
Wake ‘n’ Bacon

If you’re like me, you aren’t much of a morning person. My first thought, after taking care of my two-year-old daughter’s needs, is making my way to the coffee machine. My internal clock is good enough that I can pretty … Continue reading

California Bans Trans Fats

Update: The California Trans Fat Ban took effect January 1, 2025. I swear I’m not trying to turn this into a blog about California… but there’s more health news here on the West Coast. The “Govenator” is terminating trans fats! … Continue reading


You’re finally in that nutrition state-of-mind. You’ve decided you want to eat organic food. You’ve made the decision to eat only organic or free range meat, or wild-caught fish. You’re also tired of feeling like your at-home menu is in … Continue reading

Diets Around the World

This morning on the Today Show, they discussed how three countries manage to stay fit and trim, while eating decadent foods. Japan, Italy and France are far fitter than the U.S., which ranks as the heaviest country in the world … Continue reading

Selling You on Food Packaging

I recently had the opportunity to work in a school in East Harlem, New York to provide free health counseling sessions to students and parents. It was a great experience as everyone was fully engaged and asking a lot of … Continue reading

What the Kale am I Eating?

We are constantly being bombarded with advertisements that tell us what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat- the propaganda is never ending! So, how do I decide what to eat in order to maintain my new … Continue reading

Food Fight: Pasta vs. Pasta

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the very first Food Fight. You won’t get messy, but you will be a little more informed. Every two weeks (alternating with Food Finds), we’ll present a food match-up: two similar foods, both claiming … Continue reading

Does Pasta Make You Fat?

Is pasta a recipe for weight gain? This video is an interesting look at carbs, the glycemic index, and how it’s just not as simple as saying all carbs should be avoided in favor of a protein-rich diet. Pasta is … Continue reading

Tips for the Tomato Crisis

A salmonella-tainted tomato outbreak began in mid-April, and was centered mostly in New Mexico and Texas. Now it has made about 300 people sick across 28 states and the District of Columbia in the U.S. Officials are still unsure why … Continue reading

Healthy Summer Smoothies

While you’re working on toning that flat tummy for summer, don’t forget to stay cool with something tasty and refreshing. Smoothies are always a summer favorite- cold, creamy and they hit the spot. While it’s probably easier to run into … Continue reading