Renew Life Paragone Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) July 10, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Renew Life Paragone is a supplement designed to rid the body of parasites, but it may also work to cleanse excess yeast in the body. Often candida and parasites co-exist, and this product aims at taking both issues on with one two-part product.

Renew Life Paragone is a 15-day cleanse, part tincture, part pill. This product is made from a long list of anti-parasitic, antifungal and antibacterial herbs, which work together to clear out toxins and bad bacteria and restore balance to the body.

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Renew Life Paragone Ingredients and Side Effects

Renew Life Paragone is made from a blend of herbal ingredients known for their ability to kill unwanted yeasts or harmful bacteria. Here’s a look at the active ingredients used to make this product:

Walnut Hulls Wormwood Garlic Orange Peel Thyme Leaf
Caprylic Acid Pippali Seed Clove Marshmallow Root

Walnut Hulls: Black walnut hulls are a homeopathic remedy for treating yeast infections and killing parasitic worms present in the digestive tract. Walnut hulls contain a chemical called juglone, which is a natural fungicide, antibacterial and anti-parasitic.

This ingredient may also help control diarrhea, reduce gas and heart burn and stop excessive sweating.

Wormwood: Wormwood is an herbal ingredient used to boost sexual desire, stimulate the imagination and aid in digestion. It may also be useful in getting rid of intestinal worms.

  • Wormwood contains a chemical known as thujone, which might cause seizures or other health problems.

Caprylic Acid: A saturated fat that contains anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties—this ingredient is used to treat UTIs, candida and more.

Pippali Seed: Pippali is a type of pepper used to flavor foods, and as a traditional Ayurvedic remedy. This ingredient may help soothe coughing and other cold symptoms, as well as eliminate abnormal vaginal discharge.

Thyme Leaf: An herb used for both culinary and medicinal purposes, thyme leaf may help treat diarrhea, stomach pain, gas, bronchitis, arthritis and sore throats. It may also be used as a diuretic, helping the body produce urine.

Garlic: Garlic is full of anti-oxidants, due to the presence of a chemical known as allicin, which provides a number of health benefits, in addition to garlic’s pungent taste and smell.

Garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties, as well. It may help reduce unwanted yeast in the body and boost the immune system with use.

  • Garlic may cause body odor, bad breath, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, gas and vomiting.

Clove: This spice contains anti-inflammatory effects, as well as antifungal and anti-parasite properties—working to eliminate unwanted worms, yeast or bacteria.

Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow is a plant, which can be used to reduce pain and swelling. It may also help soothe urinary tract irritation and ease upset stomach and diarrhea.

Orange Peel: The orange rind contains pectin, which acts as a prebiotic, a substance that supports the growth of probiotics (or good bacteria) in the digestive tract.

Keep you vaginal pH in balance — learn how the vagina changes during menopause and what you can do about it here.

Renew Life Paragone Quality of Ingredients

Renew Life Paragone contains a long list of ingredients, spread across two pills meant to be taken together. We’re assuming the makers of this product felt some potency would be lost trying to cram such a large formula into one pill.

While the ingredient pau d’arco may have some side effects users should be aware of, most consumers should likely be able to take this supplement safely.

Renew Life Paragone does seem to have some potential. This formulation contains a number of key ingredients used to essentially cleanse the body’s bacterial population and get rid of excess yeast.

The thing is, while this does seem like a healthy supplement, users who are not sure if they have candida should consider taking something else. Candida symptoms include yeast infections, thrush, digestive problems like constipation, bloating, or diarrhea, headaches, brain fog and sinus issues.

Most people with candida will experience symptoms, so if you’re just getting a yeast infection here and there or your vagina seems a bit “off” consult with your doctor before proceeding with treatment. You don’t want to end up killing off bacteria—many of which are good—unless you need to.

Our guide to the top personal care items that help ease the menopause transition — get the full list by clicking here.

The Price and Quality of Renew Life Paragone

Renew Life Paragone is sold by a number of online retailers such as iHerb, Amazon, Lucky Vitamin, Swanson’s Health Products and more.

Amazon for $28.46 for a 15-day kit, making this the lowest price we’ve come across, though most sellers top out around $32 for the kit.

The official website no longer offers this product—it appears to have been rebranded under the name, Parasmart, though the ingredients included in the formula appear to be the same as Renew Life Paragone.

The new product can be found on and retails for $37.99 for a two-part, 15-day cleanse.

Learn more about when it’s time to consider a yeast cleanse — or if you should consider balancing hormones first. Click here.

Business of Renew Life Paragone

Renew Life Paragone is made by the supplements maker, Renew Life. Here is their contact information, as per the official website.

Phone: 800-830-1800

Address: 198 Palm Harbor Blvd. (Alt. 19) South

Palm Harbor, FL  34683

The Renew Life website looks clean and is easy for visitors to navigate. They have a page dedicated to explaining their mission—which is to promote gut health and balance through natural supplements, and have made several statements that speak to the quality of their products.

Overall, the website looks good, suggesting this company goes out of their way to ensure consumers receive a quality product that helps them deal with a range of issues affecting the health of the gut, the vagina and more.

We’re not entirely sure we agree with the marketing for Paragone/Parasmart. While this product seems to be effective in those with worms or parasites—the suggestion of using this product as a cleanse in people with yeast or other digestive concerns may yield some adverse effects.

This product could potentially kill off good bacteria in users who do not have parasites. Users considering this use may want to check with a doctor to make sure they are going about this in a safe way.

Customer Opinions of Renew Life Paragone

Renew Life Paragone has mixed reviews, though they tend to lean to the more positive end of the scoring spectrum. Here’s a look at what users have to say about this product:

“Tried this product and within days, worm bodies began to appearing in the stool. Finally, a large segment of tapeworm came out. Probably will use another bottle to finish the job.”

“Started taking this when I travel to Thailand and my stomach went through hell. This is really harsh, but once I cut the dosage in half, my experience with Paragone dramatically improved.”

“This certainly works, but I recommend taking this product along with some supplements, otherwise you’ll have some serious stomach pain. One thing worth noting; there are more pills than drops.”

“I recommend this product to anyone having digestive problems. After using this, I feel lighter and cleaner, and now have a lot more energy. Using this product, however, is not for the faint of heart.”

This product seems to be effective in clearing out worms or unwanted bacteria, as well as causing some discomfort in the process. It’s clear that this product is best used by people who actually have parasitic worms, though there were some users who bought this as a cleanse of sorts — which we don’t advise.

Renew Life Paragone is a product that seems like it could be really useful, in the right context. For that reason, we do not recommend this product to those who are only having mild digestive problems, unless they truly believe they have worms in their system.

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Conclusion – Does Renew Life Paragone Work?

Renew Life Paragone appears to be a really effective supplement, useful in clearing out harmful parasitic worms or other infections. According to consumers, this product can be harsh on the digestive system, but in many cases, the pain had paid off.

For our purposes, Renew Life Paragone is not something we’d advocate our readers use, unless they’ve experienced issues like stomach problems following a trip or exposure to standing water or other known sources of parasites.

While the site claims this product does more than eradicate worms from the digestive system, it seems like a harsh approach to solving a problem that probiotics, along with some cleansing herbs may be able to more safely deal with.

If there’s a more serious problem, it’s wise to speak to a physician and to find the safest, most effective way forward.

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3 Responses to Renew Life Paragone Review

Claire Groves says:

I am on day 6 of the programme and I can only presume I don’t have parasites. It wasn’t proved anyway. It’s just a gynaecologist asked why my stomach was distended and I said because I suffer with constipation and only go to the toilet once a week. She suggested I may have parasites and that it doesn’t hurt to use the treatment even if I don’t have them. She said people use the treatment 2-4 times a year to cleanse anyway.
I have not had any side effects at all, no nausea, no stomach cramps, no headaches, absolutely nothing and I still haven’t been to the toilet.
How do you know if you have worms or parasites anyway?

JC says:

Took two pills this evening with the tincture and have been in agony all night. Cramps, nausea and tried vomiting to feel better.

I would not recommend this product, or perhaps start with a half dose.


I have taken Paragone, and I think thios is a good product. I USED THIS AFTER HAVING MERSA IN 2008, and it elimenated what was left in my system agter havev neen in the hospital for more than a week on heavy antiniotics, as well as neing sent home with 2 more weeks of heavy medication, andiend who went through the same thing, it really elimenates the bugs, you can feel the difference of packing the draing incision I had, paragone cleansed everything you can feel the difference in your body. Love this product.

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