Balance Complex Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
Balance Complex is a supplement designed for people achieve a normal vaginal pH. Balance Complex claims to fight bacterial vaginosis, itching, burning, dryness and discharge with use.
Balance Complex is made from a mix of herbal ingredients and probiotics aimed at alleviating issues that stem from having an overly alkaline vaginal pH. The makers of this product claim that this product will restore and maintain acidity in the vagina, providing an environment where the natural flora can thrive.
Our experts have reviewed countless products before learning that Femmetrinol is the best product for reducing the severity of a range of menopausal symptoms like vaginal dryness, hot flashes and emotional ups and downs. Click here for a look at the ingredient profile that makes Femmetrinol so unique.
Balance Complex Ingredients and Side Effects

Balance Complex contains several ingredients targeting the body’s internal bacteria and ability to ward off bacteria, viruses and more. Here’s a look at the items listed on the official label:
Oregano Extract |
Caprylic Acid |
L-Acidophilus |
Reishi Mushroom Extract |
Wormwood |
Protease |
Cellulase |
Aloe Vera |
Arabinogalactan |
Black Walnut |
Oregano Extract: A plant most often used for seasoning foods, oregano is used to treat menstrual cramps, reduce coughing and muscle spasms and aid in digestion. It is also thought to help fight against bacteria, fungi and viruses that may affect the body.
Caprylic Acid: Caprylic acid is found in coconuts and has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It us thought to help treat urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and Candida virus. Additionally, caprylic acid is thought to help boost the immune system.
L-Acidophilus: A bacteria found naturally inside the body, L-acidophilus is used to help maintain the acidic environment that the body needs in order to keep out bad bacteria.
Acidophilus is used to treat and prevent yeast infections, urinary tract infection, as well as support the digestive system.
Protease: A digestive enzyme that helps the body break down proteins and can take some of the burden of undigested fungi, viruses and bacteria away from the immune system, which helps its overall function.
Cellulase: An enzyme complex that works to break down cellulose into beta-glucose, cellulose is primarily used as a digestive aid.
Aloe Vera: Typically used as a topical gel, aloe vera can also be taken as a supplement to treat constipation, regulate menstrual cycles, diabetes, depression and more. Additionally, aloe vera may contain properties that are harmful to certain bacteria.
- Side effects may include stomach aches, cramps, diarrhea, kidney problems, weight loss, muscle weakness and more.
Arabinogalactan: A chemical found in a variety of plants, arabinogalactan is used to boost immune system health, treat the common cold and prevent certain cancer cells from growing. This ingredient ferments in the intestine and may actually increase the presence of other bacteria, like lactobacillus, which is good for the digestive tract.
Black Walnut: Black walnut extract may have some antifungal and antimicrobial properties and also contains a number of minerals like zinc, manganese, copper and iron.
Wormwood: An herb used to treat a number of issues linked to digestion, wormwood also may have an effect on the central nervous system.
- Side effects may include seizures, kidney failure, muscle breakdown, vomiting, trouble sleeping, numbness in arms and legs, and in rare cases, even death.
Reishi Mushroom: A medicinal fungus used for its anti-inflammatory properties as well as improving immune function, preventing serious illnesses like heart disease or cancer and fighting against allergies and infections.
Reishi mushrooms are thought to help improve digestive conditions, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and more.
Take a peek at our top ten list of products that treat the full range of menopause symptoms – click here to learn more.
Balance Complex Quality of Ingredients
Balance Complex’s contains a number of key ingredients that are known to have an effect on the female reproductive system, as well as boost immune system health and digestive system function. Overall, there could be a lot of benefits from taking this product.
The main issue here isn’t that this product doesn’t seem like it’s a high quality supplement, it’s that it doesn’t target any symptoms that are associated with menopause—this product aims to address issues with vaginal pH, not hormonal imbalances or lowered levels of estrogen in the body.
After looking closely at the formula, women of all ages could stand to benefit from the probiotic ingredients, as well as superfoods like reishi mushrooms, but those in any stage of menopause should consider adding a product targeting hormone production.
Get an up close look at the natural products that work best for women in any stage of menopause.
The Price and Quality of Balance Complex
Balance Complex is sold on the official product webpage, as well as on sites like Amazon and more. The official page sells a single bottle, containing 60 capsules for $39.95, as well as some bundling offers for those users who choose to stock up in three or six month increments.
Amazon also sells Balance Complex for $39.95, with free shipping available to Prime members.

Our comprehensive guide to the best pills for taking on the full range of menopause symptoms – more after the link.
Business of Balance Complex
Balance Complex is made by a company known as Instant Brands, a company that makes other health supplements for a variety of ailments. Here is their contact information below:
Phone: 800-928-4197
This company both has a dedicated site for the product, Balance Complex, as well as its own site that showcases each of the products they sell. Instant Brands makes a point of mentioning multiple times that they don’t do autopay programs or subscription services.
Users can save by purchasing in larger quantities, or by enrolling in their rewards program, which offers a 10% discount to shoppers. Additionally, free shipping is offered on orders over $50, otherwise it will cost $3.95.
The site feels transparent and easy to navigate, Instant Brands has done a decent job of answering questions in the FAQ section regarding shipping, returns and more. The separate Balance Complex site goes deeper into the details of how this product works to deliver the benefits advertised.
While the Balance Complex website could better detail information regarding the science behind the formula, we feel that the benefits of probiotics are well-known, and users can do some research if the simplified version isn’t enough.
Customer Opinions of Balance Complex
Most of the reviews we found for Balance Complex were positive, with many users claiming the supplement helped them overcome long standing issues with BV or yeast infections. Here’s a quick look at what people thought about this product:
“I was so happy my BV symptoms went away for a while, but now, about a month later, they are back and worse than ever. Now, I need to find some other solution.”
“I’ve long been having issues with dryness, irritation and infection. Since I started taking Balance Complex, the symptoms have subsided and have yet to return.”
“I’ve been suffering from chronic yeast infections for a number of years, and finally have found a solution that works for me. I wish my doctor had talked to me about probiotics sooner—it’s a real game changer.”
“I started taking this to get rid of a slight vaginal odor, and was surprised at how quickly this started working. I’m going to start taking this regularly as there don’t seem to be any negative side effects.”
Balance Complex had primarily good reviews, as many women were able to find a solution that allowed them to avoid taking antibiotics, and maintain a healthier environment for the natural vaginal flora to thrive.
Unfortunately, this product is meant to address pH issues almost exclusively, though it has some benefits that target the body as a whole. Menopausal consumers are better off finding a product that treats hot flashes, dryness and other symptoms and should consider taking probiotics separately for other health concerns.
A closer look at herbal remedies that actually work for menopause – find out more by clicking this link.
Conclusion – Does Balance Complex Work?
Overall, it’s clear that probiotics, and by extension, Balance Complex may be an effective solution for women experiencing vaginal issues like frequent yeast infections, BV or other uncomfortable symptoms.
In looking at the reviews, it’s clear that many of the women who tried this product were relieved to find a natural product that allowed them to feel cleaner, more comfortable and avoid another round of antibiotics.
Based on both the product information, as well as the reviews, it’s clear this product doesn’t seem to be useful in helping women address any menopause related symptoms or anything that has to do with the body’s estrogen levels.
Yes, vaginal dryness is a symptom of menopause, but women at this stage in life should address this issue with a supplement that aims at balancing the hormones, rather than the vaginal pH exclusively.
That being said, Balance Complex could be a good supplement for women looking to maintain good vaginal heath throughout their life. Ingredients like reishi mushrooms, L-acidophilus and others provide health benefits we all could use—though women suffering from hot flashes may want to find a product that addresses those needs specifically.
Our recommendation is for users to find a product that aims to balance out the hormones—reducing any irritability, mood swings, night sweats and hot flashes.
After looking at various methods used to treat the symptoms of menopause, we’ve found Femmetrinol most effectively treats the physical and emotional effects this change can have on the body. Ingredients like black cohash, damiana and more naturally take on hormonal imbalance, giving users the energy and relief they’re after.
The makers of Femmetrinol take a great deal of care when it comes to following current GMP practices, sourcing ingredients and testing the final product for safety. To learn more about adding Femmetrinol to your daily routine, click here for more info.
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Does Balance COMPLEX require refrigeration after opening?
is’ balance complex ‘ for vegans????
Does this product cause a reaction with any other prescribed or over-the-counter medications? Thank you.