Aqua Lube for Women Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) October 13, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Aqua Lube for Women is a water based lubricant that improves sexual intimacy and improves the ease of sex. The feel of it is described as being smooth, silky, and great for moisturizing skin.

This is compatible with condoms of many kind including latex, polyurethane and polyisoprene. There are 2 options offered, a 4 ounce or 2 ounce bottles. Results are said to come fast so as to not ruin the mood, you’re able to continue being intimate without any delay. Lasting sexual activity is claimed as well as the ability to improve sexual pleasure. Our favorite female libido supplement that we reviewed this year is Libitrinex.

This supplement was reviewed highly by consumers who said it improved their sex lives. For more information on Libitrinex and to view their testimonials, click on this link.



Water Glycerin Hydroxyethylcellulose
Citric Acid Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate Vanillin
Potassium Sorbate Sodium Benzoate Methylparaben

Glycerin: Often used ingredient which can retain moisture and prevent dehydration. It is a common ingredient in any kind of moisturizing or typical aid, and it’s quite commonly used within lubricants due to its ease of use and reliability.

Glycerin is easy to apply and is unlike to cause any side effects in the amounts typically offered. It is colorless and viscous, used in many kinds of products as a cheap to source non-toxic liquid. This is also the only ingredient in Aqua Lube for Women which can provide a moisturizing effect. It is used alongside water to be easier to apply to skin.

Hydroxyethylcellulose: A thickening ingredient used to help make a product bind together easier. This is also used to help drugs be better absorbed once ingested.

Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate: The sweet tasting compound found in licorice root. This can lead to fluid retention and other potential side effects when taken in large amounts:

  • Headache, muscle weakness, and loss of sight.

We have provided a quick top 10 list that goes over our picks for female libido support.

Vanillin: An organic compound that is the main extract taken from vanilla bean. This is used to flavor foods and beverages. It can also be extracted from artificial sources. It can help priced a sweet taste to foods.

There is the possibility that it can trigger allergic reactions in some, including migraine headaches.

Potassium Sorbate: Preservative used to help prevent spoilage and the spread of microbes. This is often added to things like cheese and baked goods. Because of its ability to cause side effects, the specific dosage strength is regulated when added to edible goods.

Side effects can result from excess amount such as DNA damage and allergic reactions.

Sodium Benzoate: A standard preservative often found in many kinds of processed foods and topical aids. Excess amounts can be potentially dangerous, and when mixed with ascorbic acid, it can create a carcinogen known as benzene. This can be very dangerous and should be watched out for.

This can help prevent spoilage but it’s important to exercise caution when ingesting it.

Methylparaben: Preservative that is often used in topical aids and certain kinds of foods. This is a controversial preservative since there are studies showing how it can lead to endocrine damage. The Journal of Applied Toxicology discovered for instance that in malignant tumors there was a high amount of parabens.

Therefore taking methylparaben could lead to a considerable increase of dangerous symptoms if caution is not applied.

Our top picks for female libido enhancement are listed in our specially crafted top 10 list.


There are 2 major issues to consider:

  • Use of 3 potentially dangerous preservatives.
  • Most of the ingredients have no benefit at all at improving lubrication.

The concerning issue is that you are paying mostly for is a formula which is stabilized by binders and preservatives. The only real helpful ingredients are glycerin and water, both of which are cheap to source.

Glycerin for example can help keep skin very moist but you can find it in so many other types of brands that it makes no sense to get it in this form. Much like other lubricants of its class, this is marketed to seem much better than it actually is.

Only 2 ingredients in this are actually going to improve lubrication.

The top 10 female libido enhancing brands are featured in our expert crafted list.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.


Sales are offered and it varies depending on the size amount:

  • 2 fluid ounces $5.99
  • 4 fluid ounces $9.49

This price range is fairly standard for any and all kinds of lubricants; particularly water based ones like this one. It may seem cheap but as we mentioned, only 2 ingredients added to this will improve lubrication. The entire rest of this formula is simply included to help make it stay consistent. You are not able to see an improvement at all in sexual intimacy and desire.

Lubricants often work the same, and this one is no different. There are no ingredients added to this which will actually enhance sexual desire. No blood flow stimulates, aphrodisiacs, or any sort of natural ingredients are added which can prevent many of the issues which effect low libido.

The best in female libido enhancement are featured in our experts top 10 list.


Their official company name is Mayer Laboratories Inc. and to reach them they offer the following:

Phone Number: (800) 426-6366

Address: 710 West Napa St. #4

Sonoma, CA  95476

Email: [email protected]

No returns are offered but the company does offer a hotline where you can call in case of any issues. They also mentioned that in the case of certain side effects, to discontinue use.

The FDA website did have a warning letter they sent to the company, but this link is currently broken and cannot be viewed. Typically warning letters are sent as a precaution to companies, as a first warning to let them know of an issue which should be corrected in an orderly fashion.  There is no way to determine what had happened, whether it had been a marketing claim made, or if they had manufacturing issues.

We’ve made it easy to know what brands work best for the improvement of overall female sexuality review our top 10 list for further information.


Here are some direct user reviews:

“I liked using it lasted a lot longer than other similar brands I’ve tried”

“goes on smooth and easy, works for my needs”

“Easy to clean up and gets the job done”

“Bottle arrived with a broken seal not what who to blame for this”

They did have a majority of positive reviews online, since people said it was easy to sue, didn’t stain, and that it helped improve moisture.

Some users had issues with the bottle itself, since it arrived damaged, but this was not common so it’s unlikely to be a reoccurring issue. Brands like these often will have a monitoring effect since they rely on additives like glycerin which are well-studied for its ability to help control moisture loss.

Compiled here are our picks for the best supplements which can help increase overall sexual function in women.


This lubricant is very basic, the price is average, ingredients are exactly what you would expect at this price range, and user reviews were also about the same. The problem with using a lubricant like this is that while it defiantly can improve moisture, it has no other benefits at all. It will not improve sexual health, libido, sexual desire, or any other benefits seen in supplements. The ingredients are also very basic and cheap, only 2 of the mare actually effective at supporting lubrication, and they are so common that there is no reason to suggest it over any other brand. It’s very generic and basic and due to the 3 different preservatives, it’s not the best thing to apply directly on skin.

We have looked at many kinds of female libido supplements and the one which most impressed us was the all-natural Libitrinex. This supplement has an array of natural ingredients which can work deep in the body, increasing sexual desire and overall libido with studied ingredients. Each ingredient has been reviewed by reliable 3rd party reviews which showcases just how beneficial it can be at improving sexual function.

Consumers also raved how effective it was at increasing their sexual performance, and how it got rid of fatigue and mood related issues. The formula added to it is highly touted and the company even produces it in a facility that is reviewed by the FDA, to further ensure that the quality is consistent and up to a high standard. We have featured their official website where you can read consumer reviews and learn about what’s inside of it and what Libitrinex can offer.

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