Herbal Ignite Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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Herbal Ignite is a supplement offered for women that supports healthy menstruation support to revitalize the body. They claim it helps women to their pre-menopause stage of life.
The formula has different herbs and should deliver benefits either instantly or within a few days. Most benefits come when supplemented for a full 60 to 90 days continuously, though they do say results vary. Some benefits include improved sleep, better mood, anti-aging support, improved libido, and overall wellness. We’ve analyzed many female libido supplements and the one which was most impressive was Libitrinex.
Testimonials from users and its formula showcase how effective it can be at improving overall sexual function. Check out the official Libitrinex website to learn about how it can improve libido and overall wellness in women.

Different versions of this exist but the one made especially for women contains the following active additives (no mention of inactive ingredients is offered):
Tribulus Terrestris |
Damiana |
Horny Goat Weed |
Dong Quai |
Tribulus Terrestris: An herb found worldwide that is commonly used in Ayurvedic practices to help increase sexual health and libido. It has diuretic properties and is also used to help support the bladder, urinary tract and genitals.
This is also supplemented for other purposes including improvement of muscle strength and overall body frame.
Review our top 10 list of the top rated female libido supplements by clicking on the link here.
Damiana: A shrub used for its aphrodisiac properties, it can help support the nervous system and brain. When used in amounts common to food it is likely to be safe to use. It’s not known what the total amount is within Herbal Ignite since they fail to publish the full supplements facts list.
Horny Goat Weed: Aphrodisiac often used in male sexual enhancement supplements which are used to help increase the rate of erections. The intended benefits are to improve blood flow and to prevent bone loss in women who have menopause.
Web MD does add how side effects are a possibility such as:
- Nosebleed, vomiting, and dizziness.
- Serious breathing issues, dry mouth, and spasms.
- Reduced blooded pressure, irregular heartbeat, and mood swings.
There’s also the highly dangerous risk of abnormal heat changes which can be serious if the user has a heart condition. This can potentially lead to stroke and heart attack if overused.
As far as its claimed benefits it may be beneficial at increasing sexual desire and blood flow, but so far studies are inconclusive as Web MD has stated:
“Horny Goat Weed… unproven treatment”
There is also a lack of information on what the proper dosage strength would be. Without this information it may be hard to know for certain what would be a proper strength for its claimed benefits. It is also not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding women to supplement with.
Dong Quai: Used in Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac meant to stimulate fertility, and to also treat menstrual issues. Supplementing with this can increase the risk for sun sensitivity, and it also has chemicals which can be potentially carcinogenic according to Web MD.
The University of Maryland Medical Center found that it:
“did not help… relieve menopausal symptoms”
They also say that there is conflicting research on what kind of an effect it may have for menopause. Without more data it’s not yet clear if this would be safe and effective to use.
Our best of list showcases the top 10 best female libido brands of the year as seen by our expert team.
No full supplements facts list is provided so it’s unclear what the inactive ingredients are. The rest of the 4 active ingredients are fairly typical to female libido supplements. While often used, some of these additives like horny goat weed do have the potential to cause side effects.
There is also the questionable Dong Quai which has not been proven to help women suffering from menopause.
The added Damiana also has the potential to cause convulsions and even poisoning like side effects in certain amounts. This can be very dangerous and unfortunately the company does not offer returns in the case of side effects.
What’s particularly odd about this supplement is the fact that they do not publish the dosage strength on their website. It is highly important in order for users to give an accurate assessment of what is possible to view this information. Without knowing how much is added it’s impossible to determine if it is safe and effective.
The top 10 list has the year’s most highly rated supplements for the improvement of female libido.
Direct sales are offered on the official website for $73.18 per single 90 capsule bottles. They recommend taking 3 capsules a day so you get a full 30 day supply per bottle. The average cost for daily supplementation is $2.43, much higher than similar other brands with the similar formula.
This is a very basic kind of supplement with ingredients that are often reputedly found in other female libido supplements.
There is no way to determine for certain if they add it in any meaningful amount. Without knowing this you also can’t know for certain if it is priced fairly.
They claim that it has already:
“helped thousands of women”
But no evidence in the form of testimonials or any kind of written statements is provided. These claims sound great but they are often made by websites looking to sell their products, there’s no indication that they are basing this off of any real science.

Check out the top 10 female libido pills that we have fully examined in our reviews.
The company name is Intenza NZ LTD and they have their contact info as:
Phone Number: (866) 585-4489
Email: [email protected]
Returns are possible within 90 days if the bottle in question is not opened. The cap has to be sealed on tight and not tampered with. The condition also has to be able to be resold to other consumers.
Because they are based out of New Zealand it may require additional money to pay for it if you are outside of this zone. Little is known about the company and they offer limited details on how they operate. No issues with recalls are known however, and there doesn’t seem to be anything questionable about how they operate.
They do not have any Better Business Bureau listing nor have they been featured on any business watchdog group sites.
Our picks for the best female libido support supplements are compiled in this link.
The company website claims thousands have been helped but there are no signs of this since at the time of this review there are no available opinions. There is zero trace of the female version of this pill being used by customers.
Since you can’t examine consumer reviews there is no way to know for certain what kinds of results are possible, if any. This also makes it impossible to know if any users have experienced side effects, and if so, what kinds.
The only signs that it may be used is their low follower account on their social media pages but no reviews are offered their either.
This goes against the claims made about how effective it is, and how it has already produced results in many consumers.
Review our list of the top ranked female libido supplements, the top 10 best are highlighted here.
The ingredients are fairly standard and while they may affect libido and support women dealing with menopause, there is no reason to favor this over the several other brands with the same formula. The company does not offer a money back return policy if the bottle in questions is opened or tampered with, and no one has reviewed it at this time. They also fail to give sufficient reasoning as to how it can be effective since no studies or testimonials are offered. It’s also quite costly, much more so than the many other female libido supplements sold. Because of all these underlying issues it does not stand out with its simple formula and lack of reviews.
The best option for female libido enhancement was the all-natural formula provided by Libitrinex. We favored it over other brands because its formula contains only potent extracts added in sufficiently high dosage strength, and the reviews from consumers were also favorable. Customers noticed great changes in their mood and sexual arousal, and it helped reignite their sex lives.
The creators also sell it at a fair price and they ensure the quality is consistent by producing it in a facility inspected and approved by the FDA. Their website also offers great testimonials from women who were able to experience great improvements. More information on Libitrinex is offered on their official website which is linked here.
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I have been taking herbal ignite for her, didn’t do me any good, I think I just wanted my 99$, yes it’s TRUE I have been getting nose bleeding a lot, didn’t help me with my menopause at all,