FemFresh Intimate Wash Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) July 25, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

FemFresh Intimate Wash is a soap-free, pH balanced feminine wash, suitable for daily use. This product aims to protect women against irritation in their vaginal areas.

FemFresh Intimate Wash contains soothing ingredients like aloe vera and chamomile, which the makers claim provide comfort and lasting freshness. This wash isn’t designed to treat infections — but may work to cut down on chafing, irritation and odor.

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FemFresh Intimate Wash Ingredients and Side Effects

FemFresh Intimate Wash is a product one might use in the shower, so it’s a bit difficult to evaluate this item as we would a supplement or a cream that actively protects the body from infection. This wash does contain a couple ingredients that may help soothe delicate skin. Here is a quick look:

Aloe Vera Chamomile

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a succulent plant containing a gel used for medicinal purposes. This ingredient is best known for soothing sunburns, wounds, acne or otherwise irritated skin.

Chamomile: Chamomile is a soothing herb, present in a range of teas and herbal remedies and known for its soothing properties. According to the Candida Hub, chamomile may be used to kill off yeast infections due to a high content of antifungal compounds.

There’s not much research backing this claim, but it looks like the use of chamomile as a vaginal support ingredient goes back to traditional Ayurveidc medicine.

Learn more about which products can supplement your hormone replacement regimen. Click for full details.

FemFresh Intimate Wash Quality of Ingredients

FemFresh Intimate Wash doesn’t contain any active ingredients like pre- or probiotics, nor any herbs that are known for their ability to keep infections away. As mentioned above, the formula contains known soothers, aloe vera and chamomile—which may help users feel comfortable after a shower.

FemFresh Intimate Wash is just a bath product, it doesn’t have any real medicinal value — it’s something akin to other single-use bathroom products like shampoo, shaving gel and so on. Some people enjoy having multiple products, while others find them wholly unnecessary.

FemFresh Intimate Wash being a personal care item, does not provide any unique benefit to menopausal women. Should you be concerned about the state of your genital region, probiotics and hormone balancing supplements are both better options for improving moisture and bolstering the body against infections like BV, UTIs or yeast infections.

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The Price and Quality of FemFresh Intimate Wash

FemFresh Intimate Wash is widely available both online and in several physical retail stores. You’ll likely be able to find this item in the toiletries section of your local supermarket or drugstore.

Online, we found this product is offered through Amazon, as well as a number of UK-based sites. Amazon sells this product for $7.15 for a 250mL bottle.

FemFresh Intimate Wash may not be purchased directly from the manufacturer’s websites. Both sites (there’s an Australian version and a UK version) offer plenty of shopping options within their respective countries, but nothing as far as where one can purchase these items in the US or elsewhere.

Based on the Amazon pricing, this product seems to be priced at a higher rate than your run of the mill body wash, or even other feminine hygiene washes — though, it is still within a reasonable price range.

Check it out! We’ve ranked the most popular menopause supplements of this year.

Business of FemFresh Intimate Wash

Femmefresh Intimate Wash is a subsidiary of the British consumer goods company, Church and Dwight, though the information posted on the contact page refers to a company known as Capsule Communications Ltd. Here is their contact info, for reference:

Phone: 0207 580 4312

Email: hello@capsulecomms.com

FemFresh Intimate Wash has two dedicated websites, showcasing the various scents and supporting products in the FemFresh line. The sites for UK and Australian consumers differ slightly, but contain the same basic information.

The official website feels overwhelming. Users are greeted with a blue background concerned in graphics and white text, which is a bit hard to read, at least for a casual website visitor.

The web copy is cute and catchy — a mix of knowing authority and inclusiveness i.e. “join the millions of girls who care for down there.”

The site also provides a really in-depth FAQ section about this product and how it works to provide pH balance to the vaginal area.

While we don’t love the overall aesthetic, the site is rather engaged and informative. That being said, most women do not need such a product, and this company is working to sell them products that they do not need.

Customer Opinions of FemFresh Intimate Wash

FemFresh Intimate Wash is a UK product, so there isn’t much of a review pool when searching from inside the US. This product is widely available, and may be found through Amazon, so we did find some comments.

Unfortunately, the comments we found were not very descriptive, overall. Users mentioned things like the price, that they were happy to find this product outside the UK and so on.

Regardless, here are some of the comments we came across:

“I like this product more than the versions made in the US. Our products have more fragrances and other crap, and FemFresh is a nice change. It did take a long time to arrive, so you may want to stock up.”

“Every woman needs to take care of her area, but no one wants to talk about it. The scent is great and the wash really makes you feel clean. Much better than Summer’s Eve, if you ask me.”

“I’ve been using FemFresh for years. Used to get a lot of problems I believe were caused by a pH imbalance. This product seems to be safe and effective, and I’m pretty happy with the results.”

“Love this product, it’s the best for making you feel very fresh and clean. Perfect for cleaning up when you’re on your period or on a hot day.”

FemFresh Intimate Wash has mostly positive reviews, but but past users haven’t left the most constructive feedback. Some of the comments don’t make any sense—like someone who mentioned they left a five-star review and a three-star review, as this product was worth “eight stars.”

Overall, it seems like it’s hard to provide a god review for something as basic as a vaginal wash. We did not see any reports from menopausal users or anyone experiencing ongoing vaginal issues, nor did we hear from anyone who had used this product to prevent infections from occurring.

Learn more about your vaginal health and how it changes during menopause — click her for details.

Conclusion – Does FemFresh Intimate Wash Work?

FemFresh Intimate Wash doesn’t exactly have any bad reviews, and there’s nothing wrong with this product, per se, but we’re not sure that this product is essential to maintaining a clean and healthy vagina.

See, the vagina is self-cleaning by virtue. The discharge women see on a regular basis is a representation of the organ’s ability to take care of itself. And should there be something abnormal going on with that discharge, or an odor, discomfort or some other sign that something isn’t right? Well, it’s time to visit a doctor to address the problem, not wash it away with a vaginal body wash.

While wholly unnecessary from a clinical perspective, some women do like the clean feeling FemFresh Intimate Wash, and similar products like Summer’s Eve can provide. Using feminine wash or not is a personal choice, but it’s unlikely that these products can treat or prevent infections, improve the genital microflora population or provide any other type of health benefit.

In terms of FemFresh Intimate Wash is available for sale through Amazon, Pure Formulas and more — places that likely wouldn’t offer prescription drugs to the public.

This supplement has a very specific indication, and for that reason we wouldn’t recommend that our readers try this unless they definitely have candida. Menopausal women with vaginal concerns should think about balancing hormones rather than assuming they have candida because they now get BV or yeast infections more often.

Femmetrinol is our review experts’ top choice when it comes to menopause support. This product relies on a handful of potent herbs known for their ability to treat a number of conditions — from hot flashes and irritability to night sweats, low libido and vaginal dryness.

Femmetrinol is made by a team dedicated to providing consumers most potent menopause relief on the market. The herbs used in this formulation have all been subject to third-party evaluations in order to ensure consumers receive the best product possible. Click here for an up close and personal look at the ingredients used to make Femmetrinol.

8 Responses to FemFresh Intimate Wash Review

Anonymous says:

I have received a reaction much like that of chemical burn from this product! Absolute agony!

Sam says:

I used this for years and now it burns me causing agony to the point of needing time off work.

Anonymous2 says:

Yes, I have had the exact same thing! It used to be a brilliant product – have the ingredients changed?

K.G says:

The same thing has happened to me! I’ve used this for probably 10 years, opened a new bottle last week and ended up with a burning hot rash everywhere the wash touched that lasted for days!

Kim Bailey says:

Do not use this product!

I have tried it 3 times in 5 years thinking that it was just coincidence and each time I end up dry itchy and then get excessive thrush. It physically burns after just one use!
Each time I go back to another brand and I’m fine again.
Please don’t put yourself through the agonising pain!
If there were a minus button I’d be using it!!

Temmyy says:

This product is not for internal use…only use the product to wash the external area of your vagina and trust me, you’ll love it…. i use it once in a while.
once a week or once every other day and it works well for me. no problem at all.

Miserable fanny says:

I have never had any problem. Not even sure why I bothered buying this. Wish I hadn’t! Stopped using a week ago but still Itching like mad.

Anonymous says:

I’ve been using this product for the last 5 years, but lately it has been causing a very painful and embarrassing reaction where a button turns into a blister.

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