18 Shake Review (UPDATED 2025): Does it Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) June 13, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

18 Shake is a weight loss meal replacement shake that was rated as the Best Diet Shake of 2025.

It’s made with only natural ingredients, high protein, and quality fiber for appetite suppression.

It’s also suggested to help with increasing energy and producing fast weight loss, all with zero artificial additives, colors, or preservatives. There’s both chocolate and vanilla available, and the company offers a 30-day full money back guarantee. Though it sounds impressive, is this shake really the solution to weight loss? What have customers experienced as far as results and taste? You’ll see in this review why this meal replacement shake surprised our review team. You can find more information on their official website 18shake.com

Buy 18Shake with 70% OFF

18Shake Quality Of Ingredients

The great benefit of whey protein has been shown in many studies. It’s not only a quality source of amino acids, but it’s easy to digest and has some health benefits for building a stronger immune system.

The stevia in 18Shake also provides just 1 gram of sugar per serving.  This is important for not just regulating blood sugar, but for preventing any issues with weight gain. High sugar is often added to some shakes to give it a good taste, but this has no benefit other than flavoring.  Stevia is around 150 times sweeter than regular sugar; it can provide a sweet taste without the negative impact of other sweeteners.

Discount Alert:

The official website 18Shake.com is offering a limited time,
70% OFF promotional discount from 02/19/25 - 03/03/25


There’s also digestive resistant maltodextrin that has been shown to be good for gut bacteria. It also is less likely to produce gas or bloating than any other common fiber sources.  This is an important fiber that can help promote healthy digestion and appetite suppression.

The high quality protein, fiber, sweetener, and blend of vitamins and minerals make this shake stands out from other meal replacements. You can order 18shake with 70% discount here.

18Shake Ingredients and Side Effects

 Here are the ingredients to their chocolate shake:

Whey Protein Concentrate Whey Protein Isolate Digestive Resistant Maltodextrin Natural Cocoa Vitamin A Palminate
Ascorbic Acid Cholecalciferol Vitamin E Acetate Vitamin K Thiamine Mononitrate
Riboflavin Niacinamide Pyridoxine HCI Folic Acid Cyanocobalamin
Biotin Panthotenic Acid Potassium Iodide Zinc Citrate Selenium Chelate
Copper Chelate Chromium Nicontinate Chelate Xanthan Gum Natural Flavoring Stevia Extract

5454Duo Protein Complex (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate: Both forms of protein are extracted from the cheese making process. Whey is an easy to digest protein containing all the essential amino acids. These kinds of amino acids must be supplemented with foods, and when using meal replacements it’s important to make sure you get a well-rounded amount.

These amino acids are necessary for regulating many body processes, and it’s beneficial when you’re looking to replace a full meal.

Examine.com adds:

“Whey may be healthier than other forms of protein”

“Whey is absorbed faster than other forms of protein… it also increased muscle protein synthesis”

So this can help you when you’re exercising to keep lean muscle growth stable. When

losing weight it’s possible to not just lose fat, but also muscle. When dieting whey can help avoid this potential problem.

Another benefit to whey is due to the high amounts of the amino acid L-cysteine. The same analysis by Examine states how it:

“can alleviate deficiencies that occur during aging and diabetes, as well as other conditions”

18_shakesWhey is the most amino acid rich source out of all proteins, surpassing plant protein and soy in terms of all around nutrition. You can find more information about 18shake here.

Also, unlike these other proteins, it’s not known to cause estrogenic or digestibility problems.

Digestive Resistant Maltodextrin: A flavorless soluble fiber that is stable and helps the body digest foods better.  Live Srong.com mentions that this is:

“fermented by good bacteria”

“produces energy and keeps the acid-base balance in the best range for the intestine to work properly”

Unlike other forms of soluble fiber, this is slowly digested and can help against gas and bloating.

Due to its effects on feeding good gut bacteria, this can be beneficial for creating a stronger immune system. Gut bacteria is also linked to mood, so it can potentially improve a sense of well-being.

Soluble fiber in this form is known to help benefit digestion, prevent possible diseases, and improve overall health. It’s necessary to have some of this fiber to also help with suppressing appetite.

Natural Cocoa: The dry and fermented extract of the cacao bean. It’s a very nutritious and nutrient dense ingredient that’s often added in small amounts to chocolate bars.

Live Strong.com also mentions many of its positives:

“may lower LDL cholesterol, reduce the risk of blood clots, increase blood 

flow to the arteries, lower blood pressure, and boost cognitive performance”

It also has minerals like calcium and potassium that contribute to the positive health effects.

Stevia Extract: Made from the stevia plant, this sweetener is used to substitute sugar. Due to it providing no calories, it’s good for dieting. It has virtually no effect on blood sugar levels, so it’s a much more effective sweetener than artificial sugars, sucrose, fructose, or others.

This can also help with preventing weight loss, as high sugar has been directly linked to weight gain and metabolism disorders. Sugar also has no positive dietary need, and the body does not need it to survive.

There are other benefits to stevia as Examine.com mentions:

“appears to be associated with general anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects”

“have been linked to protection of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, and brain”

So it’s not only good at providing a pleasant taste, but it’s safe to use and it

can have some health benefits.

Sweeteners are found in all meal replacement shakes in order to give them a flavor, and 18Shake has picked the best sweetener available.

The Price and Quality of 18Shake

One package of 18Shake sells for $59.99, and they also offer deep discounts for multiple purchases.

Both the macro and micronutrients found in this shake have been shown in studies to be great for overall health and weight loss.

It also combines a healthy amount of protein at 15 grams, sugar at just 1 gram, only 90 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 18 vitamins and minerals. It makes sense why this brand is called a luxury shake; the ingredients in it are all quality and all natural.

The combination of extremely low calories with protein and fiber ensures weight loss, as an average meal can have anywhere between 200 to 800 calories or more.

One full serving of 18Shake has a well-rounded nutritional profile to prevent hunger, build lean muscle, and help provide real weight loss benefits.

Business of 18Shake

The company is owned by 18Nutrition, and they can be contacted via the following:

Phone Number: (800) 614-1820

Address: 600 W 9th street Los Angeles, CA 90015

Email: [email protected]

 A contact form is also available for direct messages. The company makes sure to answer all questions as well on their FAQ section.

A 30-day money back return is offered without a service charge or restocking fee.

The company is in good standing with the Better Business Bureau, and they have no complaints standing against them. They have been shown to treat their customers fairly. I couldn’t find any complaints on the companies practices on any other website either.

Customer Opinions of 18Shake

 There’s reviews available on the companies Amazon.com page:

“Keeps me full and satisfied for much of the morning”

 “It has a good taste and curves your appetite”

 “its filling for 3-4 hours and I highly recommend it”

 “this product is up thee if not exceeding all others”

Customers often mention that it had a good taste, and that it was effective for appetite suppression. There are also those who say it mixes well, and that it doesn’t have a chalky taste or odd texture.

Overwhelmingly, people enjoyed this shake due to its nutrition, taste, and ease of use. It has rave reviews for all it provides. Click here to read more information about 18shake.
We recommend you to try Sletrokor with 18 Shake. Sletrokor is an extract that increases the speed of fat burner shake. This blend may increase the speed of your metabolism and can help you to lose fat faster. Sletrokor can increase effectiveness of 18Shake up to 76%.

Conclusion – Does 18Shake Work?

Meal_plan_3-2This shake was rated as the Best Diet Shake of 2025 for good reasons. It’s been shown to be helpful for weight loss and appetite suppression. Customers also rated it favorably for all it provides.

You get the benefits of a good tasting shake, without any filler or unnecessary ingredients. Those who’ve tried it say it’s enjoyable to drink and that it blends well. There have also been health benefits seen in customers, from long standing appetite suppression to weight loss.

When looking for a meal replacement, it’s important to seek out a brand that is made with only all natural ingredients. Other important criteria should be that it has a healthy blend of vitamins and minerals with tons of amino acids. 18Shake surpasses these criteria, and they even offer a great 30-day money back return.

One other unique thing that not all companies offer is a listing of all the amino acids. This brand not only offers a clear image of their nutrition facts, but they list how potent their protein is via the aminos.

18Shake made it as the best shake in 2025 for good reason, it’s well balanced, nutritious, and customers agree it’s effective for weight loss.


Update: 18Shake has a promotion that includes a 70% OFF discount, free shipping and a free weight loss e-book.

Official website: 18Shake.com

112 Responses to 18 Shake Review

Penny says:

I’ve been on 18shake for 2 years! I’ve lost 120lbs in 2 years sticking with this product and my workouts! I have no cravings, it doesn’t leave me hungry! Personally if you can go spend 5 dollars at a fast food restaurant for a meal everyday then you can afford this shake. No stomach issues, no other side effects except for tons of energy stronger hair and nails and tons of weight loss!

Stacy says:

I have tried WW and Nutri system and have had a problem losing weight
I am getting older and my metabolism is at a slow drip !! I’m exercising and with diets I lost 27 pounds and I gained back 7 of what I lost once I stopped. Bought the PS1000 and am having a hard time with the limited calories and feel hungry and craving sweets bad!!
I want to try a plan that works and helps me with the cravings and has me satisfied and not feeling starved!
Will this plan help me feel full and not have such cravings?

Tracy says:

You should try Sletrokor diet pills and use the recipes from the ketogenic websites. I have lost about 46 lbs, toned up and I eat very good still.

Matt says:

wow thats really mean if she wants to drink shakes thats her choice

Pritina Liggins says:

That’s great but can you purchase this product in stores

Shivani says:

I want to buy it.. I am from India. Would you provide in India as I couldn’t see the option in country tab.

Aaron J says:

They process and ship all international orders only from their official eBay store.

Roxanne says:

This is the best protein shake I have ever tried and I have tried them all. I have lost 25 lbs in less than 4 months. I have more energy than ever. I recommend this shake and I am never hungry always I am satisfied. I drink two shakes a day have two two healthy snacks and healthy meal a day. The taste is great and so many different ways to make your shake, like drinking a Wendy’s Frosty but not as sweet. It has changed my life.

Eva says:

Hi does it come with a diet list of what to eat? I just ordered over the phone thanks

Anonymous says:

What do you use to mix the powder

Jazz Mateja says:

Hi all I just purchased this shake and it tastes incredible just wondering what kind of things can I mix into it if I am not a huge fan of fruit. I cant really find info on what is the best milk to use with it, I thought I saw someone post you can add peanut butter? I am needing to know what kinds of snacks people are having in between? anything would help thanks!

charlie smith says:

I’ve been using the product for 3 years. I think they taste great, work well, and produce results. I’m 6’5″ 235lbs. I’ve put on 15 pounds of muscle and trimmed up my waste. I love them.

Belle says:

Three years?????
How much weight to you intend to lose?

Christopher Johnson says:

I have been using 18shake for 2 1/2 months. I love it. The taste can be grainy if you don’t blend it correctly. I find I have more energy and I find that I am not snacking as much between meals.

Joy says:

You have been using it for 2 1/2 months now? Well, how much weight did you lose in that 2 1/2 months.

Nicole says:

I currently drink 18 shake, and have for almost a year now. It has helped me with cravings, I have more energy, and feel better overall. I have not had any digestive issues. I have had my labs checked since drinking 18 shake and they actually got better. I like the fact that I can understand the ingredients compared to competitors that have a lot of additives that I can’t even pronounce. As for the taste, chocolate is the only one I can drink without having to add something to it. However, I have never found a shake mix that I could drink straight. I always add something (banana, peanut butter, extract, etc) just to give it a little extra flavor. I am overall pleased with 18 shake and will continue to drink it.

D J says:

Is it available in Canada?

Larry says:

Yes, they ship to Canada

Paul says:

My wife and I have been drinking 18shake every day for over 3 years and not once have had a negative reaction from it! We both Love the taste and our health is Excellent since starting it! No more cravings for sweets or junk food, or cholesterol is way done, blood pressure excellent and body fat reduced significantly. We both Highly recommend this shake to our family members and friends!

chris says:

can this be used for weight loss without additional exercise?

Aaron J says:

Although it’s not necessary to begin an exercise program when using 18Shake, as some of their clients have achieved weight loss without working out, it is certainly an added bonus and will aid you in living a healthy lifestyle.

Amy says:

When making the shakes it is better, to blend your ice first then mix the rest together, this is not something that is on the label but something your associate should have helped you with.

Andrew says:

I’d have to look into all the statements in the article, but I can state I’ve been using 18shake off and on. Finally, faithfully the past 6 weeks. I’ve lost 25 lbs, and I personally love the taste. Best way to make the shakes is using a bullet blender, and some ice and water. Figure out what works for you, but I highly recommend this product.

Drea says:

Did you do anything else differently besides drinking the shakes?

Gina says:

Men lose weight faster then women. So unfair but I’m happy for you

Rev. Margaret Chandler says:

What lese do you eat or drink with drinking these shakes? And what are the flavours? How many do you drink a day?

Yvonne says:

Is there somewhere to purchase in Canada?

Larry says:

Yes, this company ships 18 shake to Canada, I just ordered it

Marko says:

Just finished their 30 day challenge – which focuses on making hormonally balanced meals. The premade chocolate shake is delicious but not intended as a meal. When making them as a meal I use almond milk, almond butter (all unsweetened), cold pressed greens, Arbonne fiber, and dark berries-yummy and totally curbs hunger! After 1 month of doing these 2x per day, I’ve lost 9lbs, lowered my cholesterol and cut my triglycerides in half.

Gina says:

Well dang, I can do this. So with this shake we can add veggies & fruit correct? I’m in!!!

Anonymous says:

Thanks for all the information

Karen says:

Sounds yummy

Victor says:

I’ve been using 18shake for 14 weeks, I feel great lost 46 pounds down two sizes almost three, the shakes are delicious and very filling, when I have them in the morning I have to force myself to eat a snack before my lunch.

Ava says:

How often do you have the shakes per day ? What do you eat for a snack ?

Michele says:

what is the calorie content of 1 of these shakes

Candice Eagle says:

The chocolate made w/ water has 90 calories

Tina Human says:

Is it available in Cape Town, South Africa.

userwp says:

Yes. They ship worldwide.
You can order it from their official website.

Ogorogile Kufigwa says:

Iam in Botswana and really need to buy myself this shake.

Aaron J says:

Unfortunately, they do not ship to Botswana.

Nita Leff says:

is there a diet that goes with this? Or can you just buy the liquid?

Aaron J says:

The 18Shake company wrote the 18 Meal Plan book as a free gift to their customers to show what one can do to lose weight naturally and effectively.

Marion says:

Is this a powder? Do you mix it with milk or water? Can this be purchased in GNC or CVS, Rite Aid or Walgreens? Is a diet plan included with this product?

Aaron J says:

18Shake – protein powder. They recommend mixing 18Shake with milk for the best taste.
You can order it directly through their website and get 18 Meal Plan book as a free gift.

Arlene lammertsen says:

To whom it may concern;
I am looking to see where I can obtain a location in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada to receive information and purchase on 18 shake product. Would this product even be able to purchase in Canada?
Thank you for information in this regard
Arlene lammertsen

Dennis says:

Arlene, they do not use store front locations. Just order it off their official website.

Wambui says:

is it available in Kenya?

Aaron J says:

Unfortunately, they do not ship to Kenya.

Lauren Niesen says:

I LLOOVEEEE 18 shake ! I have tried so many I was very hesitant on ordering this shake , as I have tried different kinds / brands of shakes / meal replacements ! I’m so glad I did ! This is the only shake I can tolerate ! It taste amazing and keeps me full , I have not tried any recipes I keep it simple and mix mine with water , and still taste great !! I ordered the chocolate and a week later ordered the vanilla ! I love them both !! I replace my breakfast with a shake , have a normal healthy lunch and a shake for dinner ! My starting weight was 130 in four weeks I’ve lost 12 pounds (woop woop) I give 18 shake 5 stars ! I highly recommend trying this shake 🙂

anonymous says:

did you also work out while doing this or did you lose the 12 lbs simply from the shake?! congrats!!

Starla Rosario says:

Does this shake have any carbs in it?

Aaron J says:

Total carbs 8g

Tacoman says:

Just started using this 2 weeks ago. Its great. Lost 9 pounds already.

Toni says:

I have just purchased 18 shake have about 2 weeks before i get to start it. Im a good 30 lbs over my comfort zone, i am 45 . I am hoping to lose the 30 before June. That would put me at 3lbs a week. Not sure if that is possible. Ive done HCG and was successful, i started again and just can’t stick to it this time. Im going to try 18 shake just to change it up. My weaknesses are weekends and cooking, i love to cook. I purchased the 5 bags of vanilla i figure that is about 40 days worth. Im not sure, is thats accurate?

Aaron J says:

Yes, it is!

Jay says:

How many scoops should I add when I make the shake for best results?

Aaron J says:

One each time. The shake is very strong, they don’t recommend replacing more than two meals a day.

Saida says:

I want to buy this shake but I want to know how many time a day we have to drink it? Can we still eat any food? Or just this drink ? And one package is for howmany shakes? Plz let me know thanks

Anonymous says:

The nutrition info on the back of the bag says Serving Size 1 Scoop, and there’s 16 Servings in a bag.

Anonymous says:

this shake works and makes me full where nothing ever has!!!

Jeanne says:

Would you suggest drinking this for dinner? Just curious since people have said it gives them energy .. will it have effects on falling asleep?

Aaron J says:

It doesn’t affect your sleep in any way. If you got any doubts that you might not fall asleep right away, Try taking it 3-4 hrs before you go to bed if you want to replace supper.

Shannon says:

I am a diabetic is this shake gonna bother my numbers ??

Aaron J says:

Please consult your doctor, but this product contains only 0.8 sugar in each scoop.

LORI says:

I have been searching and searching for a good and reliable meal replacement shake. I have tried others; with no real results. I am 52 years old; 5′ 4′ and in that prime time of menopause. I did WW a year ago and lost 25 lbs of which i have gained back. My weight seems to be climbing. It must be these hormones changes. Nevertheless, i am so dissatisfied with my current weight. I have no energy. i am always craving carbs and sweets. i have been reading the reviews and they all are very encouraging. Just want to make sure this product will help me with my weight. My current weight is 180. My desire weight loss goal is 150. Any advise toward helping me reach my goal will be most appreciated.

Jamie Calvin says:

Menopause got me too!
I have gained about 25 pounds!
I’m miserable. I need to know if it worked for you.

Elaine Fortin says:

Me too! I’m in the throes of menopause and I’ve tried other meal replacement shakes. I decided to give the one in on 1 year and at first I lost nearly 30 inches overall but then hit a plateau and then gained it all back! I’m curious to know if any other 50 something menopausal have gotten their desired results with 18 Shake.

Janette Matos says:

OMG! For a moment I thought you were talking about me! My story is exactly like yours and I want to know if it will work for me. The more i read the more intrigued I am about this. Desperate to get healthy!

Annie says:

I just started drinking my 18 shakes today and I have to say that the chocolate flavor it’s simply divine! I felt like I was having a shake from a diner! I mix mine with almond milk unsweetened and one banana and I loved it! I will come back to post if I achieve my weight loss goal which is 20 pounds!

Kelly Smith says:

Just ordered mine, excited to get healthy again!

Kelly says:

After trying a number of weight-loss therapies, I came across this product about 6 weeks ago and decided to give it a try. I’ve lost 12 lbs so far. The results may not have been terrific so far, but I feel like I’m finally beginning to get a proper hold of myself.

Sheri says:

Hi I live in the U.K. Could you please tell me how much this is in English money and how long it takes to arrive please .

Aaron J says:

Orders take 10-14 business days to be delivered to the UK.
All prices in USD. Visit their website for a special offer.

Anonymous says:

I’ve just ordered 18Shake and I’m hoping to lose 7-9kg which is 20 pounds. I’m nearly 51 and my weight seems to increase on a daily basis these days so keen to put something in place to stop the weight gains and aid in losing weight instead. I’m hoping this works. I really am.

Amy says:

I tried Isagenix shakes but they had way too much sugar in them for me. My blood sugar was going up and down and I started craving more food. I also couldn’t handle the tea drink and the fasting. I got weak and ill every time.
I can’t wait to try 18 Shake! 🙂 🙂

Trisha says:

Please let me know how they compare. I am very interested. Thank you.

Heather says:

I would also like to know how this compares to Isagenix. I am currently on it and it makes me feel great but I find myself hungry a bunch.

Alison says:

Could someone give me an example of some tasty ideas for meal replacement recipes? Wanting to try this because it sounds incredibly promising!

Aaron J says:

They recommend mixing 18Shake with milk for the best taste, also, you can find many recipes with different ingredients on the recipes page.

Jennifer says:

I see there are recipes that come along with this Shake, but can you just drink it with water or milk, how would you normally prepare it for on the go if you have no time to whip up a shake ?

Annette says:

I do mine the night before & put in the freezer , then let it start thawing on my way to work.

Aaron J says:

You can use it with water or milk.

John Smith says:

I slightly cheated and have been doing 4 shakes a day, every 4 hours. In 2 weeks I lost 17lbs so far. I drank black coffee and water. THATS IT. Im 32y/o male, 5’8 193.

Cristina Layne says:

When doing the bulk order can both flavors be ordered or do all 5 pouches have to be one flavor?

Ryan says:

I emailed them and requested 3 choc and 2 vanilla and they responded and came that way. My wife also requested that but they have not responded and she has yet to receive. They may have been delivered as we have been out of town.

JL says:

I sent them an email asking for 3 chocolate and 2 vanilla, and almost immediately received a response confirming they’ll update the order with my request. I got my order in today and they, in fact, did honor my request.

Viorel Bradea says:

I am from Melbourne Australia. I have tried quite a few meal replacement and loose weight diets but no one seems to work for the long run!!! 18 Shake is any different anybody can help me?
I am 63yo and weight 98kg, for my 1,73 cm toll is too much. I want to loose 20kg by Christmas, is that possible?

Joe Palacio says:

Ive been using 18 shake 3 months now along with working out in the gym and I lost 28 lbs of fat and maintain lean muscle i have 15 lbs to go to reach my goal i also take a clean whey protein powder which helps maintain the muscle the product does help my craving for about 3 hour, so I’ve recently ordered another 3 months supply. I think that 18 shake works different for everyone with experimenting healthy food and a good workout plan.
Thank you 18 shake. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

C. says:

So if I order, are they going to keep sending and taking the money from my account?

Mary says:

No, they don’t have an auto-shipping program.

Kendall says:

I have just ordered 10 packets of 18Shake and am looking forward to using it. I am 50 with diabetes and my weight is out of control. The reviews are promising and I believe I will be successful along with joining the YMCA.

tylah says:

i’ve seen documentary’s of people trying this diet out, and that it actually works

Dan says:

Why they don’t any courier option to New Zealand.

Aaron J says:

They process and ship all international orders only from their official eBay store.

Karen says:

Love it, weight coming off slowly,
Dropped A1c from 7.1 to 5.7.
Thank you thank you

CPR says:

Shipping? How do you ship and free shipping should not be charging insurance.

Aaron J says:

They ship all over the world and they recommend to ensure the parcels which are sent outside the USA. Shipping insurance is optional and can be canceled on the checkout page.

Anonymous says:

does it contain caffiene?

Aaron J says:

18 Shake does not contain caffeine.

Laurie says:

About how many shakes do you get out of one package of this? Can anyone tell me? Thank you!! 🙂

Aaron J says:

There are 16 servings in each bag.


I would to know if the product contain any animal protein.

Aaron J says:

This product is not halal-free.

Nadine says:

How long does one bag last if using 2 portions/day?

Aaron J says:

8 days.

Amanda says:

Does anyone know how many shakes you get from one package of powder?

Aaron J says:

16 shakes.

Tina says:

How long does one packet last, and how many times a day do you drink it? I desperately need to lose 50lbs!

Aaron J says:

There are 16 servings in each bag. They don’t recommend replacing more than 2 meals a day.

Darlene says:

I’m lactose intolerant. Can I use this product without a reaction?

Aaron J says:

You can use it with water or lactose-free milk.

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