Spiru-Tein Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) June 21, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it? 

Spiru-Tein is a meal replacement made with non-GMO plant based protein. It claims to offer appetite satisfaction, as well as healthy ingredients for weight loss support.

It also mentions that when using his brand, it can help you feel your best even when you’re dieting. There’s a total of 14 grams of protein offered per serving, and 25 different flavors are available. These shakes are all vegan friendly, and you can read the full amino acid profile that’s offered per serving. So is this shake truly a nutritious and filling meal? What kinds of results are possible according to customers? In this Spiru-Tein review you’ll learn everything that’s needed to form your own opinion.

Spiru-Tein Ingredients and Side Effects 

Here are the ingredients to their original vanilla flavor: 

Rice Protein Pea Protein Isolated Soy Protein and Fermented Soy Fructose Maltodextrin
Tri-calcium Phosphate Natural Vanilla Flavor Potassium Citrate Magnesium Oxide Guar Gum
Psyllium Oat Bran Microcrystalline Cellulose Spirulina Vitamin C
D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate Choline Birtrate Inositol Apple Pectin Bee Pollen
Niacinamide Vitamin A Palminate Zinc Oxide Manganese Sulfate Ferrous Fumurate
Calcium Pantothenate Lecithin Lemon Bioflavonoids Papaya Bromelain
Chlorophyll Pyridoxine HCI Riboflavin Thiamine HCI Vitamin B12
Vitamin D Folic Acid Biotin Potassium Iodide Chromium Chloride
Sodium Selenite Sodium Molybdate

Rice Protein: Easy to digest form of extracted rice protein. It has low amounts of the essential amino acid lysine, which means you have to eat other protein sources to make up for the deficiency.

When replacing meals it’s important to make sure to get a full well rounded amino acid profile. This is in order to prevent any health problems that can happen from missing important amino acids.

Due to its rapid absorption, high amounts can lead to digestive problems such as flatulence, stomach discomfort, and diarrhea. 

Pea Protein: Legume protein made from peas, which is low in the amino acid Cysteine.

This form of protein is known to have higher than average amounts of purines. This can potentially lead to issues such as gout. 

Isolated Soy Protein and Fermented Soy: Fermented soy is specially treated to be easier to digest, and it’s not heavy on estrogen compounds.

Isolated soy protein is a 90% protein by weight soybean extract. Though the soy in this formula is non-GMO; soy is still considered an inferior protein due to its potential side effects.

Loma Linda University ran a study on soy protein showing that it had some problems:

“soy foods may increase the risk of developing clinical hypothyroidism”

 Another study published in Pud Med adds:

“soy isolates may contain trypsin inhibitor activity as high has 40% of that found in raw soybeans” 

Trypsin inhibitors can limit the absorption of protein. So this can reduce the overall potency of the protein added to this meal replacement.

It’s unknown how much this can reduce protein absorption, but this can limit the overall protein potency of this shake. 

Fructose: Fruit sugar that is considered one of the worst sweeteners available. A study featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that fructose:

“reduced 24-h plasma insulin and leptin concentration and increased postprandial fasting triaclyglycerols… but it did not suppress circulating ghrelin, a major-appetite stimulating hormone” 

So it actually raised hunger levels without satisfying appetite. This means you can eat large amounts of this ingredient and not feel full.

This can potentially make weight gain easier. Fructose is also considered the worst sweetener due to its ability to potentially cause addiction, and tooth decay in large amounts. 

Guar Gum: Fiber and thickener taken from the guar plant. It’s used as a laxative and as an appetite suppressant.  It’s important to take this ingredient with enough water to prevent blockages in the esophagus and intestines.

Possible side effects from this ingredient include:

  • Upset stomach, stomach pain, and diarrhea.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and ill feelings.
  • Flatulence. 

It’s often advised to take it with at last 8 ounces of liquids to avoid any possible issues.

Psyllium: Used as a laxative, this ingredient is advised to be taken with plenty of fluids in order to prevent choking and side effects that can include:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Blockages in the esophagus and intestines.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and ill feelings.
  • Stomach pain and flatulence. 

This ingredient is also often provided as a way to naturally cause laxative like effects. So in some people, this may cause frequent bathroom usage and stomach problems. 

Spirulina: A blue-green algae that is rich in vitamins and minerals.  This ingredient is often advised to be taken with caution, because depending on where it’s sourced from; it’s possible for it to be contaminated.

This is because waters where this ingredient is sourced from can be contaminated with heavy metals such as lead. These toxins can potentially cause organ damage.

Web MD adds:

“Contaminated blue-green algae can cause liver damage, stomach pain, nausea, omitting, weakness, thirst, rapid heartbeat, shock, and even death” 

They advise to check and see if this ingredient is free of mycrocystins and other potential contaminants. 

Spiru-Tein Quality Of Ingredients 

spiru-teinThe first thing to notice about this meal replacement is the protein. These forms of vegan protein aren’t well rounded enough on their own, and that’s why they’re mixed together. Though soy has been shown to have many potential problems.

The added sugar in this comes from fructose, which studies show can make weight loss not only harder, but they’re shown to actually increase hunger with no appetite suppressing properties.

There’s a total of 8 grams of sugar per serving, which is higher than what a healthy meal replacement should have.

The good aspects of this shake are the low calories at 99 per serving. However overall, this shake fails to provide an adequate source of well-rounded nutrition.

The Price and Quality of Spiru-Tein 

A 32 serving container sells on Amazon.com for $37.25. Though this seems cheap, the overall quality of ingredients makes this still not a very good option for meal replacements.

This shake has too much sugar, cheap protein, potentially unsafe ingredients, and not enough fiber at just one gram.

The protein is high and the calories are low, but overall the Spiru-Tein fails to provide enough nutrition and quality protein. Also, as you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Spiru-Tein” section, this brand is not well reviewed in terms of taste and overall satisfaction. 

Business of Spiru-Tein 

Natural Organics Inc. owns this brand and they can be found below: 

Phone Number: (631) 957-5600 

Address: 9500 New Horizons Blvd

Amityville, New York 11701

In 2025 the company had a nation wide recall due to salmonella contaminations. It’s unknown how this was leaked; also no information is available as to what steps were taken to ensure that this wouldn’t happen again.

A study by Lab Door, which tests overall safety, ingredient, strength, and overall accuracy, has rated this meal replacement. It had a low rating as far as label accuracy, meaning they say that the company exaggerates its benefits.

Customer Opinions of Spiru-Tein 

There are reviews online from different customers. Here’s what a few have had to say:

“has a bad aftertaste” 

“disgustingly sweet and had a weird aftertaste” 

“I was quite disappointed in the taste of this” 

“Horrible taste I couldn’t even finish drinking it” 

Taste was a major problem for users. Many felt it was much too sweet and artificial tasting. There are hundreds of negative reviews from people who couldn’t drink this shake. Some said they couldn’t even get past just one shake. This also came from people who say they are not picky eaters.

There was also concern over the kinds of ingredients used. Several users were disappointed to discover this had added fructose.

Customers also were concerned with the lack of appetite suppression.

How Does Spiru-Tein Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Spiru-Tein
  • 31 /100
Conclusion – Does Spiru-Tein Work?

When deciding on meal replacements it’s important to look at all the available information. Before making a decision on Spiru-Tein, it’s important to see how customers review this brand and the overall nutrients. This brand has a high amount of sugar, which customer’s say makes it taste too sweet and artificial tasting. It’s also not been described as being filling, which is likely due to the lowly 1 gram of fiber.

Better options are available which are made only with a high quality blend of whey protein. This is not only good for appetite suppression, but it contains a high amount of healthy amino acids. The very best meal replacement with all the mentioned qualities is 18Shake.

Customers have left testimonials showing great weight loss results, and they also say it tastes great and that it blends well. This shake has just one gram of sugar, 15 grams of protein, and 5 grams of healthy fiber per serving. This makes it a great option for weight loss since it can help suppress appetite, all while building lean muscle mass.

The makers of 18Shake are so confident in its abilities, that they even back it up wit ha solid 30-day money back guarantee.  All these reasons are why this shake is ranked as 2025’s best meal replacement.

2 Responses to Spiru-Tein Review

Ron says:

Been using over 5 years
When I get worn down it brings me back quickly

maury says:

I have a smoothie almost every morning with the unsweetened (no sweeteners of any kind) vanilla or chocolate. I add frozen organic mixed fruit, green tea, a handful of peanuts (not peanut butter), a banana, and a few teaspoons of seeds (like chia, flax, &/or hemp). I have energy all morning and not usually hungry until lunch. The sweetened Spiru-tein is too sweet. I use somewhere around 3/4 of a scoop. It’s a good thickener, and it complements the mix well from a flavor and texture perspective, and it’s won out over a variety of alternatives. For us it’s not a meal replacement on it’s own, just a way to enhance the smoothie

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