Mens Health

Yoga for Inflexible Men

I see it quite often. Women drag their reluctant husbands to yoga only to find them wilting in a puddle of sweat. At the end of class, while the women glow and prance nimbly out of the studio, the men, … Continue reading

Weight Loss May Improve Sleep Apnea

Being overweight or obese can cause a number of negative health issues, including heart disease and diabetes. However, if you’re carrying a few extra pounds and having difficulty sleeping at night, it’s entirely possible that sleep apnea may be to … Continue reading

President Obama Fit at 50

Today is President Obama’s 50th birthday. While it may make many of us cringe that we have hit the half century mark, think about what you would feel like if you were president. The highest office in the land is … Continue reading

First Vegan Cyclist Rides Tour de France

July 2, 2025 brought about another first for the infamous cycling event, the Tour de France. In its 107-year history, cyclists have experimented with a multitude of options to better their chances at taking on the steep mountains and rigorous … Continue reading