
Study Finds Why Fish Oils Fight Diabetes

Fish oils have many health benefits, including lowering triglycerides, blood pressure, and regulating abnormal heart rhythms. It can also reduce the risk of death from heart attack and strokes, and slows plaque buildup in the arteries. Now researchers from the … Continue reading

Kick Your Sugar Habit in 3 Simple Steps

Sugar – The other white powder that as some might argue is just as addictive as illegal drugs. As Americans, our diet contains way too much of it. Sugar has been linked to the obesity, diabetes, and heart disease epidemics. A … Continue reading

Best Way to Beat Diabetes: A Healthy Diet

John McGran, chief editor at Diet-to-Go, has been covering the fields of diet, fitness and health since 2000. He writes from the perspective of a dieter rather than a dietitian. Since an estimated 300,000 deaths each year are associated with … Continue reading

Yoga for Diabetes

An estimated 18 million Americans have diabetes, making it one of the most serious conditions affecting the nation’s health. But as prevalent as diabetes is, it is also preventable and reversible with the proper lifestyle behaviors. Yoga, with its far-reaching physical … Continue reading

Summer Heat Dangerous for Diabetics

Warmer weather is here, and scorching weather is probably just around the corner. Unfortunately, this will pose a danger that most diabetics will not be prepared for. If you suffer from diabetes, you are mainly concerned with what you eat … Continue reading