NEW FemVigor Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 16, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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FemVigor is a female libido supplement described as a safe and reliable way to bring back sexual confidence. Overall sexual health benefits are claimed with the ability to boost blood flow as well as overall sexual drive.

This is made to improve stamina, pleasure, orgasm and lubrication. It’s even said to work without the fear of any side effects.  Their formula is doctor approved and potent according to their website. All they advise is 2 capsules daily, one before bed and another in the morning. They even say that thousands of women have used this with noticeable improvements of sexual pleasure.

The supplement that was most impressive according to our review team is Libitrinex. This natural libido enhancing pill was highly rated by consumers and it had the best formula available for direct sexual enhancement in women. Click here for a breakdown of Libitrinex to see how it works, what’s inside of it, and why it was top ranked.


No explanation is given as to the exact dosage strength but their ingredients include:

L-Arginine Pyridoxine HCL Sida Cordifolia Asparagus Adscendens
Abelmoschus Moschatus Anacyclus Pyrethrum

L-Arginine: A popular blood flow enhancing ingredient which is naturally found in foods rich in protein such as meat, dairy, nuts, and grains. It can help stimulate the growth of nitric oxide, making it easier to stay aroused. It is often added to libido supplements for both men and women alike.

Pyridoxine HCL: Vitamin B6 which helps support healthy digestion, nerve function, muscle growth, and energy. This can also be used to help treat menopause related symptoms. B vitamins are popular inside of libido enhancing supplements due to their reliable effects.

Sida Cordifolia: A shrub native to India that is used for nasal congestion and to improve the central nervous system. Inside of it is ephedrine which may be potentially hazardous in large amounts. This can promote strong stimulant like effects and its pure extract is banned as a supplement due to serious health concerns.

Often supplement companies will use herbs like this which naturally have ephedrine, since it is easy to hide the amount used.

It also has been traditionally used to help treat erectile dysfunction and nerve function, it’s unclear what female libido enhancing effect it may have. Web MD has also said that this is:

“LIKELY UNSAFE for any user”

This is because it may potentially lead to many side effects including:

  • High blood pressure, muscle disorders, and seizure.
  • Stroke, loss of consciousness and pounding heart rate.

Since there is no mention at all as to the full amount of Ephedra, this may be a potentially risky ingredient to supplement with.

We’ve selected the top rated supplements which showed the best potential for natural libido enhancement in women.

Asparagus Adscendens: A traditional Ayurvedic herb that is used for improved nerve function. This has antioxidant and antibacterial benefits, and it is often used as an aphrodisiac. Web MD does sate that due to a lack of information, it’s not known if it is safe to use.

Abelmoschus Moschatus: A plant found in India which his supplemented to help improve digestion, treat headaches, and as a perfume. Details about how it works exactly are limited and Web MD says:

“There isn’t enough information”

Anacyclus Pyrethrum: Aphrodisiac used in Ayurvedic medicine which is mostly supplemented for men’ libido. It is claimed to help improve testosterone and for the improvement of fertility. says that this often requires:

“Daily dosing”

They do claim that after it’s used the libido enhancing effects can continue on.

The brands listed here were our top picks for natural female libido enhancement.


Both too many often used ingredients as well as understudied additives are used. The additives which are not well understand unfortunate have the potential to cause dangerous side effects. The dangerous natural ephedra within the Sida Cordifolia can potentially cause serious damage.

There’s also no evidence that most of the aphrodisiac herbs will actually help increase libido. Since the official website does not provide any evidence, there’s no reason to believe that this will actually be as effective as it’s claimed.

Without much more details it’s impossible to know for certain if this is a quality supplement. There are serious questions which must be answered before consumers can make a decision on this supplement.

The top 10 supplements for female libido enhancement were carefully selected by our review team; click here to examine it.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.


A single bottle sold direct from the company retails for $59. They break this down to 98 cents per pill. 2 out of the 6 ingredients are naturally found in food, and this leaves controversial ingredients like Sida Cordifolia.

A major problem with this supplement is that they add a warning that says:

“Heavy metals within permissible limits”

While it’s good that they warn there are unwanted heavy metals, it calls into question what metals are included and why. This could be potentially dangerous additives like lead which can lead to DNA damage, reproductive harm, and many other issues.  Typically ingredients which have heavy metals do so because they are sourced from China where the safety regulations aren’t as strict.

They also fail to add how much heavy metals are used, they claim it is within safe limits but without notification as to the exact amount, there is no reason to believe their claims.  There is no way to determine if the price is fair without there being an explanation as to why there are heavy metals added, and whether or not there are dangerous levels of Ephedra used.

Here is our top ranked list of female sexual enhancement aids.


They do not make it clear what their company name is, but on one part of the website they do say questions are direct to VitoPharma. Their full contact details are provided however:

Phone Number: (866) 583-3047

Address: 4 Research Dr. Suite 402

Shelton, CT 06484

What’s confusing about this brand is that there are 2 websites which look official, both a .com and .net. Once you navigate around its noticeable how many of the same claims are made, and the logo used is exactly the same. It’s unknown if both are produced by the website and whether or not they can be trusted.

Both websites even use the exact same contact information, no explanation is given as to why they decided to do this.

A 90 day money back guarantee is offered and they say they provide a full 24/7 customer support staff.

There are a few complaints on multiple websites which claim that the company did not honor their return policy.  The Better Business Bureau also said that they send mail to the company but that it was sent back, which my mean they are no longer at their claimed address.

The brands offered here were top rated for their ability to help improve female sexual health.


No reviews were available though a few written testimonials are found on their official website. Due to the lack of consumer experiences there’s no way to know for certain what can be expected. More realize evidence is needed to help make sure that people used this safely, especially considering they have added heavy metals in this which can be very dangerous.

There is no explanation as to why there is a lack of reliable reviews, only 3 testimonials are offered on the official website and no other opinions can be found on any website.

The top rated supplements for natural female libido support were carefully selected by our expert team.


Due to the lack of reviews and the questionable ingredients, there is no way to know for certain if this is reliable supplement. Some of the ingredients can be potentially dangerous and the natural ephedra in one of the plants may even lead to death. There’s also the questionable use of heavy metals which serve no purpose but which can lead to dangerous symptoms. The company also has questionable practices with multiple websites for one brand, making it difficult to trust them. There formula itself isn’t impressive and though they use rarely added ingredients some of these are lacking sufficient proof.

The number 1 rated female libido enhancement aid was Libitrinex. Because it uses a natural formula, the reviews were favorable, and the company is reputable, it fit all the criteria for a wholesome supplement. Customers raved about its ability to help boost overall energy and sexual vigor. This can help stimulate blood flow, reduce fatigue, enhance physical pleasure, and make it easier to stay aroused.

The company offers a great explanation as to how it works, and each ingredient can offer a great benefit to improve overall sexual function. They also provide consumers with testimonials to help showcase what others have gained from it. Read about Libitrinex and its natural formula by checking out our exclusive review of it; click here to examine.

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