Menopace Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) May 16, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Menopace is a product made from herbs, vitamins and more to treat menopause. Menopace is designed to be used in place of or as a complement to hormone replacement therapy.

Menopace relies on a combination of isoflavones, 5HTP and B vitamins to support moods and regulate hormones during menopause. Rather than simply address hot flashes and mood swings, this product is designed to support the overall health if the user from heart and bone health to collagen production.

After researching various women’s health supplements, we have discovered that Femmetrinol is most effective in helping users deal with the long list of menopause symptoms with an all-natural herbal blend. Click here to look at the formula and benefits you’ll receive when you buy Femmetrinol.

Menopace Ingredients and Side Effects

Menopace contains over 20 active ingredients, including the full B vitamin complex. We’ve listed the most powerful ingredients in the mix, in an effort to keep things brief. Here’s a look at the blend of ingredients you can expect to find inside Menopace:

Soy Isoflavones B Vitamin Complex

Soy Isoflavones: Many plants contain phytoestrogens known as isoflavones, and soy beans in particular, have a high content of the substance. Soy isoflavones are used in a number of supplements in order to help balance hormone levels, which treat menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, as well as other hormone related conditions like PCOS, PMS, fibrocystic breasts and more.

Users with hormone-sensitive conditions like certain breast cancers, ovarian and uterine cancers and more may want to avoid taking soy supplements as they may worsen the condition.

  • Side effects may include constipation, gas or bloating, as well as an allergic reaction.

B Vitamin Complex: The vitamin B complex consists of eight different B vitamins that work together in helping the body carry out a number of functions. Users may take this supplement to improve memory, maintain healthy cardiovascular health, ease stress, boost immunity and enhance mood and brain function.

5HTP: A supplement derived from the griffonia seed, 5HTP affects the brain and central nervous system, by boosting serotonin production. 5HTP works to help improve the condition of those with depression, insomnia and more.

MCT: Medium-chain-triglyercides (MCT) are a saturated fatty acid that may play a role in improving brain and health, increasing energy levels and boosting mood, MCT may also help users avoid illness by fighting incoming viral and bacterial infection.

Click here to read our full guide to the herbs that best support hormones during menopause.

Menopace Quality of Ingredients

Menopace contains a long list of vitamins, most of which we’ve left off the ingredient list above. While vitamins and minerals are definitely important, we’re not sure how effective they are in treating menopause. In most cases, one won’t really feel the effects of vitamins and minerals unless there’s a problem.

Soy is the only ingredient in this formula that is known to effect the hormone levels in the body, due to the presence of isoflavones, which may perform in a similar manner to the estrogen naturally produced in the human body.

But, one daily dose of this product contains only 20mg of soy isoflavones. The lowest recommended daily dose of this ingredient is 40mg, 160mg at the upper end of the spectrum, which may be necessary for women looking for a potent, yet natural menopause supplement.

Based on what we’ve learned by looking at Menopace’s website, we’ve found that the product description mentions this can be used in combination with HRT or other supplements, so it’s possible it’s not intended to function as the sole product a woman with severe hot flashes, for example might add into her regimen.

Experts talk about the best ingredients for regulating moods all throughout menopause—click here for the full story.

The Price and Quality of Menopace

Menopace is sold by the maker of this product, Vitabiotics, for £7.25 per box containing a one-month supply or £15.85 for a three-month supply. The company is based in the UK, but ships to most countries for an extra shipping fee.

Users can also purchase this product from Amazon for $23.77 for the 90 capsule containing, with free shipping for Prime members. The price is a bit higher for those customers who wish to buy this in the US, though it’s still within the normal price range as compared to other menopause products.

But, it’s worth considering that this product is essentially a soy supplement combined with a multivitamin, it doesn’t contain a comprehensive blend of herbs or other ingredients known to be effective in users going through menopause.

Learn more about how herbal estrogens and a healthy diet can help you control menopause symptoms. Click here.

Business of Menopace

Menopace is made by a company named Vitabiotics, a UK-based supplements company. For your reference, we’ve listed their contact information below:

Phone: +44 (0)20 8955 2600

Address: 1 Apsley Way

London NW2 7HF

United Kingdom

Vitabiotics is a well-established supplements company. They’ve been around since the 1970s and have won a number of awards for innovation and more. Menopace has been around since the 1980s and claims to be the number one menopause pill in the UK.

According to the site this product is available for sale in key retail stores like Tesco, Boots and more and the company ships this product to online consumers all over the world.

There’s no doubt that this company is reputable and that consumers can expect to receive a product that is safe when they purchase Menopace. The fact that this company has been around for decades and this product continues to sell does speak for the quality, at least to some extent.

The company offers an extensive FAQ section on the Menopace product page, but they go into much deeper detail on the effects that calcium and B vitamins have on the body, rather than the soy isoflavones that are meant to do more of the heavy lifting, at least where more uncomfortable symptoms are concerned.

Customer Opinions of Menopace

Because Menopace has a greater presence in the UK than in the US, there were limited reviews available on the usual e-commerce platforms and forums. For this reason, we’re looking at a small sample size when it comes to customer feedback. Here are some of the comments we found online:

“I used to buy these when I was living overseas and am happy to see that I can buy them online. It’s been pretty useful for reducing bone pain and night sweats. Still get the occasional hot flash, but nothing terrible.”

“I really like these pills. They’ve been great for helping me deal with my menopause problems, and I like that it contains all these vitamins and nutrients. As I get older, bone and heart health are a concern.”

“Happy these are in the US—it’s an affordable product that’s been helpful with hot flashes and is a good source for some of the nutrients I might not be getting by eating a healthy diet.”

“Arrived on time, and provided the benefits described on the package. Pretty good for the usual menopause symptoms. It took a couple weeks, but I’m feeling better for sure.”

Menopace has mostly positive reviews, but they are rather vague. Most of what we came across suggested that women liked the fact that they were getting a multivitamin that also addressed the needs specific to going through menopause, but no one mentioned they were dealing with very severe symptoms.

Based on the information we were able to collect, it’s hard to form a solid impression, as users didn’t offer up very many details about their unique menopause symptoms. It may work for some users, but we don’t know how beneficial this is for balancing hormones or how it performs in users with the anxiety and depression that may be presented during menopause.

Start feeling like your old self again. Click here for our guide to the best menopause products out there.

Conclusion – Does Menopace Work?

After looking at the full scope of Menopace—it’s web presence, the reviews and the ingredients used to provide the benefits advertised, we don’t think this product will work all that well for users looking for a potent product that can deal with the physical and emotional effect of menopause on its own.

Menopace is basically just a multivitamin that may have an effect on women with more mild menopause symptoms. It does not appear to be intended for those dealing with severe symptoms.

While it provides some nutritional benefits, it seems like users would be better off looking for a supplement that doesn’t need to be supported by another product, rather, it works as the only product in the user’s rotation.

After checking out every menopause product imaginable, we’ve learned that Femmetrinol best helps users deal with things like insomnia, joint pain and of course, hot flashes and night sweats taking over your life. Herbal ingredients like black cohosh and wild yam help users restore hormonal balance with no negative effects.

Femmetrinol has been made with high quality control standards at the heart of all processes. Users can expect to get the advertised benefits, without the risk of an adverse reaction. Click here to take an up-close look at the formula used to make Femmetrinol.

8 Responses to Menopace Review

Elaine Pollard says:

Hello is this safe to use with evening primrose and cod liver oil tablets

Olufade Modupe says:

Can menopace gives someone migraine?

Annie Tumbridge says:

I take with evening primrose and calcium and had no problems so far

Esther akiporo says:

Am a Kenyan how can I get this supplements

Sab says:

I am 50 now I start taking Meanopace for the last 5 days is great and helps me a lot.
My concern is I heard is increase risk of cancer.
Is that true?
Please let me know, I am not medication person but I have tried that it helps massive.

Nikki says:

Hi I have just started using this product and have suffered from really bad bloating and wind to the extreme and my face went early red ,also has caused a red rash ,not impressed at all .

Judy says:

While having severe moodiness, feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, insomnia, heat, joint pains, etc, I took Menopace and got major improvements in less than a week. I feel almost normal again. Just left with a little knee and hip joint pain (sometimes), early morning hot/cold fluctuations, and some bloating. A few times I have used Black Cohosh, COQ10, and Vitamin D with it. I’m so thankful to be feeling this great!

Sharon says:

I’ve been taking the for a couple of weeks now and my brain fog has cleared dramatically. However my skin itches all over my body but no fash yet. So u am taking a break to see if this stops

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