Relizen Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) May 5, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Relizen is an herbal supplement used to treat the full range of symptoms associated with menopause. Relizen claims to help regulate hormones in the body, without the use of synthetic hormones.

Relizen primarily functions through the use of black cohosh, which works to address the symptoms of menopause, while other ingredients balance hormones like estrogen and progesterone. According to the official website, Relizen works to both treat and prevent symptoms.

After reviewing many different menopause herbal remedies and supplements, our reviewers have found Femmetrinol helps women get back to feeling like themselves, reducing hot flashes, night sweats and more. Click here for an inside look at what makes Femmetrinol so effective.

Relizen Ingredients and Side Effects

According to the product label, Relizen only contains one active ingredient, Swedish pollen flower extract. Below, we’ll take a look at what this ingredient can do for users, as well as the potential side effects:

Swedish Flower Pollen Extract

Swedish Flower Pollen Extract: Swedish pollen flower comes from the male germ of flowers and is not the same pollen collected by bees to make honey. This ingredient is thought to help increase the flow of urine, as well as promote a healthy prostate.

You’ll find this ingredient is a number of male enhancement products for its effect on the prostate, though this ingredient may be useful for women going through menopause, as well.

Flower pollen may contain plant hormones that mimic the effect of estrogen in the female body, which could alleviate some menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue and mood swings.

  • Though some sources claim this may be side effect free, there may be a risk of severe allergic reaction in people who have a bee allergy.

The most effective menopause relief products on the market—experts share their recommendations here.

Relizen Quality of Ingredients

Relizen’s short ingredient profile reveals that there’s not much power behind this product. Swedish flower pollen does not have much backing information in regards to its use as a solution for menopausal symptoms.

This ingredient is primarily used to address prostate health, and in some cases, the male sex drive. While there may be some use for this product and its ability to mime the effects of estrogen in the body, there isn’t much information available online for this indication.

We aren’t exactly sure what users can expect from this product, but we think a well-balanced formula with proven results might be the best move forward. Relizen could have potential, but we need more details in order to be convinced.

Restore your hormonal balance – click here to take a look at the best menopause solutions.

The Price and Quality of Relizen

The payment structure for Relizen is a bit confusing. The site has a page that breaks down this information for shoppers, yet gives conflicting information when discussing payment for the three-month starter kit.

The website does offer a one-month supply for $63.99, or $48.99 if you have a coupon code. There aren’t any details as to how long this promotion lasts for.

The site recommends users enroll in a monthly subscription service “for best results,” which costs $49.99 per month. An offer is available for the first three months, charging $34.99 a month with a coupon code.

It looks like Relizen was available through other channels like Lucky Vitamin not too long ago, but it’s currently only being offered from the official website.

As far as pricing is concerned, this product seems to be priced a bit high, especially considering you can purchase Swedish flower pollen supplements for a quarter of the price or less from several different retailers.

Skip HRT and try these all-natural menopause supplements instead. Click for more info.

Business of Relizen

Relizen is manufactured by a company known as JDS Therapeutics, and their contact information can be found below:

Phone: 888-596-5154

Email: [email protected]

Address: 1 Manhattanville Road

Ste. 104
Purchase, NY 10577

The Relizen website looks as though it is advertising a prescription drug, and even suggests users “talk to their doctor” before trying this product—which is probably valid advice, but the similar language could be slightly confusing for someone visiting the website.

The site looks professional and contains information about the safety of Relizen, as well as the benefits users can expect from trying this product. The site does list out some clinical studies associated with the use of Swedish flower pollen for use in treating menopausal symptoms, and even includes reviews both good and bad for visitors to evaluate on their own.

We liked the transparency measures that JDS has taken in how they present this product on the webpage, but we’re not entirely sold on the benefit of using Swedish flower extract to help users get some menopausal relief.

On the other hand, transparency can only go so far. Some customers have reported feeling as though the monthly subscription is hard to cancel, taking weeks to process a refund. The site really pushes this offer hard, telling users they should give this product three months’ minimum before giving up—which seems a bit odd.

Yes, menopause products do often take a few weeks to kick in, but three months is a quite an investment for a supplement that may or may not work, even if they do offer a discount.

Customer Opinions of Relizen

There were some good reviews for Relizen, though most of them were listed on the official website. That being said, there were some negative reviews on there as well. Here’s what people were saying about how Relizen worked for them:

“I received samples from my doctor, but unfortunately, that was my only chance to try this. It seems like it was starting to work, but the cost is too high and insurance won’t cover herbal supplements.”

“This product did help reduce my hot flashes, but it was nowhere close to eliminating them. I’m desperate and switching to hormones, I’d give this another shot, but can’t sit around and wait for results.”

“I was almost fed up with all the natural remedies out there before trying Relizen. This product doesn’t solve all my menopause problems, but I’m experiencing less frequent night sweats and hot flashes.”

“This product did not work for me and I’m having trouble cancelling the membership. I feel like this is a scam, these people have claimed it takes six weeks to process a return, which makes no sense.”

Relizen has mixed reviews, but what’s interesting is, many of the positive reviews claim they are still experiencing symptoms like hot flashes or night sweats, which indicates it may not work as well as promised.

Other users felt as though they were being taken advantage of, citing high prices and difficultly in dealing with the automatic shipping subscription—a sales tactic that doesn’t typically work to the consumer’s advantage.

Based on the customer feedback, we likely would not recommend this product to users, as it seems to be designed for people with more mild hot flashes or other symptoms. Additionally, Relizen does seem to be rather expensive, especially for a supplement that generally costs about $10-15 a bottle when not labelled as a menopause product.

Check out the complete guide to beating hot flashes, anxiety, night sweats and more – right after this link.

Conclusion – Does Relizen Work?

We’re not certain that Relizen is the most effective choice on the market as compared to other menopause related supplements. The ingredient, Swedish flower pollen extract does not seem to have enough information backing its reported use as a menopause product.

Though its likely this product is safe for most people, barring anyone with a serious bee allergy, there’s not a lot of evidence suggesting that this product does a whole lot for women suffering from hot flashes or any other menopausal symptoms.

Based on our evaluation of this company and the quality of this product, most people should be able to safely use Relizen without any adverse effects. We saw no instances of users becoming ill or experiencing any new symptoms after adding this supplement to their daily routines.

After considering all the above information, we believe that women can do better than Relizen. Those looking for a product that can deliver more consistent results and eliminate symptoms rather than reduce them should seek out a product specifically designed for menopause. Swedish flower pollen might not be enough to deliver the relief users are looking for.

With so many different supplements, herbs and home remedies used to treat the symptoms of menopause, it’s hard to know which options work best. We’ve found Femmetrinol helps users achieve a sense pf hormonal balance, eliminating unpredictable mood swings, inconvenient hot flashes and more. Using a variety of herbal ingredients, users can expect great results without any synthetic hormones.

The makers of Femmetrinol closely follow current good manufacturing practices, and have put this product through a range of clinical tests. Click here for an up close look at how Femmetrinol can change how you go through menopause.

13 Responses to Relizen Review

Leyna says:

I have been taking relizen for about a week it says to take two a day but I have been taking just one because I have been having slight side effects like bug bites that actually look like bee stings and very weird dreams I might stop taking it. I’ve also noticed that I have slight cramps like I used to when I was about to get my period

Deb Ward says:

I knew it, I knew it had to be a side effect with bug bites looking like bee stings. Received from nurse at doctor’s office and getting off them now. Glad I researched it and found your comments. I thought I was having shingles!

Rosie says:

Just started using the Relizen and I do have a strange looking
bite — swollen type of thing on the side of my face. Not sure if it is from the medication. But so happy to have something non-hormonal to try for the hot flashes which plague me but are not as bad as they
were when I first started my hormone blocker (breast cancer) pill.
Thank you for the feedback.

Nancy says:

I’m reading where women post breast cancer are taking this for hot flashes. Since it mimics estrogen, I’m wondering if this is a good practice, since most women take anti-estrogen meds because most breast cancers are “fed” by estrogen.

Heather A Miller says:

I am a stage 4 metastaticbreast cancer patient and was just removed from a chemically induced menopause and it is a nightmare. Due to the severity of my case I am not allowed to take anything with soy in it. I was given a few days sample from my dr of this product did help with mood swings and my flashes bitits really pricy and dr said i only have about a month left for the menopausal symptoms to disperse. As soon as i ran outof the pills i started having the extreme mood swings, foggy memory and extreme coldsweats all day and night. I am in search of any suggestions

Rosie says:

It will get better. ( Hang in there.) I had severe insomnia and hot flashes
and cold but each year it gets better and better. Don’t use and caffeine or
alcohol which makes hot flashes worse. You will feel better each year.


In 2016 I had battled breast cancer and I was force into menopause which did a bad number on my body I would wake up in night sweats so bad.
I was told by my doctor’s that I wasn’t able to have any estrogen or hormones they told me to use Relizen. I order it back in September 7th 2017 and I have to say I did not have any side affects and the night sweats stop. For me it has help a lot especially when I was force into menopause and it created havoc on my body.


And I am still taking it today.

NANCY Samaniego says:

Hi. I’ve been taking these for almost a Year. I have to say. It work for me during the day. But I still wake up middle of the night with Very bad hot flashes. My throat often gets very dry. And I wonder if is because of these Relizen Pills. Do Anyone have this Problem too?

Sherry says:

I’ve been on it a year and still have night sweats at times. However, it just occurred to me that my morning fasting blood glucose numbers are higher than they should be, looked at the package and the second ingredient is maltodextrin, known to elevate blood glucose (I’m a type 2 diabetic) and it has a glycemic index of 85-100, which is high. I’ve been off of Relizen for two days and my fasting morning BG numbers came right down. My gynecologist, who recommended this product to me a year ago, later recommend drinking more water throughout the day to reduce hot flashes and that helps a lot! The last two nights no sweats at all while also off the Relizen. Now that I see the comments here about “bug bites”, I’ve had what I thought were eczema spots and I wonder if those will go away now too. Yeesh.

Glori says:

Wow, I thought I was imagining bug bites but after reading all of your comments, I’m relieved that I was not losing my mind. Sometimes I feel that bugs are crawling underneath my pants that I literally would go to the bathroom and take my pants off And inspect it for bugs. Also, I do feel a bit cramped when my period is approaching. Thank you all for your comments.

Jodi P says:

Thank you for the bee warning! Since I am highly allergic, I will not even be trial testing.

Janet Maffei says:

I took this product for 4 months, nothing happened. don’t buy this product, it’s a rip off. Tried to stop subscription and they didn’t cancel. waste of money, don’t buy this product. Hormones work, back on them and my flashes are much better.

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