NeuEve Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
NeuEve is a line of creams and suppositories designed to help women combat vaginal dryness and painful sex after menopause. NeuEve, according to the official website aims to help users have more fulfilling sex, as well as reduce itching, odors and pain with use.
NeuEve claims to be a more effective alternative to lubricating jelly, as rather than only addressing dryness, it works to provide a number of vaginal health benefits. The makers of this product claim it is made using exclusively plant-based ingredients.
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NeuEve Ingredients and Side Effects

NeuEve is a topical solution made from food-grade plant ingredients. Unfortunately, the website fails to mention what ingredients are used to accomplish the advertised benefits, claiming that it doesn’t matter what this product is made from “because it works.”
The official package for this product—both the cream and the suppositories, which are meant to be used together for best results—does not list any of the key ingredients that help bring moisture to the vaginal area, as well as offer the balance needed to eliminate odors or infections like bacterial vaginosis.
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NeuEve Quality of Ingredients
Again, we really have no idea which ingredients are used to make any of the three formulas, plus the cream, included in the NeuEve line of products, aside from the fact that the formula is supposedly made from and entirely plant-based formulation. There is extensive literature dedicated to explaining what this product is intended to do, which is a lot (saving marriages, treating dryness, alleviating vaginal pain and infections, and more), yet they never explain how this process works.
Based on the complete lack of information put forth by the makers of NeuEve, we have no idea whether or not this product is effective or safe, which is something we feel is important when it comes to suppositories or oral supplements that enter the system.
Without a list of ingredients, it’s hard to know if consumers are receiving a high quality product, nor if they can expect to see any side effects resulting from the use of NeuEve.
Whether or not this product works, we can’t endorse something with such a clear lack of transparency from maker to potential customer.
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The Price and Quality of NeuEve
NeuEve is sold directly from the manufacturer of this product in a number of different formulas. The Silk formula comes in a pack containing 8 suppositories for $46.75 each—which amounts to a one-month supply. The Silver formula comes with 6 suppositories for the same price, while the gold comes with 4 suppositories, again for the same amount.
Should you choose to buy directly from the website, you’ll be prompted to sign up for an automatic shipping subscription, though you’ll save a few bucks as compared to other platforms like Amazon that also sell this product without the commitment.
NeuEve Cream is sold on Amazon for a container with 0.7 ounces of product. Amazon also offers the three formulas in one-month supplies at $51.95 a piece.
What’s a little strange is, as mentioned above, this product comes in the form of three different formulas, plus the cream. The site recommends using the cream, plus one or two of the formulas at a time, and Amazon sells a kit that contains all of the NeuEve products.
This model is a little confusing to us, and likely will be to consumers, too. Plus, it seems the costs may quickly accumulate, given each suppository costs ~$50 per month and the cream ~$35.

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Business of NeuEve
NeuEve is made by a company known as Lavax Inc. They can be reached using the contact information listed below:
Email: [email protected]
In looking at the NeuEve website, users can expect to fund some information that can help them get a sense of what this product contains and how it aims to address the sexual issues that may arise during menopause.
Yet, upon looking over the FAQ section, it’s clear that the makers of this product are side stepping the relatively simple questions of “what’s in this product?” or “what are the active ingredients.” In answering the latter question, they compare this to being as pointless as asking what the active ingredients in a breakfast cereal are—as if you are no longer hungry after eating, then it doesn’t matter what ingredients are active or are not. But, in the case if a supplement-type product, this logic seems a bit off.
We understand that many companies opt to keep proprietary blends to themselves, but most offer some level of transparency by disclosing the ingredients, but not the exact dosing—we’d argue that most people would like to know what ingredients are in a product intended to be used on such a sensitive area.
Customer Opinions of NeuEve
Based on the reviews we came across for the NeuEve line of products; it seems consumers experienced mixed results. But, based on what we’ve read, this product does not appear to do much else other than provide more moisture to the vaginal area. Here’s a look at what consumers had to say about this product:
“The product does do what it’s supposed to do, but it did bother me that they don’t reveal what the formula is at all. I initially saw an immediate improvement, so I think I’ll keep using this.”
“I used the gold level of this product, and it did definitely help with both vaginal dryness and atrophy. You will leak a little bit while using this, but it does make a difference.”
“I found this product really hard to open, and the price was completely ridiculous. Based on the good reviews, I thought this would be worth a try, but it didn’t do much for me, other than take my money.”
“I wasn’t really looking for dryness relief, but this did help with my BV symptoms, as well as clear up the embarrassing odor problems I was experiencing.”
NeuEve received some positive reviews, though it wasn’t clear if they were taking this product for menopause related dryness, or more so for issues like bacterial vaginosis (BV).
Some of the consumers we came across were disappointed in the failure on the part of the manufacturer to disclose the ingredients used to make this product, as well as other issues like the high price for a monthly supply.
Overall, it seems that this product does work to solve issues with vaginal dryness, but it clearly doesn’t provide users with a way to ease other symptoms of menopause.
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Conclusion – Does NeuEve Work?
In looking over the full online footprint of the NeuEve line of products, plus the customer reviews, we don’t recommend this as a singular solution to menopause, for a few reasons.
First, this company has failed to disclose the ingredients in each formulation. While we understand not wanting to give away trade secrets, most supplements—topical or oral—provide a list of ingredients to consumers for their review. This company has opted to essentially say, “it doesn’t matter, as long as the product works.” Which, when it comes to formulations that enter the body in any capacity, poses a risk of allergies, sensitivities or other unexpected effects for unwitting consumers.
Second, the regimen, as detailed on the website is not clear. It seems like the makers of this product are suggesting users buy multiple suppository packs a month, along with the cream for ongoing vaginal maintenance. Even buying the cream and one pack of suppositories each month will run users upwards of $80, which seems a bit high.
We couldn’t find much information about the company that makes this product, but we didn’t like that they are trying to get users enrolled in a monthly autopay service, which are notoriously hard for customers to cancel.
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Don’t buy Nueve BV clear kit as this product as does not clear up this issue and when it comes to a refund the company will ask for a written document from your obgyn proving that you have BV problem before you will issue refund.
I have used NewEve suppositories along w/vaginal cream for almost 3 months. Initially I did find vaginal moisture improved. The next month I switched to the Silver formula as recommended and was very disappointed. The texture of the suppository had a grainy, salt like feel. I became very concerned that there was a problem.
I wrote to NeuEve questioning this and was told that the product was designed this way to give time release of moisture. I was told it was not salt… sure felt like salt and said….this is one heck of a design! No where in the product descriptive is this noted. Not all of the suppositories of that month supply had the grainy substance. This made me question the product even more. What was this annoying, perplexing substance?
Over several email this was never explained. Repeadily I was told that over 10,000 women use the product and are satisfied. I asked why it is not noted on any information or explained but this was never addressed.
I wondered how many others found this substance in their product. No mention I can find is noted anywhere. Surely others using this product found this gritty portion within their suppository. Were those negative reports on NeuEve site deleted?
I cancelled my monthly order and just received notice that all future orders have been cancelled. I was also told I can never again reorder this product. Never will I want to use this product or any product from NeuEve again! Stay away from this product and all NeuEve products!
Nue eve clears bv. However, the bv does return as soon as treatment stops, even if the product has been used every 3 days for 3 months. They are basically taking advantage of women who are desperate for bv help and who are too embarrassed to have them investigated.
Pam, for BV you need a Gynecologist to balance your good VS bad bacteria. This is not for that.
You need to read the website again because all the ingredients are written there! I’ve been using this for dryness and atrophy at age 58 and it is working for this purpose for myself and many others. This is an article based on no ingredients listed that are actually there, and not for BV.
You need a Gynecologist and perhaps this can help in conjunction with whatever they prescribe but I don’t see how it can help BV 100% without a GYN’s help.