NEW Fertile XX Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 16, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Fertile XX is a female libido liquid supplement that is used to support overall healthy sexuality.  This includes improving reproductive health, increasing the chance for fertility, maintaining proper menstruation, support ting mood, and increasing sexual pleasure.

They even add that it is not habit forming, that it’s all-natural, and made under the supervision of a team of dedicated professionals. The professionals are naturopathy practitioners, pharmacists, and herbalists. All that’s needed is a 0.50 ml serving 3 times a day within water.

The supplement that had the best ability to improve female libido was Libitrinex. This all-natural supplement is made with a rich formula of all-natural extracts which can effectively support sexual health. Click this link to get a full review on Libitrinex.


Inside of this are the following ingredients:

Organic Chaste Tree Berry Wild Crafted Black Cohosh Root Organic Eleuthero Root Vegetable Glycerin

Organic Chaste Tree Berry: A member of the mint family, this fruit is used to support healthy reproduction and menstrual health in women. According to studies by Web MD, this has:

“hormones that regulate women’s reproductive cycles”

It also has been used to help treat PMS symptoms and to help increase libido.

The best female libido enhancing supplements were carefully selected by our review team; click here to look at the list.

Wild Crafted Black Cohosh Root: Herb that has been traditionally used as a way to prevent pain during menstruation, menopause symptoms, and osteoporosis.  The natural chemicals in this can also help reduce the risk for inflammation, and it can provide benefits similar to estrogen.

Organic Eleuthero Root: Known as Siberian Ginseng, this adaptogen herb is helpful at preventing stress. There’s many potential uses for this including improving the immune system, regulating proper blood circulation, improving brain health, and supporting healthy hormone production.

Vegetable Glycerin:  Extracted from plant oils, this colorless liquid is made up of fatty acids and it has a slightly sweet taste. This is also effective at improving moisture. Glycerin is used as an inactive ingredient and it is often well-tolerated.

Here is a list of our favorite top rated supplements for natural female libido enhancement.


There isn’t much added to this but the 3 active ingredients are great for improving overall women’s’ sexual health. The ingredients can help support healthy libido, energy, and well-being. The only issue is that there really isn’t any reason to choose this over any other female libido supplement which has these ingredients alongside many other extracts.

It’s also harder to determine for certain if the dosage strength is good enough since it’s not clear how much of each is added, and whether or not it is more useful than a pure pill extract form.

There are great claims made about how this so both safe, effective, and made using pharmaceutical standards. While this sounds impressive, there is no way to verify for certain if any of this is true.

After making sure to look at many types of female sexual enhancement aids, we were able to determine what the best of the year were.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.


Each bottle provides a full 40 day serving and it sells for $39.95. This is pricy when considering the fact only 3 active ingredients are used, and it’s not certain if the dosage strength of it is good enough to provide lasting and noticeable results.

They claim that results can vary on the person but they do say that for some it took:

“6-12 months”

This is an exceptionally long time, waiting a full year potential means that you’d have to take about 9 bottles worth to finally experience results. Other brands offer much faster results. Waiting this long of a period can also make it harder to be spontaneous in sex, requiring the daily dosage of 3 vials worth can take up a lot of time. There’s simply no way to determine if it will actually be effective after the 12 month period either.

The use of homeopathic remedies is always questionable especially when a company uses it as the basis for their supplement. This greatly reduces the quality since this practice makes a lot of great claims but they fail to support any of it with actual evidence. The same goes for this supplement which is claimed to be side effect free and safe to take, yet they fail to publish any real evidence.

We have listed the top rated female sexual enhancement supplements inside of the review listed here.


They are known as NativeRemedies but their official company name is Silver Star Brands, their contact details are:

Phone Number: (877) 289-1235

Address: 250 City Center

Oshkosh, WI 54906

A total of 14 negative reviews and 84 total complaints are featured on their Better Business Bureau page. The majority 27 customers said there were issues with either the product itself or the quality of service, 26 said there were billing concerns.

The biggest concerns customers had been that they were automatically billed for product they did not request. Some also said that their private information was given to other companies. Here’s what customers had to say:

“they steal from their customers”

“excessive shipping and handling charges”

“order was delayed… representatives gave me incorrect information”

“owe me money for my return I’ve been waiting for a long time”

With so many repeat issues there were many who said they would not do business with them again. Check out the top 10 female sexual enhancement aids currently available; our review team has featured the best brands.

They also claim that their brands are made under the watch of a dedicated team of experts. There is no evidence of this. They promote the use of naturopathic medicine which has been called a pseudoscience, meaning there is no proof to show that it will actually be effective. This kind of medicine uses a lot of great claims about curing certain diseases and improving wellness, but the evidence is not available.

Their FAQ sections say that this form of medicine is useful for:

“short-term relief… no risk of side effects… (no known) interactions with pharmaceutical drugs”

It’s these kinds of unproven claims made about the brand that raise questions about its worth. There is no actual evidence to help support these potentially dangerous suggestions.

They also claim their offer a one year money back guarantee as long as the consumer tries the product for a total 30 day period. This sounds impressive but unfortunately many said that the company was difficult to deal with and that they did not honor their return policy.


Here are some consumer reviews:

“did not work for me”

“had some good results”

“Can’t tell for certain if it really works”

“Not a fast solution it takes some time before it starts to kick in”

Consumers had mixed experiences with some saying it did very little, and others adding how over time there were benefits. The opinions were mixed, making it difficult to know for certain what can be expected.

For many it took too long for there to be any noticeable effect. There was a decrease in value since the women who took it had to take it on days when they weren’t in the mood and when it was time to have sex, it was still difficult to perform.

The top ranked female sexual enhancement supplements were carefully selected by our review team; see which offer the best support by clicking here.


The active ingredients in this can be effective but due to limited information about the dosage strength, there is no way to know for certain if it will be as good as the company claims. They also have mixed reviews about the product online, and there were many complaints about the company itself. With so many saying that the company did not offer a return, that their difficult to deal with, and that there are issues with shipping it raises questions about whether or not they can be relied on.

There were many who recommended not doing business with them.  Another unproven claim is the fact that they use homeopathic medicine which has not been proven to work. Due to all these concerns there are doubts about the use of Fertile XX.

The supplement which was top ranked according to our dedicated review team is the all-natural Libitrinex. This has some potent aphrodisiac and additional ingredients which can assist in regulating blood flow, improve mood, support healthy energy levels, and also help regulate libido.

This is made by a reputable company that has a GMP certification, meaning that the facility in where they make the ingredients is approved by the FDA. Testimonials are also offered on the official website from satisfied customers. Read more information about the benefits provided by Libitrinex by clicking on the link.

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