Sunwarrior Illumin8 Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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Sunwarrior Illumin8 is a meal replacement shake made with organic ingredients and plant based protein. Their flavors include vanilla bean, mocha, Aztec chocolate, and all of which are said to be rich in nutrients and with wholesome additives.
Many sources of plant based protein are used as well as healthy gluten free carbohydrates, and wholesome fat sources. Superfoods, healthy fats, and organic herbs are used for vitamins also. After taking time to thoroughly understand many meal replacement shakes, our review experts were able to determine that 18Shake was the best for weight loss. It has a natural blend of ingredients and a rich source of protein which can suppress appetite for hours. Get a closer look at the benefits provided by 18Shake when you visit their official website here.
Inside of this are some of the following ingredients:
Oragnic Pea Protein |
Organic Brown Flax Seed |
Organic Ground Coconut |
Organic Baobab |
Aquamin |
Organic Holy Basil |
Organic Annato |
Organic Amla |
Organic Sesbania |
Fungal Protease |
Bromelain |
Lipase |
Phytase |
Cellulose |
Pectinase |
Hemicellulase |
Organic Lentil Sprout Powder |
Organic Chia Seed |
Organic Stevia Extract |
B12 Methylcobalamin |
Organic Pea Protein: This form of plant based protein is known to be taken from yellow peas. While it is easy to digest, in large amounts it can lead to indigestion and diarrhea. By itself it is deficient in amino acids.
Organic Holy Basil: A plant that is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a way to provide adaptogen benefits. This can help the body be better adapted to deal with stress so there’s less of an increase of the hormone cortisol. Web MD has confirmed that it’s unknown whether:
“long-term use is safe”
Aquamin: This plant based mineral complex is patented and said to contain 72 different trace minerals.
Kelp: Seaweed which contains high levels of iodine. This is also used as a natural laxative to help promote proper bowel movements. It is important to watch out for iodine intake as it may lead to side effects including an increased risk for:
◦ Nausea, diarrhea, and difficulty digesting.
This is why it is important to know whether or not the iodine content is high. It must also be taken from clean water sources otherwise it may be contaminated.

Organic Brown Flax Seed: Fibrous seed which is known to contain many omega fatty acids which can help with the reduction of inflammation. This has been used to improve colon health and reduce the risk for prostate cancer. It is advised to use this alongside additional water as it can lead to indigestion and diarrhea if one is not hydrated enough.
There is a potential for contamination if one does not heat these seeds, as it can be dangerous when eaten raw.
Organic Baobab: Fruit bearing tree found in parts of Africa which is said to be a superfood rich in antioxidants. Because of lacking clinical studies, it’s unknown if these claims are actually accurate. Web MD has also added that because of this same reason:
“no reliable information about its safety”
So it’s thereby yet unknown what it can do whether good or bad. It Is known that this food is commonly used as a food source and it does contain some fiber. It has been granted GRAS or generally recognized as being safe status in the US however, so at the very least it is not likely to cause issues in the short-term.
Simply click on this link to see what the very best appetite suppressing meal replacements are; our experts have rated the very best within this link.
The additives within this are widely organic which is good, and they also add many vitamins and minerals. The main issue however is the plant based protein which does not contain all the amino acids. The reason why they mix so many different kinds of protein is because if they were taken individually, it would not be enough to satisfy the body’s demands.
Amino acids are highly important as they regulate essential function within the body. Without these amino acids there is a possibility for deficiencies. They do not mention whether or not all the amino acids are provided per serving, which is important to take into account to understand the overall quality.
They also provide many forms of healthy enzymes which sound good, but aren’t really necessary as the body has its own enzymes it uses to help digest foods. Read more about the top 10 shakes for weight loss by clicking this cited link.
When purchased directly from the official website a container sells for $46.72 for a total of 25 servings. Sunwarrior Illumin8 nutrition facts reveal that each serving offers 160 calories, 5 grams of sugar, 20 grams of protein, 13 grams of carbohydrates, and just 2 grams of fiber.
While the protein is high it comes from a mixture of plant based proteins which are notorious for not having enough amino acids on their own to support a healthy meal replacement, which is why numerous kinds are mixed together.
Furthermore the calories are a bit high at 160. The sugar could have been better sourced since some meal replacements offer just one sole gram per serving.
Sunwarrior Illumn8 is also sold on for a significantly reduced price, but it’s unknown if they offer a refund.

It is good they decided to use many organic ingredients, but at this price point it’s somewhat high. The company does also not offer any Sunwarrior Illumin8 recipes.
The top 10 meal replacement shakes have been ranked and rated in the list here.
The owners are called Sun Brothers, LLC and their listed contact details are:
Address: 2250 N coral Canyon Blvd
Ste. 100 Washington, Utah 84780
Phone Number: (888) 540-3667
Email: [email protected]
Returns are offered within 30 days of return which have to be authorized by the company first. One has to submit a written statement on why they are making the return, and they then decide if it is worthy enough for one to get their money back.
There isn’t much else known about this company that isn’t already on their own website.
Many users also wanted to compare Sunwarrior Illumin8 vs Warrior Blend, which is their other meal replacement shake.
Click this link to examine the very best meal replacements which can improve weight loss.
The following are some Sunwarrior Illumin8 reviews found online:
“didn’t really mix that well especially not in my blender bottle”
“I just couldn’t drink this. Especially the vanilla I had to choke it down to drink it”
“really far too sweet and it was difficult to digest for me”
“I like it it’s very filling and rewarding”
There have been mixed reviews on this and currently 20 out of 58 reviews of Sunwarrior Illumin8 on are negative. Many thought it was far too sweet and chalky, though some did like the taste. There were also issues with it not mixing well as people said they were unable to get a good consistency even when it was blended. For many mixing in a blender bottle was impossible without an overly grainy consistency.
Their Sunwarrior Illumin8 Aztec chocolate was often outed for being unpleasant in comparison to the other flavors. The Illumin8 vanilla flavor was often said to be superior.
Highly touted brands for your meal replacement needs have been rate from 1 to 10, click to find the list.
This meal replacement shake has many wholesome additives which are organic. They also make it in 3 flavors which all have stevia as a sweetener. The main issue is that while this is provided, many users said they were unsatisfied with the flavor and overall consistency. It was far too difficult to mix for some, and there were complaints of it being overly sweet and unpleasant to drink.
The company also has a policy where they can ultimately decide whether or not one’s reason for return is valid enough to be passed. One may not get their money back even if they return within the allowed 30 day time span. Furthermore, some of these additives are not necessary such as the digestive enzymes.
After reviewing many kinds of meal replacement shakes our review experts were able to identify which were the utmost best in terms of nutrition, customer satisfaction, taste, mixability, company policies and much more. 18Shake was the most noteworthy and it is currently the number 1 rated meal replacement shake for weight loss.
The reason being is it has a high quality protein source with whey protein, just gram of sugar, no article additives, and customers have said it has helped with lose weight successfully. To read more about 18Shake and to get a hold of it direct from the creator’s official website, simply click on this cited link.
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Well if you can find me an organic raw vegan meal replacement shake for someone who has no desire to lose weight at all I’ll be more than happy to hear about it. And please offer up Raw Garden who sold out to planet destroyer Nestlé. That’s why I switched.
Thank you!