Forta for Women Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 16, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Forta for Women is a female libido supplement that contains natural ingredients intended to boost blood flow. With just a few capsules before sex it’s meant to help increase overall sexual desire, orgasm strength, and sexual function.

A blend of 6 organic ingredients are added which should have effects within 45 to 60 minutes of ingestion. The official website also outlines what’s added, and they claim it is not habit forming. Not many other facts are given but they do make it easy to review what’s inside and how it can work.

Our goal as reviewers is to find out what brands are best, in particular for female libido support. Libitrinex was our top rated brand seen this year due to its potent formula, amount of positive reviews, and its overall potential for sexual enhancement. Read about Libitrinex by looking at our official review which we’ve linked here.

Angelica Sinensis Cordyceps Sinensis Epimedium Brevicornum
Morinda Officinalis Panax Ginseng Rehmannia Glutinosa

Angelica Sinensis: A plant known as Dong Quai which is used as a female alternative to ginseng. It is added to help reduce menstrual cramps and menopause related symptoms. It also has been used to help reduce infertility and support overall health.

The chemicals in this can be carcinogenic and it can also increase sun sensitivity according to Web MD.

To help consumers know what the best supplements of the year are for female libido enhancement, we’ve compiled a top 10 list.

Cordyceps Sinensis: A parasitic fungus used to improve immune function, increase physical stamina, and support longevity. Reviews have shown mixed results and there is a lack of sufficient studies performed on humans.

Studies into where it is sourced from reveal that the amount of arsenic present may be significantly high. This raises the risk for serious developmental issues and DNA damage. Overuse of it has caused it to be considered a nearly extinct substance in China where it is typically sourced from.

Epimedium Brevicornum: A common ingredient in libido enhancing supplements, horny goat weed is an aphrodisiac herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. This can help deliver multiple benefits including supporting blood flow and increasing libido.

Morinda Officinalis: A plant known as Indian Mulberry or Ba Ji Tian that is used primarily to increase brain function and prevent sexual related disorders. It’s also used to help prevent erectile dysfunction.

Web MD says it is likely safe when taken orally.

Rehmannia Glutinosa: Herbal ingredient used in ancient Chinese medicine to help reduce blood sugar, prevent weak bones and as a general wellness aid.

Information about this is limited and it’s not yet determined to be:

“Safe to take for medical conditions”

This is according to an analysis performed by Web MD. Without more information it’s impossible to know for certain what supplementation can lead to.

The compiled top 10 female libido supplements can help improve overall sexual function with ease.


The most telling aspect of this supplement is its use of some questionable ingredients which are either lacking sufficient studies, or which have a potential for side effects. There are some added extracts which can assist libido such as horny goat weed and ginseng, but ingredients like cordyceps and dong quai have to be specially tested to ensure there are no lingering potential contaminants.

Whether or not this will affect libido in a significant way is also undetermined, since cordyceps for example is lacking sufficient human clinical studies.  The official Forta for Women website is woeful short on facts, and they only give a few sentences to explain the function of it. Much more is needed to be able to know for certain if it’s made with quality and studies ingredients.

The top 10 female libido enhancing supplements are fully reviewed and made simple to understand; click here to review our top ranked list.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.


The official website offers different serving sizes and prices:

  • 1 year supply packs $399.99.
  • 10 pack $49.99.

No returns are offered unless of a defect in the manufacturing process.

One notable thing about this product is the lack of information on what the dosage strength is from the official website. Our review team likes to know what the breakdown is of the ingredient dosage to ensure that what you’re putting into your body is safe while also effective enough. Without this key information it raises serious doubts about whether or not it can be relief on. It’s often not just whether or not natural ingredients are used, but also in what amounts which can determine if results are possible.

In reviewing further online there was a customer who posted the back of the label but its unknown if this is up to date. Each ingredient is added in 100 mg, 75 mg, and Angelica sinensis is the sole 50 mg additive. This makes it about standard for the kinds of ingredients used.

The best supplements for female libido support have been fully analyzed by our review team; read up on what options exist by clicking this link.


Vivo Brand Management own this brand and their contact details are:

Phone Number: (855) 223-1877

Address: 148 Bryce Blvd #A

05454, Fairvax, VT

Email: Direct contact form is offered as well as [email protected]

No returns are offered unless here is an issue with manufacturing reported within 72 hours of receipt. The reason they state is because of:

“the nature of the products”

Their About Forta” section simply has a disclaimer that information will be available soon, so there isn’t much known about them from their official website.

Even information about Forta for Women on their website is limited, with only brief descriptions and details on how to use it. No dosage strength is offered but they do state what ingredients are used.

After reviewing the company online there was a notable issue found in their manufacturing which caused a recall according to the Canadian equivalent of the FDA. They stated that it had:

“undeclared drug… prescription drug… may pose serious health risks”

They recommended seeking medical attention in the case of unwanted side effects. This drug has the potential to cause numerous side effects such as:

  • Low blood pressure, heat conditions, and hearing loss.
  • Facial flush, headache, and dizziness.

This recall occurred on March 2025, and it’s not been revealed by the company how this happened, and what steps have been put into place to ensure it won’t ever happen again. These kinds of serious issues may be due to an error, or it may be done on purpose. Sometimes supplement companies will sneak in cheap drugs to make the effects come on strong, so as to help consumers experience a notable difference.

The major issue with this is that drugs need to be prescribed by a medical professional who can offer proper dosage strength to consumer’s weight and height. Taking drugs without prior knowledge can be extremely harmful or worse yet, fatal.

Our favorite female libido supplements can help improve sexual function with only natural ingredients; click to see what brands are top rated.


Few reviews are available online, here’s what we were able to find:

“Not for me I didn’t see any benefits at all”

“Yeah this was a waste of money no improvement on my end”

“It was good”

“made it easy to sneak in another round so happy to recapture our youth”

Reviews were split with some claiming they didn’t see changes, and others adding how it was beneficial. Because there were only a small amount of reviews to examine, there are doubts about whether or not it can be trusted to judge what a likely effect would be.  More reviews are needed to know for certain what can be expected and if it is safe and useful.

Click this link for access to our top 10 list of female libido supplements which can best satisfy sexual enhancement.


The information on the available ingredients shows a mix of both understudied additives and potentially effective, but also commonly used ingredients. When choosing supplements like this it’s important to get as much information as possible, and judging from what’s offered by the company, they make it impossible to know more about the quality. They have had a major recall after the FDA found a prescription drug in their supplements, and this was a very dangerous leak which can be devastating. The company sells this at a premium cost for the kinds of ingredients used, some of which are often added to similar supplements.

The number 1 brand our review team saw this year for female libido enhancement is Libitrinex. It combines a blend of natural ingredients that are well-regarded and helpful for the improvement of mood, energy, and overall sexual function.

The reviews by consumers were greatly positive with many stating how it gave them a reinvigorated sense of relief. The company also produces it in a facility that is inspected by the FDA to ensure quality control. More information on Libitrinex is offered by our expert’s review which goes over what’s added and how it can improve female libido with only natural ingredients.

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