NEW Forte Love Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) October 18, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Forte Love is a libido-stimulating drink mix that is supposed to lead to better sexual performance for women with low sex drives. It is also supposed to help regulate better hormone production.

Forte Love is a mixture that can be poured into any drink, where will dissolve and can then be ingested. The mix contains ingredients that are supposed to increase sexual energy and improve circulation to the vagina and clitoris, as well as to increase sensitivity for higher pleasure during sex. When taken regularly it is supposed to improve the production of hormones for better mood and a healthier overall sex drive.

Difficulties with getting “in the mood,” and having a satisfying sex life are suffered by many women, and the the best product for addressing these issues is Libitrinex. Its proprietary blend of natural herbs can help treat the root causes of a low libido in women, and it has a history of satisfied customers who can attest to its effects. Click here to read about the benefits we found in Libitrinex, and to see what customers have said about it.


Forte Love appears to only contain two main ingredients. While it is possible that these don’t make up the entire list of ingredients of the drink mix, they are likely to be the only active ones:

L-Arginine Ginseng

L-Arginine: A nutrient commonly found in many types of foods like fish, poultry, and wheat, this ingredient is known for its positive effects on cardiovascular flow. It’s also known for being able to keep hormone production healthy and balanced, as well as being able to assist the kidneys in cleansing the blood of waste and toxins.

Ginseng: An herb traditionally used in Chinese folk medicine, it has been used in the past to stimulate a more active sex drive in women, as well as to increase athletic stamina and overall performance.

We’ve made a list of female-oriented sex supplements, and these are our top choices.


Forte Love has very few ingredients, and some might see this as positive, given that there could be fewer opportunities for side effects. The problem, though, is not the active ingredients – the question is about the other, possibly hidden, ingredients.

Since there is no clear company website where this product is sold, we had to cobble together a list from different sources, and could not get a straight story. On an Ebay page, where the above ingredients were listed, it added later that there is sugar in it. Another source said that it contains caffeine and acacia resin.

If the product contains caffeine, it is not clear why it is no clearly-visible on the packaging. Some people are sensitive to caffeine – which can be used to help speed up metabolism of health products – and can suffer from rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and insomnia as a result. The product no longer sounds so simple, once you figure in that you may have to think twice about when you take it, as taking it at night (a common time for people to have sex) could ruin a night of sleep.

All in all, because of the confusing and widely-varying information about what is in the product (and because of the lack of a central product website that clearly lists all the ingredients) we cannot say whether the ingredients included are of very high quality, or are in safe dosages. In addition to that, the truth is that the product could contain anything – the image of the package contains no list of ingredients in English.

For the best in naturally-derived women’s libido supplements, click here.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.


Forte Love appears to only be available for purchase from a Ukrainian Ebay store. The cost for a package is $35.25, although the price is somewhat reduced if you choose to buy two or more packs at a time.

We could not see any clear indication of how many servings each pack contains, meaning that the customer could get a month of use out of it, or only a couple evenings worth. Since the mix is intended to be drunk regularly, this means that customers could potentially have to buy many packs in order to get the full effects, and that means the price could skyrocket past $90 or more a month.

Due to the fact that the product may not last, and due to the simplicity of its ingredients and lack of information in English, we cannot say that this product is worth the potentially-high monthly cost.

Click this link to see our Top Ten list of women’s sexual performance supplements.


Forte Love appears to be made by a company called Forte Love, a company which has very little to no information on it.

Phone Number: No phone number.

Address: No address.

Email: No email address is listed.

As there is no online presence for this company, there are no product guarantees or return policy as such. It appears as though the Ebay outlet that sells it has their own policy (60 days money back guarantee), but that’s all. This being the case, customers do not have much of a reason to trust the company who makes the product, and only have it on the word of the third-party outlet selling the pills.

The lack of online presence for this company is troubling. An Ebay page claims that the product is made in Brazil, and another website reviewing the product claimed that the company is based in Spain. We could not find a main company page through a traditional web crawler search. This means that people will be disappointed if they want to research the company and see if they have the qualifications necessary to sell nutritional supplements, or if there is anyone associated with the company with a background in nutrition or physiology who can vet the formula.

For better energy, and a higher sex drive, you’ve got to check out these treatment options.

Women’s sexual well-being is a very intimate, sensitive subject, and so when it comes to these products which people meant to take to change people’s body chemistry, extreme care must be taken that the product comes from a trustworthy source. And for a company to have zero presence and no way of being contacted is suspicious, as it means the company is made nearly impossible to reach if a customer must have their needs and questions addressed.

In addition, the company is more able to avoid accountability if it turns out the product doesn’t work, or is in fact harmful.

These supplements can help boost a woman’s sex drive.


We could not find any reviews of Forte Love on the Ukrainian Ebay page which appears to be its sole source at the moment. The store has included a screenshot of some supposed customer reviews, but none of them have to do with the product itself:

“The product was just as it was described.”

“It didn’t take long at all to arrive.”

“Good job with the sale! Everything was efficient and took no time at all.”

There’s no sign that the drink mix works as described, only that the vendor was prompt with delivery.

Customer reviews are important to tell new and potential consumers whether a product works, and to give the public some sign of the product’s efficacy. The lack of any mention of whether the product works is worrying, and leads one to suspect that it’s just as likely that the supplement does not work as well as it should.

Click here for a list of the best women’s sexual health supplements.


Forte Love claims to be able to change a woman’s sex life for the better, by increasing her sexual drive and her sensitivity, but because we cannot get a clear idea of what ingredients are contained in the product (as it was made clear, different websites said different things), there’s no clear sign that the mix of ingredients will be effective at all. Women sensitive to caffeine will likely have worse sleep if they try to take the product. In addition, due to the complete lack of customer reviews, it is possible that the product has never worked for anyone. In light of these findings, we find it hard to recommend this supplement to anyone.

However, there is a better alternative which can address the important biological issues which affect women’s sex drives, and that is a natural supplement called Libitrinex. It uses a proprietary mix of 100% natural ingredients and is manufactured in a facility that exceeds industry standards for manufacturing quality. The resulting product is one that can work with the body to re-invigorate and boost the sex drive, to regulate the hormones which affect sexual performance, and even to increase sexual pleasure during intimacy.

And unlike Forte Love, it has plenty of customer reviews that anyone can read in order to make a more informed decision.

Out of the many women’s health products we’ve reviewed, we’ve found that Libitrinex continues to stand out from the competition in terms of its quality as well as its effectiveness. For our review of the all the benefits of Libitrinex, and for a survey of customer opinions, check out this link.

One Response to NEW Forte Love Review

Riivo Saar says:

How can I buy it?

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