Estriol Care Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) June 30, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Estriol Care is a topical solution designed to help treat menopause and perimenopause symptoms. Estriol Care works to improve symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and more with regular application.

Estriol Care is made from natural estriol, which works to create a sense of balance inside the body. The goal of this product is to provide users with a safe source of estrogen, rather than those that may heighten the risk of certain cancers.

Femmetrinol is the top performing menopause supplement on the market. Made with key ingredients like black cohosh, wild yam, damiana and chasteberry — users can expect a restored sense of balance as far as estrogen and progesterone are concered. Learn how Femmetrinol can help fight hot flashes, night sweats and more by clicking this link here.

Estriol Care Ingredients and Side Effects

While the makers of Estriol Care have listed out all the ingredients in the formula, we’re not sure about the dosing for each item listed. As this is a cream, there are a number of inactive ingredients in the mix there to ensure the product is both spreadable and absorbent. We’ll look at the active in Estriol Care below:

Estriol Evening Primrose
Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh: An herbal menopause remedy, black cohosh is well-known to have an estrogenic effect when present in the body. Black cohosh may help with hot flashes, irritability and night sweats, as well as other common symptoms of menopause.

Estriol: Estriol is one of three types of estrogen found naturally inside the human body. Compared to estrone and estradiol, the other estrogens made naturally in the human, body, estriol is less potent, but it has some key benefits.

For one, because estriol is “weaker” than other estrogens, it doesn’t contribute to the risk of estrogen-dependent cancers (breast, ovarian, endometrial) or uterine fibroids, etc.

Estriol is thought to have an effect on menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, as well as improving cardiovascular health and strengthening the bones.

  • Side effects may include painful urination, abdominal pain, increased vaginal discharge, bloating, skin irritation or itching, headache, rash and more.

Evening Primrose: Evening primrose may be used for nerve damage and osteoporosis, as well as hot flashes and PMS symptoms.

  • Side effects may include upset stomach, nausea, headache and diarrhea.

Skip the HRT and try something without those negative effects. Click here to learn more.

Estriol Care Quality of Ingredients

Estriol Care may come along with some adverse reactions, but it’s likely safe for most users. In looking at customer feedback, we did not come across many users who experienced any negative reaction to this product.

Users should talk to their doctor before taking any form of estrogen, even if estriol is thought to have less of a negative impact on the body than other plant-based hormones, as there may be some unwanted effects like painful urination or stomach pain.

Overall, this product might yield some good results, but it may not be enough for users with severe menopause symptoms. There’s no progesterone component in this blend, and adding estrogen to the equation might leave some users with imbalanced hormones.

Let our experts point you in the right direction—click here for the full scoop on the most effective menopause pills out there.

The Price and Quality of Estriol Care

Estriol Care is sold by the maker of this product, Life-Flo for $18.29 for a 2-ounce container. Each pump contains about .75 mg of estriol, but they don’t mention how much cream you’ll get in each pump nor how long this supply is expected to last.

This product is also widely available from several third-party sellers. iHerb, Amazon, Jet, Swansons Vitamins and several others offer Estriol Care, and in some cases, at a lower rate than the manufacturer. iHerb, for example is currently offering the same size product for $12.68 and Swanson Vitamins has it for $12.45.

We’re not sure whether Estriol Care is actually a good value, as we don’t know how long this lasts. The website doesn’t provide a clear dose amount. They just mention that this should be used once or twice a day.

We also don’t know how much of each active ingredient is in the formula, not how much product is in each pump. While this product seems pretty affordable, there are some key details missing for those who like to do some research before they buy.

Click here for the latest information on treating menopause symptoms with all natural ingredients.

Business of Estriol Care

Estriol Care is made by natural supplements manufacturer, Life-Flo. They can be contacted using the details listed below:

Phone: 800-258-8337

Life-Flo is a rather large company that focuses on making all kinds of natural health supplements for both men and women, from joint care to nutritional support and beyond.

According to the website, the company makes an effort to educate consumers about making healthy choices, as well as making products that have minimal adverse effects on both the human body and the planet.

We appreciate the language on the site that details Life-Flo’s commitment to green living, sustainability and the overall health and wellbeing of their consumers, but they don’t do that great of a job providing information about exactly what their products do, how much to take and more.

Estriol Care, for example, defers much of the dosing details to the shopper’s health care provider, which feels a bit like they are trying to pass off the responsibility of learning about the product to the patient.

We like that яhey mention that users should visit their physician before adding a new supplement into their routines, but in this case, some users may go ahead and order something that might not fit with their needs.

Customer Opinions of Estriol Care

Estriol Care has primarily positive reviews associated with its use, though some users felt the cream was a little cumbersome for their tastes and others brought up some other issues regarding its efficacy. Here’s a look at some of the feedback we found:

“I have noticed that this product has helped me deal with mood swings. The thing is, the week you’re supposed to stop taking this, I turn into a total monster — don’t know what to do during that time.”

“This product has really helped cut back on my hot flashes and my energy levels have improved, too. My MD wasn’t sure about this, but she says, if it helps, I might as well keep using this product”

“It’s okay. The pump is a little difficult to work, and honestly, I’d rather take a pill and be done with it than wait for this cream to dry every day. Also, if you skip a day, your symptoms will come right back.”

“Estriol Care has helped a bit with the hot flashes, but more importantly, my hair has stopped falling out. Now, I just need it to grow back.”

Estriol Care seems to deliver many of the benefits it advertises. Many users reported a positive change when they tried using this to address hot flashes and mood swings, but there are a few drawbacks.

With a cream, users are stuck waiting for the product to dry and need to take extra precautions to ensure it doesn’t get on clothing others might handle or more absorbent parts of the body.

Additionally, a few people mentioned that this product is to be used daily for three weeks, followed by a week off—though the website defers dosing details to your healthcare practitioner. Those taking the week off, claimed that their symptoms returned in full force during that time.

Take a closer look at the progesterone creams that work best—reviews rank their top selections here.

Conclusion – Does Estriol Care Work?

Estriol Care seems to be effective in treating hot flashes, as well as providing energy to to users and helping to deal with mood swings experienced during menopause. However, we’re still not sure if this is the right solution for everyone.

Estriol Care did have pretty good reviews, but it’s hard to know if its effective for all menopause symptoms for most of the people using this product. Most people primarily mentioned hot flashes and mood swings, but we’re not sure how this work for women experiencing vaginal dryness, low libido, night sweats or insomnia.

Also, some users might not like the cream application, which needs to be applied on rotating areas of the body—switching between the chest, inner thighs, abdomen and inner arms with each use. Not to mention, users also need to wait for the solution to dry before getting fully dressed.

We’ve learned that Femmetrinol’s supportive formula works best to treat the bulk of symptoms women experience during menopause like sweating, changing moods and hot flashes.

The makers of Femmetrinol are committed to producing high-quality potent supplements that work just as intended. Click here to learn more about Femmetrinol and its long list of key benefits.

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