Amberen Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) May 4, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Amberen is a dietary supplement that treats symptoms of menopause. Amberen addresses a range of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and more.

Amberen is an over-the-counter solution that claims to naturally restore hormone balances without any side effects.

Amberen is also designed for all stages of menopause—from perimenopause to post-menopause.

We’ve found Femmetrinol most effectively helps users fight hot flashes, night sweats and more through a blend of herbal ingredients.

Click the link for a look at Femmetrinol and how it works.

Amberen Ingredients and Side Effects

Amberen is made from a blend of amino acids, vitamins and minerals targeted hormone balance. Here’s a look at what you can expect to find inside this product, as well as any potential side effects:

Ammonium Succinate Calcium Disuccinate Vitamin E Monsodium L-Glutamate
Glucine Mangesium Zinc  

Ammonium Succinate: A substance thought to help alleviate hot flashes related to menopause, as well as joint pain and irritability. Not much is known about the efficacy or safety of this ingredient.

Calcium Disuccinate: A specific form of calcium absorbed by the digestive system, calcium disuccinate is used to improve bone and heart health, regulate nerve impulses and blood pressure, and is a vital component of bone and tissue formation.

Vitamin E: A fat soluble vitamin, vitamin E is used to help prevent a number of conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease and certain cancers. It may also be used to treat hot flashes and fatigue.

Monosodium L-Glutamate (MSG): Better known as MSG, this amino acid functions as a neurotransmitter and, according to the Amberen website, is used to stabilize energy levels.

• Side effects may include headaches, flushing, allergic reaction, sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, numbness or tingling, weakness, chest pain and allergic reaction.

Glycine: An amino acid that aids in immune function, brain health, muscle building and nervous system support. Glycine is thought to help reduce joint pain, as well as anxiety and stress. It also can help boost energy, which may help with menopause-related fatigue.

Zinc: An essential trace mineral, zinc is used to boost immune system health, as well as regulate the body’s hormone levels.

Magnesium: A mineral the body needs to regulate blood pressure and maintain bone and heart health, magnesium may also help fight inflammation and prevent osteoperosis.

Our guide to the best menopause pills on the market – click here for more.

Amberen Quality of Ingredients

Amberen does contain a lot of good ingredients like glycine, vitamin E, zinc and magnesium. But, it also contains MSG, and didn’t really provide a great explanation as to why this ingredient is used in the first place.

The key ingredient, succinate is the only item on the list that specifically targets menopause, but there’s not enough evidence regarding how effectively it treats hot flashes, nor whether there are any side effects.

Based on the information above, we’re not are this product is all that effective in treating menopause, and can imagine many consumers being upset that this product contains MSG.

Here’s a look at our expert picks for the best menopause solutions on the market – click for the full guide.

The Price and Quality of Amberen

Amberen is sold in a variety of major retailers such as Walmart, CVS, Amazon, Rite Aid, and even Bed Bath and Beyond. The makers of this product also sell directly to consumers, both online and over the phone.

Amberen is sold is varying packages on the official webpage. A single box regularly retails for $49.99 and lasts for a month, though it’s currently being offered at $39.99. Shoppers can save more if they enroll in a subscription service, or stock up and order a 180-day supply.

Amazon currently offers the product for less–$22.92 for the same one-month supply, plus free shipping for Prime members.

Click here to read our reviews on the menopause pills that work best.

Business of Amberen

Amberen is made by a company known as Lunada Biomedical. Here is their contact information is listed below:

Phone: 800-993-6339

Address: PO Box 452750
Los Angeles, CA 90045

The Amberen website looks clean, and is easy to navigate. They don’t make online ordering all that obvious, but the site lays out how the product works, what symptoms it addresses and more.

What makes this product unique, is the site offers a “Nurse’s Aid” which is a resource for consumers to use if they aren’t seeing the results advertised on the website. The site also recommends giving the product 90 days to start working, which offers a realistic promise, but at the same time, could deter customers from purchasing in favor of a solution with faster-acting capabilities.

While the Amberen looks nice and by all accounts, appears to be advertising responsibly, it’s worth noting that in 2025, the Federal Trade Commission sued Lunada Biomedical over false claims that Amberen could help users lose weight, despite the fact that this product does not contain any ingredients known to yield those results.

Additionally, Lunada has a B- rating with the Better Business Bureau due to the government action taken against this company in Many of 2025, as well as 4 registered complaints citing issues with the product, as well as receiving unwanted mailings from the company.

Based on the above information, we’re not sure if Amberen can deliver on its promises. 90 days is a long time to wait for a supplement to start working, and it could be a way to sell additional product before consumers grow impatient.

Customer Opinions of Amberen

Past user experiences reflect that consumers were divided on whether or not Amberen could produce the desired results. Here’s a look at what previous users had to say after using this product:

“I used this for about a month before stopping use. My eating habits changed for the worse, and I gained a lot of weight. Did some research and found this product contains MSG, which can have this effect.”

“Amberen failed to live up to the hype, and this was a waste of money. I bought three bottles and they wouldn’t even let me return the unused product, as they only have a 30-day guarantee”

“This is disappointing. After trying Estoven to no avail, I was hoping there would be another alternative to taking hormones. This did nothing at all to relieve hot flashes—no change in intensity, nothing.”

“Be very careful if you have issues with MSG. I had no idea it was in this product, and was wondering why I had been so itchy lately. Not sure why they even include this ingredient, it’s not good for you!”

Amberen did have some positive reviews, but more than half the users who tried this product mentioned that it was not effective, or that they had some adverse effect. It’s strange that this company would add MSG to a supplement given all we’ve been told about avoiding this ingredient all together.

Additionally, it seems the makers of Amberen don’t offer much in the way of a generous return policy. The language on the site asks users to give this product a chance for 90 days, but only offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, which suggests they may not expect this to work consistently.

Based on this information, we likely wouldn’t recommend users try Amberen, as most users did not rate their experience as a positive one.

Our guide to the top performing menopause relief solutions available. Click for more.

Conclusion – Does Amberen Work?

After looking at the contents of Amberen as compared with the reviews we found for this product, it’s clear to us that this is far from the best solution available for women suffering from menopause.

This product contains MSG, which many people have allergies or sensitivities to. Plus, it’s not really something people generally take as a supplement—it’s known to cause headaches, sleepiness and other unwanted effects. While MSG is a widely debated flavor enhancer, we simply don’t get why it would be present in a supplement.

Lunada Biomedical itself had some problems. The BBB didn’t exactly give them a bad rating (a B- isn’t great), but the reasons they dinged the company were due to the false claims that this product could cause weight loss—which strangely one of the reviewers claimed that the product made them gain weight, and some negative customer service experiences. Lunada had sent customers unwanted literature about menopause, advertising Amberen, which customers didn’t appreciate.

Amberen is found in a number of stores, both online and in person, which does gives consumers some level of confidence, but it seems that the negatives outweigh the positives—it doesn’t seem to work consistently, the claims might not be entirely accurate, and it’s expensive.

According to our experts, Femmetrinol best delivers benefits menopausal users are looking for—reduction of frequency and severity of hot flashes, improvements in mood and energy and more. Ingredients like black cohosh, wild yam extract and damiana bring great benefits, without the risks that come along with taking hormones.

Femmetrinol is made following strict quality control standards, and customers can count on receiving the type of product that won’t cause any negative side effects. Click for more about Femmintrol and how you can get some relief from hot flashes and more.

89 Responses to Amberen Review

Vikki S Davis says:

This product is awful has side effects that cost me alot of money…two weeks wages and 3 Dr trips I broke out in a rash so bad my skin was raw…I have pictures to show u but no way to send them ..pissed off in Illinois

Karen says:

Can u send the pictures via email? I’ve been on Amberen for a while but have broken out in a rash on my face only, is it Amberen?

Citlaly says:

great reviews !!! thank you , for saving us time and money and probably our health

Irene says:

Same thing has happened to me after eight days of using this product. The rash started on my right arm then my neck and chest and finally my entire left arm. It was almost unbearable the itch and burn. Be careful with this product however, I did notice my night sweats stopped but at the cost of my skin. It’s a no for me

Julie says:

I am so glad I decided to look into this. I’m on my 2nd week of taking Amberen, and 2 Dr. visits later, I gave this awful rash on my butt cheeks and going down the back of my thighs. Definitely not a good experience with Amberen. I am going to stop taking this as of today. Thanks for the review!

Tanya says:

I too had a very bad reaction to this. My entire face swelled up…I could not even open my eyes. I also broke out in a rash on my face and then my skin turned raw and has now been peeling for 4 days. Loss of work and dr visits. I would never recommend this product.

Neicy says:

Serious skin rash or flare of psoriasis. I regret purchasing this product.

Pam says:

I ordered Amberen and started taking it 3 weeks ago. It was horrible! My hot flashes got to such intensity that I couldn’t function. I even went to the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack. I don’t recommend this to anyone!

Marti says:

Oh my god! I just take this today and I end up in the emergency because I couldn’t breath and I am gasping for air.

Neicy says:

Same here along with serious skin rash.

Elena says:

No side effects is a lie. The product box should disclose it contains MSG. My blood pressure rose and my eyes were tearing up. Morning headaches are the last straw. Stopping use and returning product.

Olga says:

Omg, I have the same symptoms. I was wondering if I have to stop taking it.
Thanks for your review.

Amy M says:

I had been taking this product for about two weeks when I started having horrible mood swings that were out of character for me. I even got reprimanded at work! I was crying uncontrollably and I couldn’t understand why. I stopped taking the Amberen and within 24 hours I was feeling much better and I haven’t had an issue since. The medicine really didn’t help my hot flashes either.

Michele says:

I have been on this and I’m crying all the time and my mood swings are so bad and that’s not me. I’m also having a hard time staying focused like real bad brain fog of which I didn’t have before taking this stuff. I’d rather have the hot flashes.

Althea Leonard says:

I have used it also my hot flashes are worse not good

Anonymous says:

I only used this product for six days and began having severe headaches and back/hip pain. I am a runner and was unable to run because of lower back pain. Once I stopped taking it, I was able to run pain free again.

Lizy says:

Continue take it work for me and I have a good sex and no pain no hot flashes life is better friends ask me if I have batteries because I keep going

Stephanie says:

That’s very interesting. I quit taking it yesterday because I because I was covered in hives and in effort to find out what was the cause didn’t take anything yesterday and read the label again last night and saw it contained MSG! I’m allergic to MSG. I’ve been having lower back pain since I started taking so bad could barely get through the days. Interesting share. It’s actually been rather alarming.

Dania A Martinez says:

Samething happened to me horrible back hip pan lowet back really hot in flame.. i stopped .

SGH says:

I’ve been using Amberen now for 2 months. Haven’t noticed any difference in hot flashes except more prevalent, no change in weight, and I noticed my hair has changed texture. My hair has always been healthy, but is it’s very dry, brittle and breaking off. I only thing I can say I changed was I started taking Amberen. No longer taking

DGG says:

I wanted to give Amberen a try. I’m on my 4 box being into my 4th month of taking this product. I have an analysis based solely on my personal experience. I haven’t noticed any decrease in anything. But an increase in weight gain. I worked very hard in getting my weight down over the past year and a half and I feel I’ve gone backwards. I’m stopping this product immediately and getting back on track with my weight loss. My regret is purchasing this product in hopes it would work. For me it was money throwed away. And this product in not cheap!

Anonymous says:

I have been on this product for 2 months now. I have significant weight gain. From 136 to 144 in a two month period. Still have bad hot flashes have discontinued use of this product.

sally Baker says:

Why should you spend $120 for a 3 month supply to get results?If no results you have just had 3 more months of hot flushes and wasted $120!

MG says:

Everybody is different and what doesn’t work for one may work for another. I for one have had a great experience with Amberen. I was having an extremely difficult time emotionally and my mood swings were horrible. I almost want to say that Amberen may have saved my life. My emotions are back in order and I am able to face life on a normal level. I am experiencing more energy and I have even had an easier time losing weight. I would recommend not making a decision based on the reviews as I almost did and give it a try for yourself. Amberen has brought a positive change to my life and I am so thankful. Best of wishes to all!

Patricia Urbanski says:

Same with me

RHA says:


I was on Amberen for 3 months. Stopped as suggested and within 3 days all the symptoms of menopause came back with a vengeance so I am going back on them straight away. Here’s hoping the symptoms stop again.

Dennette Besa says:

How long have you been on menopause? And is it mild or severe? Also do you experience any other problems? Have you ever tried any other product to help with menopause?

Lyn says:

I agree with you! I see all these negative reviews & can’t help to wonder if any of them are true or if someone was paid to leave some of them. I’ve been taking Amberen & I’ve been 100x better than I was! I feel back to normal after loosing my mind with mood swings like crazy among other things.

Anonymous says:

I just started taking it. So far so good. My weight is going down. My moods swings have went away. And I can focus better. I’m doing better then I was.

Dennette Besa says:

How long have you had menopause and is it severe or mild. Did you experience any other problems before taking this product?

Ronda Beeler says:

Only 2 weeks after starting this product I put on several pounds. And I started my period which I had not had one in 6 months. I slept better, but felt bloated all of the time. It is not worth the high price and nasty side effects just to sleep better

Shelia says:

Same thing happened to me,haven’t had a period in years. I will not take again and will tell others to avoid this product. Thanks for telling everyone.

Leonora says:

I was feeling great for the first 2 months that I took Amberen. My hot flashes and night sweats stopped. I am on month 3 and I got my period, I have been feeling very bloated and swollen after this, It has been about 10 days now. I am scared of stopping its use because I do not want my night sweats back. Did you symptoms come back when you stopped its use?

Tina says:

I have been taking this medicine for a week-since taking it I have sever body aches-headaches-lower back pain-sick to my stomach. Since reading this I am officially stopping it today! Taking this stuff was the only thing I could think of that may have called it. I stopped at Walgreens and picked it up with my husband January 13th 2018!111

Faye says:

My daughter tried this and gained a lot of weight if you’re using this product to lose weight you have made a big mistake!!!!! It makes me so mad they use in state this product for weight control their lying !!!!

Jacqueline says:

This Is My 7th Day Taking Amberen and it’s been good so far but my decision to stop taking it is because under the ingredients this product also contains titanium dioxide a product used in paint and can cause brain damage as I read up on it and it alsohass silicon dioxide and carmine these ingredients are health hazardous

Christine Ford says:

This review was very helpful and appreciated.

Joyce says:

I’ve been taking Amberen for 2 weeks now and for the last couple of night I’ve been getting really bad cramps in my calves which wakes me up. Also my blood pressure has been higher than normal and I take medicine to control that. I’m not sure if Amberen is right for me so I’m stopping it today.

Tammy says:

Thank you, I’ve been taking Amberen for 12 days and the last three have been full of extreme abdominal cramps. I was on this sight just to see if anyone else was having this problem. They’re
unbearable!! Time to stop taking Amberen. Thank goodness I only have one months worth of cost to toss.

Anonymous says:

Hi Joyce! I have been getting bad cramps too! I went to get into bed just now and have severe cramps in my toes and feet and have had a constant cramp in my left leg AND just had a hot flash! I think I’m going to stop this! I also noticed headaches and tingling in my hands and feet. I was so wishing this would work for me.

Renee Dillon says:

How can this product say “no side effects” when MSG clearly has side effects. From the Amberen website: Monosodium L-Glutamate (MSG): Better known as MSG, this amino acid functions as a neurotransmitter and, according to the Amberen website, is used to stabilize energy levels.

• Side effects may include headaches, flushing, allergic reaction, sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, numbness or tingling, weakness, chest pain and allergic reaction.

My heart is racing like a rabbit being chased by a fox. Also, constantly hungry. It must have some form of caffeine in it somewhere which I am extremely sensitive to any stimulant. Waste of money for sure since it just won’t work for me.

Bella says:

I started taking this and felt great the first day but since then not so good. Numbness and body cramps so bad. Stopping immediately

Crystal Keeling says:

I am into my 3rd box of amberen, and the only thing I have noticed since taking is my breast are tender, has anyone else had this side effect?

Liz A says:

My breast have been sore everyday while taking this. Also headaches and lots of nerve pains and itching. The hot flashes were a little better. Might stop taking.

Shannon says:

Hi Crystal. I’ve been taking Amberen for about 3 weeks now. So far has worked great with eliminating hot flashes and night sweats. However, I’m experiencing the same as you with tenderness in my breasts. Will continue to monitor and see if this eases off or progresses.

Becky says:

Yes – I am also on my 3rd box and have noticed extreme breast tenderness. It is so much so that I have thought about stopping the medication. I am glad to see that someone else is having this reaction as this is what I got on this site to research and you answered my question. I felt that the medication helped in the beginning with fatigue but it has wore off and I am back to feeling tired all of the time and having issues with weight gain. Now the breast tenderness has made up my mind to stop taking the medication.

Knw says:

Yes! I came he checking for that exact symptom!

Linda says:

I am on my 2nd box. Nipple has a white drainage. Could this be from that? it started 1 day ago

Jodi says:

I have been using this product for a month. My hot flashes and night sweats lessened and went away. I got my period after 9 months. I feel like myself again. I have been sleeping like normal again. This product seems to be working for me. I have no complaints.

Stephanie says:

I should have been more cautious reading the label. It contains MSG. I’m still trying to recover from having an allergic reaction to it. Otherwise I was hopeful I had finally found a good product.

Y.B. Hagan says:

Has anyone else experienced a fuzzy, slightly painful feeling on their tongue from Amberen?

Anonymous says:

Glad someone mentioned this. I just started, on it a second day, and my throat and tongue feel swelled up. I’m stopping it. Pretty sure this is not for me.

DIANA says:

I took this for 3 months and have gained 10 lbs. I worked too hard to lose 60 lbs and don’t want to gain it back. It didn’t help with any other menopause systems.

Edith says:

Iam into my 4 box I been swelling so much and gain like 15 pounds I eat healthy food, Iam so sad How they lie, everything hurts I feel so disappointed.

kim rhoades says:

I started taking amberen and after only 6 times I had to see my Dr.. It started with occasional stabbing pains in my right ear one night and by the next day I had constant stabbing pains in my ear…I didn’t sleep all night from the pain. It progressed into teeth sensitivity and the inside of my mouth feels raw including my tongue and gums then made it’s way into the glands in my throat. I am on day 3 of this pain, it’s terrible! Be careful taking this !

Guess who says:

I have been taking Amberen for 3 weeks and at first it was great. Then I started getting a rash on my right arm will itching and severe mood swings, crying uncontrollably at one point. So of course now I’m done with this product.

Angela says:

Can I use this along with my thyroid medicine

Annette Karbowski says:

I just started this and on my 3rd day started feeling really sick to my stomach. I have now stopped taking for the the last 2 days and still not feeling good.

Deb says:

I have been taking this for two weeks now. I have been dizzy for the last week. Also my breasts have been tender. I am definitely not taking this anymore!

Tanya Kimpel says:

I took this for 2 days only and immediately stopped. I have a rash all along my jaw line and my face is incredibly swollen. To say this is safe to take with no side effects is very misleading!!

Cindy L Kessinger says:

I took Amberen for three months and it lessened my hot flashes a lot but I got bad back spasms and horrible leg and thigh cramps almost every day and had to stop taking cramps and spasms went away started taking black cohosh and vit E and doing much better

Sheila Rae says:

I’ve taken this product for about three months. Its helped me with mood swings and seems to have helped with my depression as well as hot flashes. However…things I have noticed are minor headaches in the morning, itching, sores/pimples on my face and charley horses in my legs. Now whether those are from taking Amberen, I don’t know?

Meyone says:

I have taken Amberen for 30 days. I was seeing improvement in hot flashes and night sweats, especially if taken in evenings. Just s week ago I noticed a weird rash on my stomach and I started having headaches, flushing, swollen ankles and chest pains. Today my legs were aching and could not focus…walked off and left my wallet at grocery store checkout today. Last night, I had allergic reaction awaken from sleep with coughing and congestion. So…I looked at ingredients and see that it contains MSG. I had to stop eating foods with msg due to the way it made me feel. Now my body is saturated with it. I feel horrible. Last pill today. It absolutely had side effects. My generation was warned in 80/90’s that msg can cause both liver and brain damage. This is scary. Did not the doctors know this about msg? Ladies take care of yourselves!

D-M says:

I didn’t correlate it until now but wondering if my migraines are acting up, the weight I’ve gained rather quickly recently and The spotting (after more than a year with no period) are related to the Amberen I’ve been taking (almost 2m now)? My gyne sent me for a sonogram and did a uterine biopsy (since post menopausal bleeding is abnormal) and I completely forgot about the Amberen! ????

Deena Marie Hughes says:

I have been taking it for 2 weeks and started having itchy hands and feet. I mean really wanting to just scratch my skin off itchy. Noticed that it contains MSG, must be an allergic reaction. MSG is not good for you!! Stopping today and returning for a refund.

D' says:

MSG is listed as one of ingredients on the box. So one say they didn’t know about it when they bought it. I was looking for other side affects that is why I was reading this site.

As one person said, it may not work for everyone. One drug may work for you, but not someone else. That’s why we have so many drugs on the market and cost consumers so much.

I was looking for something to help with the fatigue I’m experiencing. The doctor was no help, so I have to figure out my own problems. But I was looking to see if Amberen could cause diarrhea.

LH says:

I am wondering the same thing? Been taking for approximately 3-4 months and just started in the last 3 weeks very loose bowels and several several bouts of diarrhea.

Pauline says:

Yep bad diarrhea, so painful too. Headaches too. That was a very expensive cleanse that I didn’t want!!

AGJ says:

I started taking Amberen less than a week ago. After only a few days, I kept waking up with severe muscle spasms in my left foot and calf. My toes were involuntarily curling upward and I could not move them. Very scary. I am throwing this in the trash. I’ll just live with the hot flashes. By the way, I didn’t notice any improvement in my menopause symptoms.

Karen Pacas says:

I’ve only been on it for 2 weeks, the morning headaches were bearable, but when I started getting dizzing, I got concerned, the the dizziness got worse the next day. I had to stop taking it.

Bella says:

Bad side effects for me. Stopping immediately

Prudy Osborn says:

I’ve been taking it for 2 weeks and my hot flashes are worse and more frequent then ever! and yes weight gain…. I already have a weight problem, now it’s worse also! I started taking it because one of the things it said it did was give you energy….I sleep more now than ever. I have even less energy than before and I didn’t know that was possible!

Janine says:

I have noticed a significant difference. I can sleep now because my night sweats have disappeared. No more hot flashes during the day. I still run a little on the warm side. I have more energy and less brain fog. For me it hasn’t helped mood or weight but those are issues I need to address another way. Noticing drier skin but may just be age. I’m on my third month and am going to go off for awhile once completed to see if it has normalized my hormones for a bit. So for me all positive. I’m 51 (had hysterectomy 10 years ago) and have otherwise only tried prescription estrogen (which didn’t work at all). Good luck to everyone in finding something to work for them.

Anonymous says:

Have used product for only 3 weeks or so but am stopping immediately. I have had some stomach cramps, very bad lower back pain and have been very irritable the last several days.

Sandra says:

I have been taking Amberen for 3 months now. I used to sleep with ice packs because I would get so hot at night and couldn’t sleep. After 2 1/2 weeks I was sleeping through the night and no longer needed 2 fans and ice packs. I have lost weight but also started dieting. No changes in mood. Feel more restful due to better sleep.

anita miller says:

I have been taking for 2weeks and have been experiencing serious stony cramping and diarrhea so I stop taking and my stomach is back to normal

Marie says:

I took this for a week and it did not work for me. Blood pressure shot up, dizziness, my heat raced and my chest hurt. I thought I was dying every time I took it. Clearly it is not safe as it claims. You body warns you, listen to it.

Shirl says:

Began Amberen 5 days ago. I’m having leg cramps, headaches, hot flashes, brain fog, I’ve been dizzy off & on all day long since I began this product. Today I checked my blood pressure which I take medication for & it was elevated. Stopping immediately :/

Laura says:

I haven’t finished my first box and have had diarrhea for a week. I’m not sure if it’s the Amberen. Has anyone else had this problem @?

Sandra says:

I have been taking this junk for over 30 days, I was told it will take at least 60 days to notice a difference. I bought a 60 day supply! Hot flashes and night sweats have gotten WORSE, I have never been so bloated so much in my life until I started taking this. If course they won’t refund my money…30 day money back guarantee is a joke especially when you’re told to give it 60 days. Waste of money, horrible product, lies, lies, and more lies. I will definitely tell everyone I know to NOT waste their money on this CRAP!!

Jennifer Mikesell says:

I’ve been suffering hellacious hot flashes for 5 years… I just turned 52… so, 2 weeks ago I started amberen and my hot flashes, which I more refer to as cold flashes because my body heat is constant, since taking this med? The heat is 10x worse. I have been taking for 3 weeks now and today I stop… I am so miserable… what a waste of money. All I’m reading here are great reviews… I’m here to keep it real. ✌

Dennette Besa says:

Well I just purchased this product but have not started on it. Now on the box it does state MSG in long term. And that it has not been evaluated by FDA. Every female is different and will have different side affects on these types of products. A few have replied having good results. So it all depends on what you were going through to begin with. My menopause symptoms aore not severe. Since my 20s I’ve weighed no more than a 100lbs. Always been very active. At 5′. My last period was 4 to 5 years ago. Mild hot flashes now. Trouble sleeping and lazy now and then. Gained 15 to 20 lbs. And sometimes have unusual body aches. My back and my neck always ache. So I will try this and see what happens.

Ingrid says:

I have been using Amberen for about 7 months, at first it was good. I noticed less intense and frequent hot flashes. I started my period after starting Amberen, and I hadnt had one in 11 months! Then the stomach fat started to show up. I work out 6 days a week, and havent changed my eating habits in that time period. I always feel bloated, and the stomach fat wont budge! I have 6 days left on this box, and Im going to stop taking it. I am 56 years of age, and have had 4 kids. Never had this stomach fat issue

Anonymous says:

Horrible side effects, I too have head fog and tingling on my feet and legs. The worst is the anxiety and dizziness!!! Don’t use it!!

Stacey Stilley says:

I took this supplement for about 3 weeks. Didn’t notice a difference, so I stopped. A week and a half later I got my period. I hadn’t had a period in nearly 2 years! I’ll be seeing my Dr in a couple weeks to discuss this! I’d rather have hot flashes.

Nancy Abrams says:

It took about 30 days for me to notice that I wasn’t having these hormonal flashes or rushes anymore, which happens to be a rare menopause occurrence and I was feeling more uplifted. Then I realized it’s the Amberen. I’m BRCA+ and can’t take estrogen and this has been so helpful. It’s only late at night when I’ll get one of those flashes but not throughout the day anymore. My girlfriend who also can’t take estrogen finds Amberen a lifesaver for her as well. I highly recommend it!

Christine says:

Anybody have liver issues pop up after taking this? I just came from my doctor who says my liver numbers are horrid – like that of someone in stage 2 liver failure. I’m wondering if it is the Amberen.

Dawn says:

I started taking Amberen again as I stopped for a couple of weeks. It did help with the hot flashes but my blood pressure shot up! I already have hypertension and take medication for it. Stopped taking after two days and will live with the hot flashes.

WantToKeepMyHair says:

Has anyone experienced hair loss from this product!? I have only been taking this for about a week .. but last Thursday my hair dresser noted that I’m excessively and unusually shedding . I’ve stopped taking this immediately when it dawned on me that Amberen was the only ‘change’ recently and could be causing it?!

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