. DO NOT ORDER FROM THEM!!!!! You order the trial for $4.99 to try the product and it ends up costing you $94.66 not just once but EVERY Month. They start auto shipping the product……..There is NO WAY TO RETURN THE PRODUCT…they will not accept it back.

Joan Jarvi says:

This place is an illegal gyp joint. The prices are $97 for a 3 ounce container.
And they send many before you can cancel. After you do cancel, they
continue sending 5 or 7 more at $97 apiece.
There is nothing you can do about this. I have even sent 6 containers back
to them and never received the money or credit back from them. When you
call them, it takes 45 minutes before anyone answers.
This is a place that takes your money. That is their sole purpose as they use
your credit card to charge a lot of money into the thousands?

Tammy says:

If anybody is still struggling with this, call your credit card company. I just called chase after being billed almost 400.00. The have an agreement with “bad” companies. They don’t pay it and don’t “release the hounds” on them.
I personally think the hounds should be released. Just use the ones from hell!
I learned my lesson and have a two month supply.
I guess the jokes on them.

Emily Stevens says:

This seemed to work very well after two weeks….AND THEN I started getting small white bumps all around my eyes. It looks like the pores are blocked! I have discontinued using this product and would never recommend it to anyone.

DD says:

This product is a marketed by Mark Cuban and the group at Shark Tank.
A Scam will take you charge card and just keep Billing
Do not do business with these scam artists
Can not say for sure if the Shark Tank on TV team is behind this but if so need to be taken of the air as they make and made there money by praying on indiviiduals.
You talk about lying cheaters Then look no further than the team on this show.

Cecilia says:

Don’t buy this borealis face cream it’s a scam don’t even work and then you get charge $ 4.99 plus $84.99+$94.66 then you call city bank.they don’t want to do nothing and the people from borealis are so rude they just want you’re money don’t recommend to nobody.

Cecilia says:

Don’t buy this product is a scam don’t even work and then you get charge $ 4.99 wich it supposed to be free than you get charge $ 84.99 + $ 94.66 then you call the cc citi Bank they don’t want to give you credit back don’t buy this product don’t recommend .

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