Javita Review: Does it Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Trey Copeland (Senior Reviewer) July 13, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it? 

Javita is a weight loss coffee brand that is infused with ingredients to boost metabolism and burn calories. There are different styles available depending on the specific product, but each one promises to help with real weight loss benefits.

The company focuses on making instant coffee drinks, though they also offer a green tea strain and a cocoa blend. It’s marketed as a gourmet instant beverage that has more weight loss benefits than a standard caffeine drink would have. Their coffee has added herbs that are often found in weight loss supplements. Does this drink have better use than a standard cup of coffee? What kinds of results are possible? This Javita review will break down all the information you need to know.

Javita Ingredients and Side Effects 

Here are the ingredients used in their “Burn + Control” and “Energy + Mind” coffee:

Arabica and Robusta Coffee Garcinia Cambogia Extract Yerba Mate Extract Green Tea
Bacopa Monnieri Herb Gotu Kola Herb

Arabica and Robusta Coffee: Arabica beans are considered sweeter, and Robusta sharper in taste. These strains both contain caffeine, though the makers of Javita don’t mention how much total caffeine is included when combining the other stimulant ingredients.

A typical cup of instant coffee can have upwards of 135 mg of caffeine. Though caffeine does have metabolism boosting effects, this is only short lived.

Examine.com adds that routine use of caffeine is limited:

“the effects of caffeine will be diminished, often to the point there the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti=-sleep effect” 

If using caffeine for a weight loss purpose, it’s then important to cycle it to reduce the risk of potential side effects that include:

  • Rapid heart rate, jitters, and high blood pressure. 
  • Insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue. 
  • Headaches, ill feelings, and withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Anxiety, paranoia, and mood swings. 
  • Cold sweats, muscle spasms, and shakes.

Without knowing the full caffeine content, it’s impossible to determine what would be a safe amount. It’s also not advised to take any other stimulants when using this ingredient.  This can further increase the risk for unwanted symptoms. 

Yerba Mate Extract: Plant brewed as a tea that is grown in parts of South America. It’s used to help burn fat and decrease hunger. Though Examine.com mentions:

“appetite-suppression effect can only be achieved through high doses, if at all” 

“Fat burning effect is attributed to its caffeine”

Therefore, using it needs to be cycled, making it not a long term solution to weight loss. There’s nothing unique in this ingredient beyond the caffeine which can help provide any fat loss benefits.

There’s also the possibility for potentially extreme side effects. Web MD adds:

“increases the risk of mouth, esophageal, laryngeal, kidney, bladder, and lung cancer” 

“When taken in large amounts… is LIKELY UNSAFE, due to its caffeine content” 

Much like the other ingredients in this blend, it’s unknown how much caffeine is added. This makes it impossible to determine what would be a safe amount. 

Green Tea: Antioxidant rich tea that’s commonly drank and used in supplements due to its caffeine content.

Studies have been mixed on its weight loss benefits:

“may boost metabolism and burn fat… However, other studies show no benefit” 

Due to the added caffeine, it can also lead to side effects which were listed in the “Arabica and Robusta Coffee” Section. 

Bacopa Monnieri Herb: Used as a nootropic for brain health to improve memory creation and reduce anxiety.

Though Examine.com mentions that when this ingredient is used alongside a stimulant:

“this combination has not been tested” 

So it’s unknown what kind of effect this stimulant heavy mixture might have. It’s also known to potentially cause side effects, especially when taken on an empty stomach:

  • Nausea, upset stomach, and stomach grumbling. 
  • Bloating, diarrhea, and increased bowel movements. 
  • Dry mouth.        

This ingredient has also been tested by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine:

“in other cognitive abilities (it’s) currently lacking perhaps due to inconsistent measures employed by studies” 

Therefore, it’s unknown if this ingredient truly is effective for all that’s claimed. 

Gotu Kola Herb: Used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, this ingredient is used to reduce inflammation, promote wound healing, and improved skin health.

The University of Maryland Medical Center offers caution:

“gotu kola has the potential to the harmful to the liver” 

“best not to use… for more than 6 weeks” 

There have also been several reported side effects:

  • Nausea. 
  • Extreme fatigue and drowsiness. 
  • Upset stomach. 
  • Headache. 

It’s because of the potential side effects to the liver and other possible issues that this ingredients use should be exercised with caution.

Javita Quality Of Ingredients 

JavitaKnowing the strength of the stimulants you take is important to verify safety. Not everyone reacts to caffeine the same, and for some much less is needed for safe effects.

Caffeine is not a long term solution to weight loss. Studies have shown its effects are reduced to just sleep loss when taken repeatedly. This requires a cycling effect, though caffeine is not a very effective weight loss additive.

The other ingredients in this coffee blend such as yerba mate and green tea are also potentially damaging.

Garcinia Cambogia is added which is an effective weight loss ingredient, though it’s unknown how much is added.

Overall, the lack of information on the stimulants, and the lack of evidence for effectiveness for some of the ingredients make it impossible to determine what kind of an effect it may have. When taking a stimulant heavy formula it’s especially important to know how strong it truly is.

The Price and Quality of Javita 

No price is listed on the official website. They do try to get people to become members in order to learn more about the full pricing.

Each box offers a 24 serving packet, though it’s unknown how many servings are allowed each day.

There are prices listed on Amazon.com, but it’s unknown if this is the typical price offered by the company. One 48 serving package sells for $58.70.

This is incredibly high for what’s essentially a cup of coffee with a few added cheap stimulants and herbs.

For example, the added yerba mate and green tea mixed with coffee can be purchased for much cheaper when purchased separately. Though it’s incredibly important to find out how much caffeine is added. 

Business of Javita 

The company is owned by Javita International LTD. They can be reached via the following:

Phone Number: (855) 528-4821 

Address: 7835 NW Beacon Square Blvd.

Boca Raton, Florida 33487 

No information exists about whether or not they offer a return policy. Information on how the company operates is also unknown.

They currently have a C rating on the Better Business Bureau website which helps track customer satisfaction.

Here’s what people have had to say about the companies service:

“have NOT received any product from them” 

“Javita has not resolved this issue” 

“No settlement has been made” 

It’s unknown whether or not they back up their products by a safety guarantee.

Customer Opinions of Javita 

There are currently 171 negative reviews on their Amazon.com page. People have mentioned the following:

“gave me heart palpitations and my stomach hurt” 

“I have GAINED 2 pounds” 

“hasn’t done anything to promote weight loss” 

“It did not curb my appetite” 

Many people mentioned that they failed to lose weight, appetite, or have any improved mood. There were many complaints about the lack of any benefits at all.

For the users who tried this brand, they claimed there was no difference between this and a regular cup of coffee.

Side effects were also an issue for customers. This included common issues seen from stimulants such as headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, and increased bathroom usage.

How Does Javita Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Javita
  • 31 /100
Conclusion – Does Javita Work?

When deciding whether or not to try Javita, it’s important to keep in mind this brand is incredibly limited because of its ingredients. Several customers mention there was no benefit to this drink, and that it caused considerable side effects with no weight loss benefits.

People add that Javita products are simply a caffeine heavy drink that’s not much different than regular coffee. When looking to lose weight it’s important to look for a diet plan that’s stimulant free, made with all natural ingredients, and made with clinically studied additives which have been shown to help with weight loss.

The best diet plan for 2025 is called the 18 Diet Plan. It’s a combination of a natural metabolism booster, meal replacement, and a diet book to help understand the diet better. The entire package is made without stimulants, artificial ingredients, or any ingredients which haven’t shown weight loss benefits.

There are many users who have experienced beneficial weight loss results without any unwanted side effects. This diet plan has long been used by celebrities and several people for beneficial weight loss results.

The 18 Diet Plan also has offers a full 30 day money back guarantee, so there’s no risk of using an unknown or potentially dangerous product.

14 Responses to Javita Review

Judy Stark says:

I tried Javita and didn’t like it and didn’t get any results and very expensive. I’m using another product that has a different science and so far I’ve lost 30 lbs in 4 months. It blocks my sugar and carb cravings, suppresses my appetite, boosts my energy without getting the shakes and headaches, and gives me clarity and focus. The cost is about half of Juvita’s program.

Carol Magallanes says:

What product are you using, if you do not mind sharing.

Anonymous says:

Doubt that!

Anonymous says:

What are you using?

Cyntie Suchit says:

What product are you using hun if you don’t mind sharing

Linda says:

Javita products are exactly what they say they are, and they do exactly as they say this will do.
This article is not accurate. I feel like it is like a yelp to get you to buy a shake product.

by the way, every Javita product does not promote weight loss.

Anonymous says:

I couldn’t agree with you more Linda.

Sarina says:

I would believe anything this article has to say.

Jeanette says:

My problem with burn and control is the horrible taste. I can barely get it down! How can I improve the flavor?

Kikboxrchic says:

I have been using Javita products for almost a year now. I love the sustained blood sugar levels in the Burn and Control coffee and the ability for my brain to sort with the Focus Fusion Cocoa. They will be a staple in my life for a very long time!

Cindy says:

I tried Javita for 4 months. I did loose 10 pounds and some inches, which is wonderful. The amount of energy and clarity I had in the beginning was also on point. I always had energy. After my third month of using the Javita coffee and green tea (one each per day) I was left with extreme anxiety and rapid heart palpitations. I started getting headaches and had a lot of face tremors. My eyes would twitch and my hands would sweat and shake. I had extreme paranoia. At first I didn’t know if it was the Javita or just something I was going through. I stopped using it and it has all left. I feel like myself again. It did work for weight loss but all the side effects that came with it was not worth it. It did me good in realizing that there is no better way to weight loss than the good old fashion way, eating clean and training dirty.

Cher says:

Javita has worked great for me and I have had no side effects.

anonymous says:

the comment above is incorrect. I have tried Javita. and gave me a great result.

Anonymous says:

My potassium and sodium levels tanked and was hospitalized for 3 days with IVs to restore those levels. I also experienced memory loss … 24 hours of blank….no recall of drinking the coffee. Lucky that a friend of mine got me to the ER.

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