NEW Evedol Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?
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Evedol is a female health supplement that claims to promote sexual arousal in women with a low libido. By using the product, women are supposed to feel more energized and get more pleasure out of sex.
When taken as directed, the product promises to activate the sex drive, allowing women who would otherwise not be “in the mood” to become fully sexually energized and jump right into the act. In addition, women who take it are supposed to have more natural lubrication, as well as an easier time achieving orgasm. Finally, its non-sexual effects include improved energy and better mood overall, as well as reduced depression and anxiety.
Women looking to improve their libido as well as their overall reproductive health have many options in the nutritional market, but Libitrinex is the best choice out of them all. With its mixture of 100% natural ingredients designed explicitly to enhance sexual experience for women, we’ve seen no better product than it. To read more information about Libitrinex, and to see how customers are reacting, check out this link.

Evedol has a huge mix of different herbs, vitamins, and compounds, but here are some of the main ones:
L-Arginine |
Epimedium |
Dong Quai |
Catuaba |
Ginkgo Biloba |
Damiana |
Ashwagandha |
Ginger |
Mucuna Pruriens |
Maca |
Muria Purama |
Sarsparilla |
Asparagus Extract |
Tyrosine |
BioPerine |
L-Arginine: This nutrient considered important for good cardiovascular flow and heart health. It helps the kidneys clean up the blood, and can also help to improve hormonal balance.
Epimedium: Also known as horny goat weed, this plant has been used in traditional Asian medicine to improve blood flow to erectile tissue in men and women. It is also said to be able to treat the symptoms of high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and joint pain.
Dong Quai: The root of this plant is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat symptoms of menopause, infertility, anemia, and constipation. Unfortunately, there are possible side effects when using it, including increased skin sensitivity to UV rays, and according to WebMD, there are suggestions that chemicals in dong quai can cause cancer. This has not been confirmed, however.
Read this list for the Top Ten supplements for women’s sexual function.
Catuaba: A bark from which a medicine can be made, which is claimed to improve sexual arousal, to treat erectile dysfunction in men, and a bunch of other problems such as fatigue, trouble sleeping, and poor memory.
Ginkgo Biloba Extract: Derived from the bark of the ginkgo trees of east Asia, this extract is said to treat different disorders such as low sexual performance, and can improve blood flow.
Damiana: A plant found in Central America, it is used in traditional medicine as an aphrodisiac. It is also prescribed for diarrhea, headaches, and depression.
Ashwagandha: A plant that has long been used in traditional Indian medicine, the root of this plant has been used to treat arthritis, insomnia, as well as menstrual issues in women. In larger doses there are potentially dangerous side effects that could include:
- Stomach problems, diarrhea, vomiting
- Vaginal spotting, bleeding, and miscarriages
- Can cause a drop in blood sugar
Among the other ingredients are vitamins B3, B6, and B12, all of which are prescribed for energy and overall body health.
For the best in sexual enhancement products for women, click this link.
Evedol is made up of a mixture of various extracts and ingredients that are used in naturopathic and traditional folk medicines, primarily for blood circulations and increased sexual vigor. Unfortunately, some of these ingredients are to be approached with caution.
Ashwagandha, for example, despite its supposed positive effects upon the menstrual cycle and the uterus in general, comes with very little scientific backing and a host of different discomforting side effects. The association of the herb with miscarriage makes it especially dangerous for women who are pregnant and are taking a libido booster to counteract the hormonal effects of pregnancy.
In addition, ingredients like dong quai have very little in terms of clinical testing to back up the claims made about its effects, and so there is no clear evidence whether it works or not.
Check out these options for the safest, most natural ways to kick your libido up a notch.
Evedol is currently sold at several online vendors, including the company’s main website as well as Amazon. As of writing this review, it is “on sale” for $49.95 for a one month supply, a price that matches the one on Amazon for the same amount.
Each bottle contains 60 capsules, and at a recommended dosage of 2 capsules a day, each bottle should last around a month.
The product page offers several discount options for buying multiple bottles, and that is where the price per bottle can go down dramatically. The only problem with this is that, in order for people to get the best deal on the product, they have to make a larger investment in it ($90+) – and that’s before they even know if the pills will work for them or not.
Due to the mid-to-high price of this supplement, and considering the questionable value and possible dangers associated with several of the ingredients in its blend of compounds and herbs, we cannot say right now that the price of the product is worth it for the average customer.

Click here to read about our top ten supplements for improving low libido in women.
Evedol is made and sold by a company by the same name. There is no “Contact Us” page on their website, meaning we had to sift through the website page by page, and were unable to see any clearly-listed contact information beyond a customer service email address and an address for returns:
Phone Number: Not listed.
Address: 27 N. Phillipi Street, Boise ID 83706
Email: [email protected]
Their return policy allows products to be returned within 60 days for a full refund, ,even unopened bottles. However, the “fine print” clarifies that there is a limit of 2 open bottles per return, meaning that people who buy three or more for their purchase will not get a refund for the third or fourth bottle if they have been opened.
Here is the ultimate list of sexual performance-enhancing products for women.
Evedol as a company leaves much to be desired. Their company seems to sell only one product, and while that alone is nothing to worry about, it is concerning that there is such a lack of information on the site about the company that makes it.
While there is plenty of information about the product, its ingredients, and its supposed health benefits, someone visiting the website will see nothing about the history of Evedol, its founders, its mission, or any sort of personnel involved who might have a background in medicine, nutrition, or physical therapy who can vouch for the effects the medicine is supposed to have, or who may have helped develop it.
On top of that, there are no mentions of the Evedol company in any business listings or on any other reputable websites.
The fact that there are no names of any of the people involved, that no phone numbers for customers to call, and that there is no evidence that the company has any qualifications to sell nutritional supplements in the first place all lead one to doubt whether the company is truly trustworthy or not.
You’ll want to see this list of the Top 10 libido-enhancing supplements for women.
The only reviews for Evedol that we could find were on the company’s official product page. Many of the reviews, unsurprisingly, were positive, although even here there were some minor detractors:
“A great value for the price! My husband can’t believe how sexual I am now.”
“It took weeks for me to notice any differences, but until then I was stuck waiting.”
“I wish it were possible to only take one pill per day instead of the recommended 2.”
“This product helped me to achieve orgasm, which is extremely rare for me.”
There are other testimonials, but the fact that they are all uniformly positive leads to the possibility that the website only allows positive reviews on the site, which is unfortunate. There are people who would probably like to see reviews from people for whom this didn’t work, as they would likely prefer to know if there were any side effects and what conditions those people had that could lead them to have a similar experience.
There are no reviews for the product on the Amazon page. This is disappointing as Amazon can be a good third-party platform for viewing what other people have to say about various products, without worrying if there is any editing or censoring going on.
For improving low sexual energy in women, these products are the best of the best.
Based on the fact that the mix of ingredients has some mixed qualities and some potentially sickening side effects, the fact that the company does not have a very professional appearance and it is difficult to contact them directly, and the fact that there are no reviews of the product on third-party websites, this product does not have a lot going for it.
In the field of nutrition, we advise that people turn instead to options that come from reputable, professional businesses that have good communication and more transparency.
One alternative we can suggest for women dealing with a weak libido is a product called Libitrinex. Using respected and naturally-derived ingredients developed made in a U.S. facility that exceeds industry standards for quality, it is an effective and safe option for women who want to have better sex lives, better energy, and a happier mood.
Libitrinex is our number one choice for women who want to recharge and boost their sexual health. Check out this link for more about Libitrinex, as well as to see how customers are reacting.
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